First You Kiss 100 Men.... Carolyn Greene
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Название: First You Kiss 100 Men...

Автор: Carolyn Greene

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ told you I can’t do that.’’

      ‘‘Why not? I saw a TV news magazine report about private investigators, and it showed how you spend days or even weeks following people around. Certainly a couple of extra eyes, ears and hands could help lighten your load.’’

      Once again, he closed the distance between them. This time, though, he wasn’t reaching for the door. He touched her chin with the crook of his finger, and Julie couldn’t help wanting him to finish what she’d started in her mind a moment earlier.

      Hope resurged in her heart as his finger trailed upward along her cheek. Brushing a tendril of hair away from her face, he stroked the curve of her ear. As he leaned toward her, his dark eyes heavy with passion, she felt as though her lungs were paralyzed by his heady nearness. Her body braced for what was to come, and the memory of the last kiss sent a warmth throughout her that pooled in the pit of her femininity.

      He was so close she could feel his breath on her face. Her lips parted in readiness. And then it came. Apollo had landed. Unfortunately, it missed the mark and ended up on her cheek instead. A dry, brotherly kiss.

      Disappointment flooded her soul and found release in the form of a heavy sigh.

      ‘‘That’s why we can’t work in the same office.’’ Hunter leaned back and tucked his hands in his pockets, a wry smile on his handsome features. ‘‘Something happened between us this morning…something I’m not ready or willing to explore. I’ve accomplished too much here to risk it with an office fling.’’

      The cynic in her wondered if his reluctance for romance had anything to do with his former fiancée. No one knew why they’d broken up years ago; he was too much of a gentleman to talk about it. But that didn’t stop people from speculating that Yvonne had been at fault. In fact, Hunter’s silence on the matter may have contributed to that assumption. And they all hated her for breaking his heart.

      All except Julie. Although she’d hated to see him hurting, she’d been secretly glad that he would not be marrying. Not that she could have taken advantage of his availability; she’d been in college at the time and certain that someone as handsome, successful and mature as Hunter would not be interested in anyone like her.

      And now he’d made that perfectly clear. Julie straightened her spine. ‘‘Don’t flatter yourself. I have something to say about the matter, too.’’

      ‘‘Yes, and you’ve already said plenty.’’ He picked up the ukulele she’d set on the chair earlier and handed it to her. ‘‘I’d be happy to give you a good reference, though.’’

      ‘‘Your technique in discussing my work with employers leaves a lot to be desired.’’

      To his credit, he looked remorseful about his role in her dilemma.

      ‘‘So are you going to hire me or what? I have bills to pay and…career goals to accomplish.’’

      Hunter paused, rubbing his thumb over the little scar beside his mouth.

      Definitely a good sign. Julie grinned at his response.

      ‘‘What? Why are you smiling? I haven’t answered yet.’’

      ‘‘Yes, you have. You always did that thing with your scar before you caved in and let me tag along on dates with you and my sister.’’

      He conceded with a nod of his head. ‘‘I’ll have to work on that.’’ A moment passed before he added, ‘‘By the way, how’s Charlene? I haven’t seen her in ages.’’

      Since their mutual breakup thirteen years ago, to be exact. Julie hadn’t understood at the time why her sister had not been torn apart over their peaceable parting. Charlene had explained that their relationship had run its course, and she soon moved on to another boyfriend, but Julie had thought at the time that if she’d been in her sister’s shoes, she would have been devastated.

      ‘‘Charlene married Nathan Kleinschmidt. They just had their first baby, a girl, last month.’’

      Becoming an aunt had been a momentous event for Julie. Not only did her tiny niece give her someone to dote on, but little Evie had also stirred a long-held desire for a child of her own. Seeing the baby watch her mother’s face with an expression of pure love had triggered a need in Julie, a longstanding need that she’d only recently recognized. A need to be cherished.

      Each time one of her former classmates had married, Julie had sat at the wedding, watching with envy the expressions of pure adoration the grooms had bestowed on their brides. Julie wanted to be looked at like that. She wanted to be the center of someone’s universe. And the birth of her niece had opened a flood of feelings that had been growing for a long time.

      ‘‘Please give them both my congratulations,’’ Hunter said.

      He studied her for a long moment, and Julie felt like she was nine years old again.

      ‘‘As it happens, I am temporarily short on staff and could use you to fill in for about a month. I can’t promise anything permanent, but it should keep you going until something else comes along.’’

      Then he named a salary that was higher than her pay—even with tips—had been at Merry Messengers.

      Working at a private investigation agency wouldn’t give her much opportunity to meet new people, unless, of course, they happened to be lurking in a bush near hers. But it would keep food on the table, and maybe she could introduce herself to some of the people in the nearby offices.

      ‘‘Deal,’’ she said, holding out her hand to seal their arrangement. Julie did an admirable job of pretending not to notice the strength in his large hand, or the way his long fingers wrapped around her own. ‘‘You won’t regret this.’’

      ‘‘No offense,’’ he countered, ‘‘but something tells me I will.’’

      If he hadn’t known better, he would have thought she was all set to attend a funeral…except no mourner would dare show up at such a solemn event looking as sexy as that.

      The snug black turtleneck shirt would have shown off her trim figure, if not for the tailored, black leather jacket, which was zipped at the bottom. Then there was the skirt—also black and made of a touchable fabric—that slit enticingly over her left thigh. Sheer black hose and a pair of backless shoes finished off the ensemble. The only spot of color on her was the bright red lipstick that called attention to her wide smile.

      Hunter fought to quell his physical response to the sight of her. Trying to focus on more professional matters, he led her to Trudy’s desk. ‘‘This is your station. Active client files are in the bottom-right credenza drawer, the procedure manual is in the top right and stationery and supplies are on the left.’’

      She looked perplexed. ‘‘This area is so open. How am I supposed to get any work done without some privacy?’’

      Now it was Hunter’s turn to be puzzled. ‘‘This is the most effective arrangement. Since you’re my right-hand staff, I’ll need you to be accessible at all times.’’

      Julie shrugged and tossed her black purse into the knee well under the desk. ‘‘I suppose it’ll do. I’ll be on the road most of the time, anyway, so it’s not like I’ll be shackled to it.’’

      Hunter СКАЧАТЬ