The Blackmailed Bride. Mandy Goff
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Название: The Blackmailed Bride

Автор: Mandy Goff

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ “Absolutely not. I’ve no interest in marriage. At least not right now. I’d like to see Olivia settled with a suitable gentleman before I turn my own ambitions to the marriage mart.”

      If finding a husband for his sister was his friend’s goal, Nick thought Marcus was going to have his hands full. If this trip to London was solely for his sister’s benefit—who showed not even the slightest inkling of interest in marriage—Marcus would likely end up being in London for a long time.

      “What about you?” Marcus asked. “What’s made you come to town—to England, for that matter—after all those years on the continent?”

      Nick hesitated.

      “Other than your father’s death,” Marcus said before Nick could decide exactly what to say. “I heard about that, and I’m sorry.”

      Marcus knew the relationship, or lack thereof, between Nick and the deceased marquess. It wasn’t good. Not by any stretch of the imagination. As soon as Nick had reached the age of majority, he’d also reached the conclusion that he could no longer abide living beneath his father’s roof. So he left, with the intention of distancing himself as much as possible from the scandalous reputation his parents had brought to his family name.

      “It was time to retire, so to speak,” Nick said. He’d returned because as the only heir to the marquessdom, he had responsibilities that couldn’t be taken care of unless he came home. To England.

      “Are you going to miss it?” Marcus asked.

      Nick didn’t have to think about his answer at all. “No.” His escape to France had been exactly that, a way to get as far from his father as possible. While he might have enjoyed the work at first, the excitement had waned, giving way to an aching hollowness.

      But Marcus didn’t really know what he was asking. He knew Nick’s reasons for leaving, but didn’t know exactly what he would be doing while he was away. The Home Office was strict about who was allowed to know about his activities—the espionage he’d performed in the service of his country.

      Which was, essentially, no one.

      And since it wasn’t common knowledge what Nick had been doing for the past six years, there’d been some rather colorful tales circulating about his activities. Nick hadn’t been home a week before he’d begun hearing whispers about himself.

      Not surprisingly, they weren’t whispers about his valor or cunning. The ton speculated on the number of women he’d seduced between the docks of London to the ballrooms of Paris.

      But Nick didn’t want his oldest, and most loyal, friend believing the nonsense.

      “I worked for the Home Office,” Nick announced suddenly.

      Marcus didn’t give any visible reaction. Nick could have just as easily said he preferred chicken to pheasant.

      “I was a spy,” he tried again. Worry settled in the pit of his stomach. Maybe Marcus wouldn’t want anything to do with him after this revelation. Nick was as much a God-fearing man as his friend, but that didn’t mean that some of the things he’d had to do for Crown and Country didn’t look suspect. Maybe Marcus wouldn’t want that taint anywhere near him or his sister.

      “Were you a good one?” Marcus asked finally.

      Nick nodded.

      Marcus grinned. “I always knew you were a bit crazy,” he said, “but I’m pretty sure this proves it.”

      Nick chuckled but still waited for the final either endorsement or condemnation of his chosen occupation. “So…”

      Marcus’s expression sobered. “Nick, I don’t care if you were a juggler in Napoleon’s court. I’m just glad you’re back.”

      Because of Marcus’s ready acceptance, Nick felt the burden of uncertainty roll away. He’d been more concerned than he cared to admit that Marcus would no longer want to be associated with him.

      “If you don’t mind, I need to finish a few papers before we leave. It shouldn’t take long,” Marcus said to Nick.

      Nick assured him he was fine to wait.

      “Feel free to peruse the library,” Marcus offered. “Although I must warn you to watch out. Olivia might be in there, and there’s no lack of vases in the room.”

      The earl smirked as he walked out of the door.

      Rather than being cautioned by this warning, Nick felt his pulse speed up…no doubt in response to the possibility of talking further with the lady. And he was surprised to find he’d risk bodily injury for the opportunity.

      Olivia strained on tiptoes, struggling to grasp a book located on a too-high shelf. She muttered under her breath and let out an uncharacteristic huff.

      “Stupid book,” she grumbled.

      Then she thought better about it; the book could hardly be blamed for where it had been placed. So she amended, “Stupid shelf.”

      That didn’t seem quite fair, either…

      Rather suddenly, she felt a presence behind her.

      “Allow me,” the presence said, and its hand effortlessly plucked the volume from the shelf.

      She turned to find herself staring at the Marquess of Huntsford’s chest. And as much as Olivia had always prided herself on her self-possession, she couldn’t help but blush as she stepped away.

      The Marquess of Huntsford was devastatingly handsome.

      His dark hair was mussed, as though he’d recently raked a hand through it. His face was perfectly chiseled; Olivia doubted an artist with the skill of Michelangelo could have crafted a sculpture to do the reality justice. And then, his eyes…before, she had thought them blue, or perhaps gray, but now she could tell, from where she stood, that they were green flecks of crystal that were shrewd, piercing and utterly captivating.

      “Thank you,” she mumbled.

      “My pleasure,” he said as he took a small step back.

      “I didn’t hear you come in,” she explained feebly.

      “I only entered a moment ago. Marcus wanted to finish some papers before we ventured to Tattersall’s to look at a new pair of bays for my stables. I sought to amuse myself here, but I can leave, if you wish to be alone.”

      “That’s not necessary, my lord.”

      “Perhaps you could call me Nick?” His smile was roguish and made her feel a bit light-headed.

      “Gentle ladies shouldn’t be so familiar with men,” she deferred.

      “I was under the impression gentle ladies shouldn’t bash others with vases, either.” While his face remained impassive, Olivia detected traces of laughter in the lines around his eyes.

      She narrowed her eyes at him. “It’s not very gentlemanly to bring that up.”

      He leaned forward menacingly. “Perhaps I’m СКАЧАТЬ