Rebel Lady, Convenient Wife. June Francis
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Название: Rebel Lady, Convenient Wife

Автор: June Francis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература





      ‘Indeed there is,’ replied Anna. ‘The house was struck by lightning and all my servants had vanished, so there was no one to help me to douse the flames.’

      Kate gasped and, going over to her, enveloped Anna in an embrace. ‘My poor Anna, what a dreadful thing to happen! What of Will and his wife?’

      ‘Marjorie was sleeping at the time. I managed to get her out of the house, but she died!’ Anna’s voice shook and she tore herself from Kate’s embrace and began to pace the room. ‘It was terrifying. Will had accused me of—’ She stopped abruptly, realising what she had said.

      ‘Accused you of what?’ asked Kate, starting forward.

      Anna shrugged and tried to smile. ‘It does not matter.’

      ‘Of course it matters,’ said Owain, a handsome man in his mid-forties with dark hair silvering at the temples. ‘You’ve been through so much these past two years and now this! If we are to help you, then you must be honest with us.’

      Anna’s face quivered. She had talked herself into a trap and knew she would have to tell them some of what Will had said. ‘He—he accused me of—of being an adulteress—just like my mother!’ She put a hand over her mouth. She had not meant to say the latter either. It showed the state of her mind. Kate and Owain exchanged startled glances. ‘Aye, you might well look like that,’ Anna muttered.

      ‘What nonsense!’ cried Kate, putting an arm about Anna’s shoulder and noticing the cut on her face. ‘Your cheek is all bloodied! Did that happen while you were trying to escape the fire?’

      ‘No. Will threw a stone at me,’ said Anna, taking a kerchief from a pocket and dabbing at the cut and then cleaning her face, realising she would have to tell them a little more. ‘I deem he wanted me to believe it was someone from the village, but I recognised his voice. I fear that he wishes to discredit me with the servants and villagers and seize Fenwick.’

      ‘He must be crazed,’ said Kate, aghast. ‘Owain, you must sort this matter out as soon as possible.’

      ‘I certainly will,’ said Owain firmly. ‘Although, with the house burnt down and his wife dead, I suspect it is the village where I’ll need to search for him. I’d best take some men with me.’

      ‘If he is not there, you could try my man-ofbusiness’s house in Chester,’ said Anna. ‘No doubt Will shall try and persuade him that I’m not a fit person to own Fenwick.’

      ‘You really believe so?’ said Owain, looking deeply concerned. He rose from a table littered with papers. ‘Sit down. You’re obviously distraught and exhausted and need to rest. Kate, fetch some wine.’

      Anna sighed. ‘Howcan I relax? I have lost all that I held dear and now I am at a loss how to go on with my life.’

      Kate looked disturbed. ‘Hush, love. All will be well.’

      ‘That is so easy to say,’ cried Anna, tears filling her eyes. ‘I know a house can be rebuilt—but what would be the point? It would not be a home. I might as well go live in a nunnery.’

      ‘Now that is nonsense,’ said Kate. ‘You’re too young and comely. All you need is to stay with us for a while. I thought when Joshua died that it was a mistake for you to shut yourself away at Fenwick.’

      Anna turned on her. ‘You have not lost a son! How can you speak so when you have no experience of what I was suffering?’

      ‘Talking about it might have helped,’ said Kate quietly. ‘But you wouldn’t let us share your pain.’

      ‘Enough, love,’ saidOwain, giving her awarning look.

      She sighed and nodded. ‘I’ll fetch the wine.’

      ‘Wait!’ said Anna, ashamed of herself for losing control. Staying Kate with an outstretched hand, she swallowed hard before continuing. ‘I beg your pardon for what I said, but now you’ve reminded me that I have forgotten to tell you that Jack Milburn is here. He says that he has come to see Davy. I mistook him for his twin. Why did you not let me know that Jack had been found?’

      ‘Jack is here!’ Kate’s blue eyes lit up. ‘It is true we knew he was alive and have been expecting him. But believe me, Anna, I did send word to you at Fenwick with the good news.’

      Anna frowned. ‘Who did you send?’


      ‘Hal!’ Anna darted a look at Owain. Hal was the youngest of the Rowan brothers and still unwed despite being almost forty years old. ‘Perhaps he did not deliver the message…or, if he did, Will kept it from me. But why should he do so?’

      ‘I have no idea,’ said Owain. ‘We could ask Hal when he comes in.’

      Anna shrugged. ‘What does it matter now Jack is here?’

      Owain and Kate looked relieved.

      ‘I’ll leave you two then,’ said Kate, smiling. ‘I’ll have one of the maids make ready your old bedchamber, Anna, while I find my dear stepbrother. We will drink wine together and drink each other’s health. Are you hungry?’

      Anna nodded. ‘I have not eaten since breakfast and no doubt Jack will be hungry, too.’

      ‘Then I will see that food is brought here.’ Kate left them alone at last.

      ‘Do you know what happened to Jack during his absence, Owain?’ asked Anna.

      ‘He was sold into slavery,’ he said, his expression grim.

      Anna’s mouth fell open. For a moment she could only stare at him and then she collected her wits. ‘He sent word telling you of this?’

      ‘Nay. His twin did,’ replied Owain. ‘Matt never gave up hope, even when we did. He kept in touch with Jack’s agents in Europe and had them hire men to search for him. Eventually, when Matt began to doubt his instinct that Jack was in trouble but alive, a courier arrived with the news that he was in Venice.’

      ‘No wonder Jack has changed! How was he captured and how did he escape?’

      ‘I know only what Davy told me and that was little enough,’ said Owain, pulling up a chair and sitting opposite her.

      ‘Jack told me Davy was in Europe when he returned. I presume he was delivering horses.’

      ‘Aye. But he also had other business there and was in Bruges when Jack’s courier turned up at the agent’s house. Apparently Jack was suffering from a fever and that’s why he was unable to leave Venice. He feared he might die and wanted Matt to know of his abduction and his years of slavery.’

      ‘So Davy brought the message to Matt and then came here?’

      Owain shook his head. ‘Davy arranged for a courier to deliver the news to Matt whilst he travelled to Venice. He found Jack recovered and journeyed with him to Bruges before going on further business for him to France. Davy returned home a week ago, just in time to see his daughter born.’

      ‘Joan has had a daughter!’ Despite her grief at the loss of her only son, Anna СКАЧАТЬ