A Man Apart. Ginna Gray
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Название: A Man Apart

Автор: Ginna Gray

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ with a bit of an edge.

      Maude Ann, however, was neither cool and distant nor chic and sophisticated. She was totally natural and unaffected. She was a woman who went around barefoot in cutoff jeans and T-shirts without a speck of makeup. A woman who opened her arms to children with problems. A woman who was compassionate and loving and maternal, a natural born earth mother.

      Her husky laugh rang out, and Matt saw her grab Debbie up and swing her around.

      He’d seen her do that sort of thing constantly since his arrival. Daily, she gave each child an equal amount of attention and time, listening to their earnest chatter as though it was the most important thing she’d ever heard, laughing with them and giving them smiles and praise. He’d noticed, too, that she constantly touched the children, ruffling their hair, patting their cheeks or their shoulders, giving them hugs and kisses or squeezing their hands.

      No doubt, that sort of thing was important to a child’s emotional well-being. The kids certainly seemed to eat it up.

      What baffled Matt was, why the devil did those simple actions suddenly seem so damned sexy?

      Chapter Five

      He was getting stronger. He could feel it.

      Matt hobbled along the path through the woods, determination and a feeling of satisfaction driving him on.

      Every day he pushed himself a little harder than the day before, walking farther, forcing himself to depend less and less on the cane, and the effort was beginning to pay off. Mostly he used the walking stick for balance, leaning on it only now and then when he stepped wrong and received a jab of pain in his leg.

      He went around a bend and through the trees saw the lodge up ahead. Matt chugged down the last of his water, and when he emerged from the woods, he headed for the back steps. On the veranda he paused to do a few cool-down twists and stretches.

      He took these walks in the mornings, and in the afternoons he did the exercises and stretching that the hospital’s physical therapist had recommended, only Matt did more than prescribed, and he was gradually stepping up the pace and intensity. The pain was still there. So was the limp, but both were gradually lessening.

      It had been two weeks since he’d started applying himself to getting back in shape, and already he could walk half a mile or more without undue suffering. Jane’s excellent cooking had put back some of the weight he’d lost, and the color had come back to his skin. If he continued to improve at the same rate, he figured he could switch from walking to running within a couple of months.

      When he reached that goal, he would get Hank or one of the other guys on the force to bring his set of weights to the lodge so he could begin some strength training.

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