Marriage By Arrangement. Sally Wentworth
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Название: Marriage By Arrangement

Автор: Sally Wentworth

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      So he wasn’t a toy boy after all. Red felt strangely pleased about that, and wondered if her first impression of him as a drunk might also have been wrong. He seemed so self-confident today, so completely in control that the first image she’d had of Linus was almost impossible to recognise as the same man. But they were one and the same, which made him something of an enigma—and Red’s big failing had always been her inability to contain her avid curiosity.

      When she judged it would be OK to join them, she walked into the side-ward and was pleased to see that Mrs St Aubyn was sitting up and smiling, her hand held in her son’s. She let go when she saw Red and beckoned her over. ‘Linus, find a chair for Red,’ she ordered, and held out her hand for Red to take.

      ‘How are you feeling, Mrs St Aubyn?’

      ‘Much better, thank you. And so pleased to see you.’

      Linus placed a chair on the other side of the bed for her and Red sat down.

      ‘Linus tells me you gave each other quite a fright last night.’

      ‘I’m afraid I threw a vase at him. I’m sorry about that.’

      ‘Nonsense. I’ve often felt like throwing things at him,’ his mother lied fondly.

      ‘Oh, I didn’t mean I was sorry for throwing it—just for breaking the vase.’

      ‘Thank you so much,’ Linus said sardonically.

      Mrs St Aubyn glanced at them both with some amusement. ‘It was very kind of you to spend the night at the house. I really appreciate it,’ she said to Red.

      ‘It was no trouble. Will you be able to go home soon?’ she asked, to change the subject.

      ‘The doctor hasn’t been round yet, but I feel so much better that I’m sure it will be very soon. Perhaps even today,’ she added hopefully.

      ‘You had a nasty fall and you’re not leaving until you’re fully recovered,’ Linus stated categorically.

      Recognising the masterful edge in his voice, Red and Mrs St Aubyn exchanged a glance and each gave the briefest of knowing smiles, both of them aware that the invalid was going to be out of that hospital just as fast as she could, whether Linus objected or not.

      ‘I’ve brought the things you wanted,’ Red told her.

      ‘Oh, that’s marvellous. I can’t wait to change out of this horrid nightdress.’

      ‘It certainly isn’t your usual style,’ Linus said with a grin.

      The senior nurse came bustling up to them. ‘The doctors are beginning their rounds. We can’t have visitors here now.’

      Linus gave her a frowning look, but leaned forward to kiss Mrs St Aubyn on the cheek. ‘We’ll leave you, then, Felicia. I’ll come back this afternoon.’

      ‘Goodbye, darling.’

      ‘Goodbye, Mrs St Aubyn. I’m glad you’re feeling better.’

      ‘Oh, please, my dear, call me Felicia, won’t you? And will you come back and see me this afternoon too?’

      ‘Well, I...’ Red gave Linus an uncertain glance, but he looked away, deliberately unhelpful.

      ‘Please do. There’s something I’d like you to do for me, but there isn’t time to discuss it now.’

      ‘In that case, I’ll certainly come.’

      ‘Thank you, my dear.’

      The nurse shepherded them out, almost physically pushing them in her anxiety to be rid of them.

      ‘That officious, domineering female,’ Linus fumed when they were outside the hospital. ‘Give that kind of woman an inch of power and they think they own not only the hospital and the patients but you as well.’

      ‘I imagine men are much the same, if not worse,’ Red pointed out tartly.

      Linus glanced at her, then gave a crooked grin. ‘I’m sure you’re right, but somehow it seems much worse when it’s a woman.’

      ‘Only because you’re a man.’

      ‘Of course,’ he said smoothly, and held up an arm to a cruising taxi. ‘Where are you going now?’

      ‘Oh, Home, I suppose. In Fulham,’ she explained.

      ‘Give the driver the address.’ She did so and got in the cab, but Linus didn’t join her, instead asking the cabbie what the fare would be and passing over some notes. Leaning in the open door, he said, ‘I suppose Felicia has your telephone number?’ Red nodded, but he didn’t immediately draw back, instead giving her a speculative look before saying, ‘Did you really think I was Felicia’s boyfriend?’

      Red pushed her hair off her face and, brazening it out, said, ‘Of course not. I knew who you were all the time.’

      But Linus didn’t believe her. Giving her a look, he said with sardonic over-politeness, ‘Well, goodbye, then—and thanks once again for all your help.’ Then he shut the door and the taxi immediately pulled away.

      When Red looked back Linus was already calling up another cab.

      Apart from once again telling Jenny about last night’s adventure there wasn’t much to do back at the flat. Jenny was keenly interested, but Red found herself playing down the part that Linus had played in it, merely saying that Felicia’s son had turned up and had gone with her to the hospital.

      ‘What’s he like?’ Jenny enquired.

      Red shrugged. ‘OK, I suppose. Quite tall.’

      Jenny lost interest, as Red had hoped she would, and went on to chat about the bistro. After lunch Red showered, got Jenny to do her hair in its usual mass of crimped, pre-Raphaelite waves, and changed into clean jeans and sweater.

      She was about to leave for the hospital when last night’s date rang and she had to spend some time on the phone, placating him and promising to go out with him on her next free evening. Finally managing to get away, Red made a detour to a flower stall to buy a large bunch of daisies for Felicia, then had to wait ages for a bus, so it was almost three when she arrived at the hospital.

      Linus was already there, leaning forward in his seat and speaking vehemently, while Felicia had a stubborn set to her mouth. Their voices weren’t raised, but Red got the distinct impression that they were arguing.

      She coughed, making Linus glance round at her. Frowning, he sat back. Felicia, wearing her own nightdress and lace bed-jacket, her face made-up and looking elegant even in those harsh surroundings, smiled a welcome, making up for his silence. ‘Are those for me? How perfectly lovely. Linus, go and find a vase.’

      ‘A nurse will get one later.’ He finally gave Red a reluctant nod of greeting.

      ‘But they’ll wilt in this heat. Go and find one now, please.’

      He didn’t seem at all willing to СКАЧАТЬ