Big Sky Family. Charlotte Carter
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Название: Big Sky Family

Автор: Charlotte Carter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ Ellie strolled toward the fence and Arnie. He looked dressed for wrangling cows, well-worn, faded jeans, blue work shirt and black Stetson firmly in place. Despite the wheelchair, he managed to radiate sinewy strength, constrained only by his self-confidence.

      “Good morning.” Her voice a little husky, she forced a smile. “I hope my check didn’t bounce already.”

      His lips twitched, and a sparkle appeared in his dark eyes. “No one has deposited it yet. Should I be worried?”

      “No, of course not,” she gasped. “I just thought—”

      “I came by to see Vanna. There’s a school board meeting Thursday night. They’re going to vote on Vanna’s request to turn Ability Counts into a charter school, kindergarten through third grade.”

      “Yes, Vanna mentioned that to me.” Vanna’s dream of expanding Ability Counts from four preschool classrooms to a school for all primary grades was a big reason Ellie had been so eager to accept the job here. The school board hearing was a first step.

      “I’m going speak to the need for specialized services for disabled kids. I wanted to touch base with her before the meeting, and I was in town, anyway.”

      “I think she’s in the office.”

      “Good. See you later, kids.” He started to roll up the ramp, then stopped. “Are you coming to the board meeting?”

      “Yes. Vanna wanted as many supporters as possible to attend. We’ve asked all the parents to be there if they can.”

      He held her gaze for a moment, making Ellie wonder if he was pleased or dismayed by her answer. Then he nodded. “I’ll see you Thursday night.”

      He wheeled away, Sheila trotting along with him. Ellie exhaled. After all these years, he shouldn’t have any effect on her. No racing pulse. No shallow breathing. No ache for what might have been.

      But he did affect her. Like a direct shot of caffeine into her veins. A shot she’d better get over soon, before she made a fool of herself.

      “All right, children,” she said, shaking off the image of Arnie’s muscular arms and his sweet smile for the kids. “Let’s go inside for story time. Can you all please line up at the door?” She gently herded the youngsters toward the classroom.

      Before she had the children settled down, Peggy Numark appeared at the classroom door. Short and petite, Peggy looked like a pixie and would never be taken for the fifty-year-old teacher that she was. More like a mother of one of the children.

      “Ellie, Vanna would like to see you in the conference room. She asked me to take your kids for a few minutes.”

      Ellie frowned. “Now?”

      Without any further explanation, Peggy said, “Come along, children. Miss Peggy has the best story she’s going to read to you.”

      Dutifully, the children trailed after the energetic teacher.

      With a puzzled shake of her head, Ellie headed for the conference room, located near Vanna’s office. She arrived to find Arnie still meeting with Vanna.

      Ellie slowed her pace. “Peggy said you wanted—”

      “Yes, come in, please.” Vanna waved her in the door. “I need to pick your brain a bit.”

      “She already picked mine,” Arnie said, deadpan. “And discovered it was empty.”

      Ellie’s lips twitched. “That’s hard to believe.”

      “Not when you know I spend my days talking to a dog and a bunch of cows,” he countered.

      Sheila shook her head, rattling her collar, as though she disagreed with Arnie’s statement.

      Choosing a chair opposite Arnie, Ellie sat down at the long table. “What did you need?” she asked Vanna.

      “I want it to be obvious to the school board members at the meeting Thursday that we have a lot of support in the community,” Vanna said. “I’m not quite sure how to do that in a subtle, but very visible, way.”

      “I suggested everyone could wave little American flags,” Arnie said. “I think Nate at the grocery store probably has some.”

      “I’m not keen on that idea. Not specific enough.” Vanna’s brows lowered in thought, and she rubbed her left arm.

      “Maybe a campaign-style button,” Ellie said. “Something big enough to be seen at a distance, with Ability Counts printed on it.”

      Vanna brightened. “Well, now …” She turned to

      Arnie. “What do you think?”

      “I’ve always thought Ellie was more than just a beautiful woman. She’s smart, too.” His steady gaze latched onto hers, but he didn’t smile.

      For a moment, Ellie couldn’t breathe. Was that what he’d really thought of her? Could that possibly still be true? It was impossible to read his thoughts when he sent such a mixed message.

      Vanna eyed Arnie with interest and smiled. “Then I’d say we have a winner. Can you find out where to get those buttons made?” she asked Ellie.

      “I may have to drive to Manhattan, but a copier store should be able to do the job.”

      “Perfect,” Vanna announced.

      She stood to end the meeting, and Ellie followed suit, still hearing the echo of Arnie’s words in her head. Beautiful and smart.

      After school, Ellie drove the ten miles to Manhattan. She made the arrangements for the buttons to be ready in time for the meeting, then decided to stop on the way home to say hello to Mindy at her shop in Potter Creek.

      “How come we’re going to a knitting store?” Torie asked.

      “A friend of mine works there. I want to say hello to her and have her meet you.” Ellie checked the rearview mirror and eased out of her parking spot. “Does she have any kids I can play with?”

      “I’m afraid not.” Reversing direction, she drove out of the parking lot and turned west, toward the center of Potter Creek. The small town served a population of maybe five thousand people in the surrounding area. For any major shopping excursion, the locals drove to Manhattan, or all the way to Bozeman. “Maybe she’ll have some yarn crafts you’d like to make.”

      “Are you going to buy some yarn to make me something?”

      “I might. You could use a new sweater for fall.” Main Street looked much like it always had: grocery, hardware and drugstore on one side of the street; a diner, real estate and newspaper offices on the opposite side. At the far end of town, a brick building served as city hall and was adjacent to the popular public swimming pool. A stark contrast to downtown Spokane or even to the suburbs of that sprawling, big city with its traffic congestion and the press of a growing population.

      To its advantage, however, Potter Creek was a size that a person could get her brain wrapped around, a comfortable, friendly place to live. Schoolkids rode their bikes СКАЧАТЬ