When Silence Falls. Shirlee McCoy
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СКАЧАТЬ the officers.”

      “Can you ask him to call me when he’s done?”


      “Piper, Mom and Dad are enjoying the first vacation they’ve had in years. I’d hate to ruin it by telling them you’re in some kind of trouble.”

      “That’s blackmail.”

      “Whatever works.”

      “Fine. I’ll tell him.” She hung up and thrust the phone back at its owner. “Here you go. Thanks again for letting me use it.”

      He nodded, his gaze too knowing to be comfortable. “I guess Grayson hasn’t changed.”

      “You know Gray?” No wonder his eyes had seemed familiar.

      “Knew. But not as well as I knew Seth. He and I were too young to hang with Grayson and his buddies.”

      He grinned and held out a hand. “Cade Macalister.”

      “Cade? Cade who used to tie my shoelaces together and laugh when I tripped?” Piper squinted, trying to see the scrawny kid with glasses in the scruffily attractive man who stood before her.

      “I guess you remember.”

      “How could I forget? You and my brother spent hours coming up with ways to torture me.”

      “Self-defense. You followed us around everywhere. It’s hard to look cool when you’ve got a little girl hanging out with you.”

      Piper laughed, relaxing for the first time in what seemed like hours. “I guess that’s true.”

      “It’s definitely true. How is Seth?”

      “Good. He’s out of the country. We should hear from him early next month. Aren’t you a military guy, too?”

      “I was. Dad had a stroke a year and a half ago, and I’m helping him out for a while.”

      “I’d heard about his stroke. How’s he doing?”

      “Better.” Cade’s grimace made a lie of the words.

      “Ms. Sinclair?” A short, balding man hurried toward Piper, Jake close behind him, their arrival cutting off the questions she wanted to ask.

      “Yes?” She turned toward them, her tension suddenly back.

      “I’m Chief Russell. Lieutenant Bradley said you gave him your statement. We’ll need you to come by the station tomorrow morning and sign it. Other than that, we’re all set. You can stop by at your convenience.”


      He nodded, gave her a brief smile and moved away.

      “I guess I’m free to go. Thanks, Jake. Nice seeing you again, Cade.”

      “You, too.”

      She hurried away, feeling the weight of both men’s stares as she slid into Gabby’s car.

      “Finally! I thought they’d never let you go.” Gabby’s eyes were dark and filled with worry as she put the car in gear and pulled out of the lot. “Are you okay?”

      “I haven’t decided yet. How about you?”

      “Still shaking.”

      “Me, too.”

      “I can’t believe I talked you into coming tonight. We both could have been killed.”

      “But we weren’t.”

      “Thanks to you.” Gabby turned into the university’s parking lot and pulled up next to Piper’s GTO. Then turned to face her. “You’re a hero. You know that, don’t you?”

      Piper laughed and pushed the door open. “The only twenty-nine-year-old hero whose brother sends the cavalry to save her.”

      “Is that what Sheriff Reed was doing there?”


      “And the guy that was with him? The cute one with the camera?”

      “Cute? Cade Macalister is not cute. He’s a menace. Or at least he was when we were kids.”

      “He’s cute.”

      “To each her own.” But even as she said it, Piper silently agreed with Gabby’s assessment. “Have a safe trip tomorrow, and have fun in Florida.” Piper leaned over and hugged her friend.

      “Me and my parents are sharing a two-bedroom condo. I don’t think fun is going to be possible.”

      “At least you won’t be teaching. That’s got to be worth something.” Piper stepped out of the car, hitched her purse up on her shoulder. “See you in a month.”

      She waved as Gabby drove away, then slid into her own car and started the engine. Usually she enjoyed the forty-minute drive to Lakeview, but tonight she felt anxious and worried, each shadow by the side of the road, every car swooping up from behind, a sinister reminder of the attempted kidnapping.

      The outcome could have been so much worse. The gun could have discharged as it fell. Someone could have been hurt in the fire. Or killed. The thought brought a wave of nausea, and a cold, clammy sweat to Piper’s brow. Gabby had called her a hero, but there was a fine line between heroism and foolishness. Piper had yet to decide if she’d crossed it.

      She swiped a shaky hand across her forehead and forced tense muscles to relax. By God’s grace no one had been hurt. Piper wouldn’t have to live with regrets or recriminations. She needed to be thankful for that, and move on.

      Mozart’s Fantasy in D Minor was playing on the radio and she cranked up the volume, trying to lose herself in the music, but the images of the kidnapper and his intended victim were etched deep in her mind and she couldn’t shake them, no matter how loud the music or moving the score.

      By the time she pulled into her driveway, Piper’s nerves were on edge, her hands in a death grip around the steering wheel. She sat in the car, eyes fixed on the front door and the golden glow of the porch light.

      A tiny bungalow at the end of a dead-end street, the house had once been her great-uncle Marcus’s music studio. Now it was Piper’s home. In the three months since she’d moved in, she’d never felt anything but comfortable. Now she felt nervous, afraid to leave the safety of the car and step across the shadowy yard.

      She scanned the area, looking for a reason for her unease. The house was the same as it had always been—the wide stoop and steeply slanted roof, the portico and bowed windows. But, to the right, thick woods created a sinister blackness. To the left, Mr. Thomas’s hulking Victorian spread its excess across a huge, unkempt yard, its hedges and trees overgrown and wild. So many places for someone to hide.

      Unfortunately, Piper couldn’t sit in the car all night. She shivered, grabbed her purse and stepped out of the GTO, hurrying across the dark yard and up the steps, her СКАЧАТЬ