In The Enemy's Embrace. Mindy Neff
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Название: In The Enemy's Embrace

Автор: Mindy Neff

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ a sensuality she didn’t quite know how to respond to.

      What was going on here? Sparks were literally zinging between them. Oh, she’d wanted to make Nick Grayson drool. But she hadn’t counted on this sneak attack he seemed to be waging, setting her off balance.

      Instead of answering his question, she said, “Look…uh, I think we’re both tired. I don’t know about you, but being rudely wakened to find your house on fire is enough to…” Her voice hitched and she cleared it. “Enough to…” Oh, Lord, she was going to cry. She could feel it and she was mortified. Her nose and throat burned, and her eyes stung.

      She tried to back away, but Nick used their joined hands to pull her right into the comforting width of his chest.

      “I wondered when that was going to catch up with you,” he murmured, stroking her hair, her back, soothing her with the sweep of his wide palm. “Shh, you’re safe with me now, kiddo.”

      Jessica stiffened. Kiddo. She didn’t want him thinking about her as a kid, but obviously he did.

      She stepped back. “I’m fine. Really. I think I’ll just turn in.”

      The frown was back on his face. She watched his chest rise and fall with a deep breath, tried not to notice how his black polo shirt clung to the breadth of his physique.

      She should have learned her lesson twelve years ago. Nick saw her merely as the daughter of a business partner. She was the one who kept getting mixed up, reading more into a look or touch than was actually there. It wasn’t his fault that he was born with the kind of looks that naturally made a woman fantasize, forget who, what and where she was.

      But Jessica needed to remember.

      In his eyes, they would never be on an equal footing. She’d be the kid and he’d be the guy her parents had asked to watch over her.

      And that simply wasn’t acceptable.

      He nodded and turned away from her. “I’ll show you to your room.”

      FOR THE FIRST TIME in years, Nick overslept. Shrugging into his suit jacket, he finished knotting his tie as he went down the stairs. He was debating whether to head on out the front door and grab coffee at the office, or take the time to drink it here when he heard voices and laughter coming from the kitchen.

      Jessica’s sultry, unrestrained laughter, and the deeper, carefree chortle of his younger brother, Chase.

      He’d forgotten that Chase was due home for his annual visit. At twenty-five, his brother had yet to settle on what he wanted to be when he grew up. At present, he fancied himself a carefree playboy, with Europe as his playground of choice.

      Well, that wasn’t exactly so, or fair. Chase raced cars and yachts and made a fortune at it. He was the kind of guy who’d wither away if he had to sit behind a desk or preside over meetings all day.

      Jealousy speared Nick right in the solar plexus when he stopped in the kitchen doorway. It was a new emotion and it bothered him.

      Jessica, still wearing the clothes Nick had given her last night—minus the robe, he noted—was sitting at the kitchen table chatting with Chase. They were both the same age, so easily enjoyed a good laugh. Just watching them made Nick feel sixty-three, instead of thirty-three.

      For as long as he could remember, he’d been the responsible one, the sensible one, the driven one. Had he ever let himself laugh the way Chase was doing now?

      And what the hell was so funny, anyway? He didn’t like this feeling of being on the outside.

      “You’re up and about early this morning,” he said.

      Chase looked up and grinned. “And you’re late, big brother.” Chase stood and enveloped Nick in a hug. “Good to see you slacking off a bit. And with such beautiful company.”

      “She’s not company.”

      “Oh? Sorry, I didn’t know you were living with somebody.”

      “I’m not—”

      “Oh, stop teasing him, Chase,” Jessica said. “He’s pulling your chain, Nick. I already told him about the fire.”

      Nick moved over to the coffeepot and poured himself a cup. He needed a shot of caffeine to clear his head.

      “It made the paper,” Chase said. “Our Jess is a heroine. Saved a kid and his cat.”

      “The media exaggerates.” Jessica scooted the newspaper aside. She’d done what needed to be done, didn’t want the accolades the paper had given her, didn’t want to think about what might have happened if she hadn’t seen Timmy Matheson trip and fall. The fearlessness of children, she thought. While everyone else had been scrambling for an exit, Timmy had ignored his mother’s screams and charged back toward their burning apartment.

      “Did the papers say how the fire started?” Nick asked.

      “Paint cans too close to a water heater.”

      “That’ll do it. You’ll want to call your folks. Chances are the story made the Bridle paper, as well.”

      “I already called.” She resisted the urge to tack on sir. “And I called the office this morning, too. Steve’s going to get the ball rolling with the insurance company and check on the painting contractor’s coverage, as well.” Steve Tyler worked in accounting at Coleman-Grayson.

      “Busy girl.”

      “I usually am.” Not that he would know that firsthand, given the way he’d been avoiding the office lately. Ever since she’d come to work there. “By the way, I’m taking the day off to shop for a replacement wardrobe. I’ve already called Rhonda to let her know I won’t be in.”

      “If I didn’t have a prior commitment,” Chase said, “I’d offer to go with you and carry your packages.”

      “A man who actually likes to shop? Be still my heart.” She glanced at Nick. “Are you sure the two of you are brothers? Mr. All Business Nick probably wouldn’t think of taking time off to carry a woman’s shopping bags.”

      “On the contrary,” Nick said, leaning back against the counter, “I’d enjoy a day at the mall.”

      Caught off guard, Jessica’s jaw dropped.

      Amusement and satisfaction danced in his eyes. “A good business lesson, Red. Never make a firm statement that you can’t back up with fact. How does nine-forty-five suit you?”

      She regained her composure. “It suits me, um, fine—provided I can find something decent to wear in public.” She’d thrown away her smoke-drenched pajamas, and the only thing she had left was what she was wearing—the drawstring shorts and T-shirt Nick had lent her to sleep in.

      “You look pretty decent to me,” Chase commented with a waggle of his eyebrows.

      “Don’t you have someplace you need to be?” Nick asked him.

      Chase grinned. “Yeah. I guess I should go check in with the folks, let them know I’m in town. I imagine they’ll want СКАЧАТЬ