The Reluctant Bride. Anne Duquette Marie
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Название: The Reluctant Bride

Автор: Anne Duquette Marie

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ time Karinne had put it off. If it wasn’t her father’s health, it was her job demands. The timing never seemed to be right for her.

      Cory sensed Max’s irritation.

      “I figured we might as well use up the perishable food, but I told you, I can hang with Anita topside if you want,” he said.

      “No, that would be rude, and besides, you’re right. We’re already provisioned for a larger party.”

      Max added a few more morose comments about foolish tourists who thought deserts were all cacti and sunshine. But his comments reflected his frustration at having a long-distance fiancée. While Cory tuned his guitar, Max remained at the window, which took in the canyon rim wooded area, log-style smaller cabins and lodge.

      Although both brothers were deeply tanned and healthy from outdoor work, there the resemblance ended. Blond and blue-eyed like his father, a cruise-ship captain, Cory looked more like a California surfer. He wore his hair fairly long, and sported the attitude of what he was at heart—a musician who was happy anywhere, provided he had his woman and his guitar at his side.

      “At least you two will share the same tent for a few days,” Cory said to Max. He shook his head. “Although how you two expect to have a marriage, let alone kids, while you’re living in opposite ends of the state is beyond me. Karinne doesn’t want to quit her job, and you can’t. There’s no way just one person can run the raft expeditions. Plus there’s Jeff’s bad heart to consider.”

      “We’ll manage. You and Anita have.”

      “Anita and I are in no hurry for children. You and Karinne are.”

      “I used to think Karinne wanted children right away,” he said morosely. “She said she wanted her dad to see his grandchildren before he died. But talk isn’t action. At this rate I’ll be old and gray before we ever get to the altar. And Jeff will be long gone.”

      “Would you still marry her if she changed her mind? Didn’t want a family?”

      “I don’t know.”

      Cory wisely said nothing, and let Max continue to stare out the window.

      Even as a child, Max found inner peace in the unique ruggedness of northern Arizona, although there’d been a time when he’d hated the rawness of the land. That time had come after Margot Cavanaugh’s disappearance into the desert.

      Margot had showed up at Max’s house on that last day, looking for Karinne. Margot’s manner had been decidedly off-key, and because of that Max had—uncharacteristically—lied. He remembered the incident clearly, even though he’d been only ten years old.

      “No, I don’t know where Karinne is, Mrs. C,” he’d fibbed, although Karinne and Cory were in his bedroom playing video games. It was Cory’s favorite pastime, although six-year-old Karinne wasn’t as skilled.

      “Are you sure?” Margot pressed. “She told me she was coming here.”

      The hair on the back of the boy’s neck rose as Margot grabbed his arm.

      “She left.” Max pulled his arm away from Margot, who quickly stepped back and hurried off the porch. Max carefully dead-bolted the door before rubbing at his arm. Something about Margot’s strange mood and aggressive behavior unnerved him and came back to haunt him when Margot’s suicide note was discovered.

      Later, Max didn’t regret his decision. At least Margot’s death was a single tragedy, not a double one involving Karinne’s death, too. Max had never spoken of it to anyone except Cory. He thanked the gods of chance that he’d answered the door that fateful day, and Karinne had survived her mother’s disappearance.

      “I don’t know how you expect to have kids when neither of you wants to quit your job,” Cory said, thumbing his guitar strings. “You won’t be able to raise them together. In fact, you won’t be able to raise them at all.”

      Max refused to rise to the bait. “We’re not even married yet, Cory.”

      “And you won’t stay married long if you don’t get serious about your situation. You can’t bring infants and baby bottles into white-water rafts, and Karinne can’t bring children to her sporting events. You’ve had the longest engagement on record, and you’re still hiding your heads in the sand. One of you has to quit, Max.”

      “She’ll probably stay home with them once they’re born.”

      “Have you guys even talked about this? Maybe she doesn’t want to choose children over her career. Your marriage will be off to a rocky start if you don’t get this settled.”

      That remark drew Max away from the window. “Thanks a lot. We haven’t even had the wedding, and you’ve already got us divorced.”

      “Not me,” said Cory. “You and Karinne. She’s still looking after her father, and you’re still waiting for Karinne’s mother to turn up and ruin everything.”

      “They never found her body,” Max slowly said. “And Margot wanted a divorce. She and Jeff were always fighting. That suicide note could’ve been a fake. She could’ve taken the opportunity to run. I remember her well, Cory. She wasn’t interested in being a wife and mother. And there were whispers about her having a gambling problem.”

      Cory sighed. “So let’s say Margot does come back. So what? You have nothing to fear.”

      “Come on, we were both home with Karinne the day Margot disappeared. I lied and said I didn’t know where she was. If Margot ever returns, what am I going to tell Karinne?”

      “Tell her the same thing you told Jeff and the police when they came looking for Margot. That Mom was next door at the neighbors, Dad was at work, you saw Margot, and you did what you thought was right at the time. I don’t know why you didn’t tell her this years ago.”

      “Jeff asked me not to because he thought it would be too traumatic. But I may have to after all.”

      “Why?” Cory asked.

      Max paused, then admitted, “I’ve been getting anonymous phone calls. It’s happened three times. Once the caller actually said she was Margot Cavanaugh and asked me for money to come and see Karinne.”


      “I went to the police, but nothing. I haven’t received any more calls since the last one, so the police weren’t able to trace her.”

      “No wonder you’re talking in your sleep.”

      Max winced. “Not again.”

      “Yes. You talk about that day Margot came to the door, Max. One of these days, Karinne’s gonna hear you.”

      Icy chills shivered down Max’s back. “What do I say?”

      “The same thing you always used to say. Don’t tell Karinne.”

      Chapter Three

      Interstate 17,

       North of Flagstaff, Arizona

      “At least it’s СКАЧАТЬ