Stolen Kiss From a Prince. Teresa Carpenter
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СКАЧАТЬ own devices. When she became uncomfortable enough, she’d wake and move to the bed taking Samson with her or putting him in his crib. Problem solved.

      But Julian wasn’t that cold. With a sigh he rose and approached the sofa. Settling into the corner he turned toward the sleeping pair and pulled woman and child into his arms.

      “Hmm.” She surprised him by opening drowsy violet eyes and staring up at him. “I am going to go to bed,” she assured him in a sleep husky voice.

      He waited, but instead of moving away, she snuggled into him with a contented mew, shifting her hold on Samson to keep him secure.

      “You smell good,” she murmured.

      Him? She was the one who smelled good enough to eat, making him wish he’d eaten more of his meal. Maybe then he’d be less tempted by her.

      He closed his eyes and tried to pretend he was at home in bed. He pulled to mind a problem he’d been wrestling with before the fateful plane went down and changed his life. Neither solution worked. The subtle, sweet scent of apple blossoms and the soft feel of womanly curves cuddled in his arms brought his body to life.

      He ignored the inappropriate reaction.

      She was exhausted and injured, and he’d accepted the responsibility of her care. That was the extent of their connection.

      “You’re so warm.”

      He shook his head, a half smile lifting the corner of his mouth. “Go to sleep already,” he said running his hand over the silk of her hair.

      And closing his eyes, he followed his own advice.

      * * *

      Deep in the night, something disturbed Katrina. She stirred slightly and then purred softly. It had been a long time since she woke up in Rodrigo’s arms. How she’d missed this connection, the feel of hard arms holding her close, the warmth of a man’s nearness, the sensual tickle of his breath on her cheek.

      She opened her eyes to find the room dark except for the dying embers in the fireplace. Sighing, she snuggled in, hugging him as she drifted toward sleep.

      He smelled so good, of musk and man. Her brow furrowed as her foggy mind niggled at a sense of wrongness, but it hurt to think. He shifted beneath her and the thought fled. She realized his movement was what woke her.

      Yes. The only thing better than sleeping in his arms was being awake and in his arms. A pain in her head followed the thought. Thankfully it didn’t linger and she dismissed it. Better to focus on the man. Without opening her eyes she angled her head and kissed him.

      He went completely still, his sleep-relaxed body going tense. Usually he took it from there. Not tonight.

      Tease. She smiled and, opening her mouth, she touched her tongue to his lips, seeking more. His lips parted and she tasted him. She knew immediately this wasn’t Rodrigo.

      And while her mind struggled with why that was a good thing, the man gave in to her invitation, sinking into the embrace with an aggressive dance of tongues.

      No, this was not Rodrigo. Everything about him felt right. Heat flooded her and she gave in to his demand, sighing in surrender as she wrapped her arms around him and sank into a depth of passion she’d never known before. Wanting more, she pulled him closer.

      He slanted his head taking the kiss deeper, the fever higher. He threaded fingers through her hair, holding her still for him while his thumb feathered softly over her temple in a soothing caress.

      She nipped at his lower lip with her teeth. She wanted that hand, his hands, lower, tracing her curves, igniting a true fire between them. She pressed closer trying to show him, and a squeak sounded between them.

      “Oh my goodness.” In an instant everything came flooding back.

      The crash.

      The toddler.

      The man.

      No, no, no. She’d let a man touch her. Almost as bad, she’d been smooching with the Prince!

      “Mon Dieu, I am sorry.” She pushed back and checked on Sammy, who’d been crushed between the two of them.

      A scowl drew his tiny eyebrows together and his mouth twitched a couple of times, but he didn’t waken. Somewhere during the night, he’d switched his weight to Julian. Without looking at the Prince, she lifted Sammy carefully and carried him into his crib. Before leaving the room she switched on the light and checked his pupils, sighed in relief when she found them even and reactive.

      Unable to delay further, she returned to the sitting room, where Julian stood by the mantel stoking the fire back to life.

      “Your Highness,” she began.

      “Stop.” He put down the poker and turned to face her, keeping his hands clasped behind him. “You have already apologized. Now it is my turn.”

      “No, please.” How mortifying. “I kissed you. It is my fault. I woke up in your arms—which it was very sweet of you to let Sammy sleep.” His dark brows lowered so she rushed on. “I thought you were my old boyfriend. Oh God. You smelled wrong, but you felt good—”

      “You are babbling, mademoiselle—” His sigh reeked of exasperation. “What is your full name?”

      “Katrina Lynn Carrere Vicente.” She cringed as soon as the words left her mouth.

      “Carrere?” Of course the name caught his attention. “You’re a relative of Jean Claude?” His tone turned grim. “Please tell me you are not related to the Prince.”

      “Distantly,” she confessed, “through my mother.” She didn’t mention her father was a close personal friend. No need to make matters worse than they were.

      His head dropped forward causing thick strands of hair to fall over his wide brow. He muttered what sounded like, “It just keeps getting better and better.”

      Her sentiments exactly.

      But the show of emotion lasted only a moment. He quickly drew himself up and straightened his shoulders.

      “Mademoiselle Vicente you have my deepest apologies. I should never have touched you.”

      “Your Highness.”

      He shook his head. “I’ll express my regrets to the Prince in the morning.”

      “No.” Her eyes went wide in shock. She felt sick to her stomach. The last thing she wanted was for the royal family to know she’d forced herself on a guest. She couldn’t handle another disgrace. She stepped forward in entreaty. “Promise me you will not.”

      “I must.” His posture was rigid. “I have offended a member of his family.”

      “No offense. None.” She assured him. “You were the perfect gentleman.”

      His eyes narrowed in censure. “I had my tongue down your throat. Hardly the actions of a gentleman.”

      “But you kept your СКАЧАТЬ