Switched At The Altar. Metsy Hingle
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Название: Switched At The Altar

Автор: Metsy Hingle

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ about to marry a man he’d thought was his brother. Whatever the reason, her cool dismissal had done what few people, and certainly no woman, had had the power to do before. She’d destroyed the last of his control.

      He didn’t stop to think about how out of character his reactions to this woman were. He didn’t stop to think how heavy-handed he was being. He didn’t think period. Instead, he reacted.

      In the space of a heartbeat, Alex was behind the desk, spinning her chair around so that she faced him. Grabbing the arms of the chair, he shoved it backward until the wheels hit the wall.


      He leaned forward, bringing his face so close to hers that he could see the black centers of her eyes widen in surprise, smell that damn flowered scent on her skin. “Maybe that duchess-to-peasant routine works on those college boys you’re used to dealing with, but it doesn’t work on me.”

      He heard her breath catch, watched the shock in her eyes fade and darken with awareness. The air hummed between them like an electrical wire that had snapped and was dangling dangerously during a storm. Her tongue slipped out to moisten her bottom lip. Alex’s body hardened; blood rushed to his groin as he followed the movement.

      “Tell me, Alexander Stone. Just what does work on you?”

      Her husky, honeyed drawl set off images in his head of satin sheets, soft skin and hot sex. His brain shut down as his body tightened with renewed desire. He stared at her slightly parted lips and gripped the arms of the chair even tighter. The need to taste that luscious mouth again hit him with the force of a prizefighter’s fist As though she could read his thoughts, her breath hitched. Her eyes fluttered closed.

      Alex gave up and stopped fighting himself. He leaned a fraction closer, already anticipating the feel of her mouth beneath his, when suddenly something brushed against the back of his legs. He jerked away, nearly tumbled to the floor as he felt that “something” wind itself around his feet and legs. “What the—”


      Alex glanced down at his feet where a black ball of fur was rubbing itself against his ankles, weaving its body in and out of his legs.

      “Meow.” The cat looked up at him and gave him another rub. Then it started to purr.

      Alex wasn’t sure whether he should curse the fur ball or thank it. He didn’t have time to do either because his eyes began to water. Damn, he thought, blinking in reaction to the animal fur. But his allergy kicking in was a small price to pay, Alex told himself. If not for the cat’s intervention, in another five seconds he would have been kissing Desiree.

      That realization brought him up short. Alex scrubbed a hand over his face and shifted uncomfortably at the ache still present in his lower body. Lord, he’d been only a breath away from kissing her—a breath away from betraying his brother.

      He winced at that sobering fact. Desiree Mason was by no means the first woman he’d ever wanted physically. There’d been several in his thirty-four years, and he’d enjoyed a number of satisfying sexual relationships with several of those women. But not one of those women had ever made him forget rhyme or reason. Not one of them had ever made him forget to put his brother’s interests first.

      Guilt slapped at him. What in heaven’s name had he been thinking of? She was Kevin’s girlfriend for Pete’s sake! The woman Kevin thought he loved and wanted to marry.

      And he wanted her for himself.

      Disgusted with himself, Alex cut a glance to Desiree. He took in the sight of those tempting lips. She’d wanted him to kiss her, still wanted him to kiss her, judging by the dazed heat that lingered in her eyes. And heaven help him, he’d almost given in to the urge to do so, and would have, in fact, had it not been for the cat.

      Alex clenched his jaw. For both his sake and Kevin’s, he couldn’t let his brother marry this woman, he told himself again. To do so would be a disaster. Somehow he had to find a way to prevent that from happening, because, despite her denials, he suspected her sights were set on his brother.

      He could use himself as bait, a voice inside him whispered. He was rich, decent looking and wasn’t without charm when the occasion called for it. Over the years he’d become adept at engaging in mutually satisfying relationships with women that never led to marriage. Why not do the same with Desiree? If he did, surely Kevin would see how wrong the woman was for him.

      Alex frowned. The danger was he hadn’t been thinking of Kevin or of saving his brother from Desiree’s clutches when he’d almost kissed her. The truth was he hadn’t been thinking at all.

      The cat abandoned her dance around his legs and jumped up to the credenza beside him, where it proceeded to nuzzle his arm, leaving a trail of black fur along the sleeve of his gray suit jacket. “Friend of yours?” Alex asked as he returned the cat to the floor only to have it promptly resume its perch beside him. Giving up, Alex moved out of the creature’s path as his eyes started to fill again.

      “That’s Maggie,” Desiree told him. Abandoning the chair, she walked over to the credenza and stooped down to face the cat. “Where have you been, you naughty girl? I was worried about you. I looked everywhere for you last night.”

      The cat meowed in response and licked at Desiree’s outstretched fingers a moment before jumping down to the floor and heading straight for him. Alex’s nose started to twitch as she brushed against his pant leg again.

      “Maggie, what a shameless little flirt you are. Leave Alex alone and come back here.”

      The cat ignored Desiree and started in on the other leg of his suit trousers. Her silky black fur clung to the Armani like a magnet. Stepping over the cat, he removed himself as her rubbing post by walking over to the desk. The stubborn little fur ball trotted right behind him. The stinging in his eyes worsened. Alex blinked several times and reached for the handkerchief in his back pocket to wipe at his tearing eyes. “What’s with this cat, anyway?”

      “She likes men,” Desiree offered by way of explanation.

      Like mistress, like cat, Alex thought silently as his eyes continued to water and burn. His nose twitched again. Despite his efforts to control it, Alex gave in to the inevitable and sneezed.

      “Bless you,” Desiree said. Walking over to the desk, she pulled open a drawer and withdrew a box of tissues. She shoved the box toward him.

      “Thanks.” Alex stuffed his handkerchief back into his pocket and snatched a handful of the tissues just before the next round of sneezing hit him.

      After several moments the worst of the allergy attack was over. He wiped at his eyes again and watched as Desiree stooped down and retrieved Maggie. “Come on, sweetie. I think you’re making poor Alex sneeze.” She nuzzled the furry creature, heedless of the black fur it left clinging to her white shorts and blouse.

      Alex stared at those long, slender fingers as she stroked the cat. Silently cursing himself, he tried to block out thoughts of what it would be like to have her fingers stroking him the same way.

      Her hand went still at the sound of a tap on the door, and Alex breathed a prayer of thanks.

      The tap sounded a second time. “Hey, Des. You in there?” The minister—minus his collar and robe—stuck his head in the door.

      “Right here, Charlie.”