The Surrogate Wife. Barbara Leigh
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Название: The Surrogate Wife

Автор: Barbara Leigh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ woods to the Indian village where Reilly, her half brother, had gone.

      As the horses crested the hill, Meagan threw herself from the wagon and ran for the woods. The air burned like fire in her lungs as she raced through the trees and across the streams.

      Josh crashed through the brush behind her. Closer, ever closer, as Meagan’s breathing became increasingly shallow and the pain in her side caused her to favor her right leg.

      Meagan was younger than her pursuer. There was no reason why she shouldn’t be able to outrun him. But his persistence defeated her, and in the end she looked back to see him less than ten feet behind. Then, she missed her footing and plunged down an embankment into the icy water below.

      She could hear his ragged breathing even before he pulled her from the stream.

      “What in the hell possessed you to do such a damn fool thing?” he asked as he set her on her feet.

      She brushed a muddy hand across her face and tried to fight back the tears.

      “If you were going to run away, why didn’t you run when you were closer to a settlement? There’s nothing out here. There’s no place to run. You wouldn’t last the week. If the Indians didn’t get you, the animals would.” He gave her a little push and marched stoically along beside her, his hand grasping the thick rope of hair that had fallen down her back. “I thought I was doin’ you a favor by keeping you from hanging. Are you crazy or something?”

      He grumbled with each step he took and became more verbose as his breath returned right along with his anger.

      But his fury was no match for hers. She was angry with him, angry with herself and angry at the world in general.

      “No, Mr. Daniels, I’m not crazy. No more than you. I just don’t want to spend the rest of my life working as your slave.”

      Josh stopped and turned the girl toward him. She was a sorry-looking sight, with her dripping clothes, muddy face and red-rimmed eyes.

      “If you’ll remember, Miss Reilly, I didn’t ask for your indenture. And, I guess if it were me, I would have done the same thing. But I’m a man, and at least I would have had a chance of survival in the wilderness. You don’t! If I thought you did, I just might let you go and save us both a lot of grief.” He sighed as he realized she was shivering noticeably. “As it is, if I don’t get you warmed up, and quick, neither of us will have to worry about you ever being an indentured servant because you won’t live long enough for me to get you home.”

      Again he nudged her forward. “Now get a move on. We’ll camp in the clearing near the wagon.”

      Meagan did as she was told. She knew she had been foolish to try to run away, but even her senseless act did not affect her as much as did the words Josh had spoken in trying to quiet her as they walked back.

      What sort of man was this who would actually admit that not only did he understand the reasoning behind what she had done, but in like circumstances, he would have done the same? She watched him from the corner of her eye, wondering what the outcome of her failed escape would ultimately be. But the expression on Josh Daniels’s face told her nothing, nor did the tone of his voice, which was flat and without emotion as he told her to gather kindling so he could get a fire started.

      Before she could move away she heard him give a deep sigh, and with a look of resignation on his handsome face, he looped a rope around her waist, giving her several yards of slack before securing the other end about his own body.

      Meagan was unable to suppress the sob that rose to her lips.

      “What’s wrong now?” he demanded impatiently.

      She lifted the rope in her hand. “Now I truly feel like a slave,” she replied.

      Josh looked at Meagan. He looked at the rope and then he said, “So do I!”


      * * *


      With Meagan lashed to his belt, Josh managed to turn the horse out to graze, make a fire and distribute the last of the pemmican and bread between them. He then spread blankets on the ground and motioned Meagan to lie down on one of them while he stretched his body across the other.

      “You can’t expect me to sleep there,” she squeaked as she realized his intention. “The judge specifically forbade us to sleep together.”

      Josh looked at the girl. At first he thought she was trying to pull a fast one, but the concern on her face and the tears reflected in her eyes told him different.

      “We’re not sleeping together. You have your blanket, I have mine. Now be quiet and go to sleep.” He handed her an extra blanket, but Meagan remained standing, unsure as to the exact meaning of Judge Osborne’s orders.

      In pure exasperation, Josh gave the rope a tug and toppled the girl over onto him.

      “Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat, you’re freezing!” He jumped to his feet, dragging her with him. “Get out of that wet dress,” he ordered. Then, seeing the look on her face, added, “You got something more to wear, don’t you?”

      Meagan had other clothes, but she certainly couldn’t change into them while bound to this man’s belt like a partridge.

      “You’ll have to untie me so I can change,” Meagan told him. “I can’t get my clothing off or on trussed up with this rope.”

      Josh grumbled all the way to the wagon as they retrieved her bundle. The minute he untied Meagan he expected her to run. “Will you give me your word that you won’t try to escape again?”

      Meagan’s eyes searched the shadows. The fact that she did not care to explore the dangers of the night reflected in her expression. “I won’t try to run away,” she promised.

      “Very well.” He thrust the bundle of clothes into her arms and untied the noose about her waist. “If you try to run this time I’ll never believe another thing you say.”

      “You haven’t believed anything up to now, so what’s the difference?” she asked aloud, but for some reason, there was a difference.

      With all her worldly possessions in her arms, Meagan had actually given consideration to trying once more to escape. Nothing had seemed as devastating as spending the rest of her life in virtual slavery. But Josh’s threat never to believe her brought her up short.

      It mattered that Josh should know he could believe her. It mattered that he might someday be willing to trust her, regardless of the circumstances that had thrust them together. “I told you I wouldn’t run away again,” she said defensively, and slipped behind the questionable protection of a small bush where she changed into dry clothing.

      After spreading her dress near the warmth of the fire, Meagan realized that Josh had taken her at her word and spread her blankets on the side of the fire opposite his. With a grateful smile she lay down and pulled the blanket over her shoulders. Even with the warmth of the little fire the night was cool, and her teeth continued their incessant chattering no matter how she tried to silence them. The dress she wore was lightweight gingham and did little to protect her from the cold.

      The tribulations of the previous weeks had taken their toll, and even СКАЧАТЬ