The Cowboy Takes a Bride. Debra Clopton
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Название: The Cowboy Takes a Bride

Автор: Debra Clopton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ over so I can come in?”

      Almost choking with embarrassment, she fled across the room, giving him all the space he needed.

      What had she been thinking?

      The air conditioner was blasting full speed, but there was no air in the room. Zero, nada, zip-o! In fact, the room seemed to shrink like plastic wrap in a microwave as Sugar felt the scorching heat of embarrassment fire up her cheeks. Really, Sugar, where did your head go?

      “I hope you like it,” Haley said. Her back had been turned and she’d missed Sugar’s schoolgirl reaction to Ross. Now she set the case she was carrying down beside the bedroom door and faced Sugar. “Is something wrong?”

      “No, not at all. I was just admiring the place.” She shot Ross a glare when he smiled knowingly.

      Unaware of the tension slicing through the room, Haley rushed on. “I really enjoyed painting it and finding the furniture. I did it with you in mind, because I knew that once it was done, I was going to call you and offer you the job.”

      Distracted though she was, Sugar was touched. “I love it.” She ran her finger over the soft white fabric of the couch.

      “Of course, when you add your things, it will come to life. I just tried to find appealing furniture in neutral colors you could work with.”

      “I couldn’t like anything more. Thank you.” Sugar hugged Haley, feeling self-conscious knowing that Ross was watching.

      “I’ll go get some more of your stuff. You two ladies take your time.” He tipped his hat and stepped around them, his arm brushing hers as he did.

      Sugar knew she was going to love the apartment. But despite her best intentions, it wasn’t the place she was thinking about—oh no. It was this cowboy!

      Chapter Two

      Focus, Sugar Rae! Focus—easier said than done, Sugar thought. Ross made her feel like she did just before she walked into an audition: a clash of nerves and adrenaline. It was a very unsettling reaction. Totally unexpected and unwanted.

      Trying to pull herself back together, Sugar trailed Haley around the apartment, checking out the bedroom and the small bath. They followed Ross back to the car. To her surprise, other people were waiting to meet her and help unload the car. She was glad for the welcome and for the distraction.

      There were the gals from the hair salon across the street, Lacy and Sheri. Sugar knew they were two of the women who’d helped put the tiny town on the map. Ashby and Rose from the dress store were there, too. Sugar felt like she’d already met them since Molly had written about each one in her column. The four ladies from the candy store also took a minute from work to say hi and give her a housewarming gift.

      “Wow,” she said, gazing at the basketful of mouthwatering chocolates. “To think it wasn’t too long ago this town had almost no women. Now look at it.” Main Street had filled with women, and they all came together to make a newcomer feel welcome. Sugar was touched by their kindness—and she couldn’t wait to dig into her basket! She felt a little guilty that she wasn’t completely happy about being there.

      Haley sighed. “There was a time when I thought there was no hope for this place. Boy, was I wrong,” she said, smiling. “I know you’re here to help me out and to boost your acting career, but I think the town will grow on you, too.”

      Sugar gave her a playful but serious look of warning. “Maybe, but Haley, I am leaving.”

      They all started filing up the stairs, each carrying something from the car. Sheri gave Sugar a wide, sassy grin as her fancy red boots clicked on the steps. “Have you met the posse yet?”

      “The posse?”

      Lacy called up from behind her, “That’s what Sheri calls Norma Sue, Esther Mae and Adela. The ladies who came up with this great plan to save their town. You’ll love them.”

      Sugar glanced over her shoulder at Lacy. She was talking about the matchmakers! The ladies were the stars of Molly’s column. Her curiosity piqued by why Sheri called them the posse. Distracted, she barely noticed when the large box of kitchen supplies slipped a little from her grip as she reached the top of the stairs. Ross was coming out the door, taking one look at her load and reaching for it.

      “I’ll take that,” he said. “You should leave the heavy stuff for me. Remember, I told you I was up for the challenge.” He took hold of the box, but Sugar didn’t release her grasp. She looked up at him with teasing skepticism, trying to cover her attraction. “I don’t know, you look a little shifty, like maybe you might skip out early on me.”

      He hoisted the box into his arms as if it was a tiny matchbox. “Not a chance, sweetheart.”

      She grunted and reached behind him to hold the door for him. It wasn’t enough that the man had a slow, easy drawl that sent her insides into a riot. He had to be chivalrous, too. And he had a nice sense of humor…. She caught Lacy and Haley looking up at her, and checked her thoughts when she saw the smiles they were sporting. When she followed Ross inside, Sheri was smiling the same smile.

      “Gorgeous,” Sugar mouthed silently, behind his back, then headed down the stairs again to get another box. Of course, thinking he was good-looking was where it stopped for her. Jittery nerves and an overactive imagination be hanged, she hadn’t come here to date. Her goal was going to take every spare minute and ounce of focus she had, if she was going to accomplish it.

      Sugar wasn’t really worried about Haley and her new friends getting ideas. They’d learn soon enough that she was very single-minded when it came to making it as an actress. It was the dream she’d had since childhood. The dream that had helped her make it through difficult days as a little girl too sick to play outside with her friends. Too sick to have friends…It was a dream she knew was supposed to come true, and she would not give it up.

      Emptying the station wagon took no time at all with everyone helping. They’d all gone back downstairs and were standing around talking, but once Ross saw that there were no more boxes or suitcases to carry, he tipped his hat and started to leave.

      He’d only taken a step before turning back. “I’m in the book. If you need anything else, just give me a holler. And if you just happen to come up with any other challenges you want to issue, I’m only a phone call away.” His words held a cockiness and teasing. His eyes, however, were completely sincere.

      Sugar watched him head down the street and disappear inside the feed store. Only then did she fully relax. His departure was a relief. Despite her determination not to let herself be interested in him, she’d kept getting distracted every time those green eyes of his met hers. The man had a way of gazing at her that made her feel she was the only person around. It was a little unnerving. She wondered if every woman he looked at felt that way. That might come in handy when she talked him into trying out for her show. Those piercing eyes would be able to connect with an audience, one-on-one.

      “It is really great to have you here,” Lacy said, dragging Sugar’s head out of the clouds. “It’s just totally exciting! When Haley announced you were an actress and wanted to start a theater in town, I got goose bumps. I really did. We do plays periodically and I’m seeing good things in here—” she tapped her temple “—with you at center of our productions. I can’t wait to get together and toss ideas around.”

      Not knowing СКАЧАТЬ