His Made-to-Order Bride. Jessica Matthews
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Название: His Made-to-Order Bride

Автор: Jessica Matthews

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      ‘I don’t know it for a fact, but the odds of Allan being responsible are extremely good,’ he said glumly, before polishing off the contents of his bottle. ‘Dr Casey came specifically to the ER to ask if the story was true.’

      She placed the half-finished costume on the table. ‘So you set him straight. No big deal.’

      ‘Ah, but, dear Katie, it is a big deal.’ He rose to retrieve another bottle from the refrigerator. ‘With the gossip floating around, Robert is afraid that my chances of the MEC getting approval are slim to none.’

      ‘I don’t see why,’ she zealously defended him. ‘Once you explain, the board will understand.’

      ‘Ah, but therein lies the rub. I have to put my money where my mouth is. If I’m staying, which I am, then my actions have to corroborate my story.’

      ‘Fine. Contact a Realtor and start looking for a house.’

      ‘It’s not quite so simple. To muddy the waters even more, two of the board members—Robert wouldn’t name them, but I have a good idea who they are—don’t hold too high an opinion of me. According to them, a single man has no business raising a child by himself when a couple was ready, willing and able.’

      ‘They’re still harping over ancient history? My word, that was four years ago!’

      ‘Yeah, well, from their attitude, you’d think it happened yesterday.’

      J.D. knew the Lockwoods would have cherished Daniel; they treated him as tenderly as one of their own now. In fact, if anything happened to him, he wouldn’t object to them taking Daniel into their home.

      The depth of Beth’s and Tristan’s love hadn’t had any bearing on J.D.’s long-ago decision to assume responsibility for his son, however. It had boiled down to his need to look after the precious gift Ellen had left behind.

      Apparently the self-righteous busybodies of Mercer couldn’t understand such a novel concept.

      On the flip side, those same critics would have found fault if he hadn’t taken on his familial responsibilities. It was a definite no-win situation.

      Disapproval over his decision had come from every side, but Katie had been a staunch supporter. He wouldn’t have survived those dark days if not for her encouragement and her help.

      ‘They’re certainly not going to look favourably on any project I’ll introduce,’ he added.

      Katie’s eyes burned with a fierce light. ‘Ophelia Weatherbee and Silas Cunningham, I’ll bet. They should have retired from the board years ago. The sanctimonious pair of buzzards.’

      He grinned at her apt description. ‘Be that as it may, with their jaded opinion of me, plus Allan’s behind-the-scenes manipulation, I only have one way to prove the gossip false.’

      ‘From the way you’re drowning your sorrows…’ she motioned toward his bottle once again ‘…I assume your idea is more drastic than buying your own home.’

      J.D. paused long enough for another swig. ‘It is. I’m going to get married.’

      ‘Married?’ She sounded incredulous.

      ‘It’s crazy, I know.’

      ‘But I thought you didn’t want to.’

      ‘I’m not averse to the institution of matrimony. I just haven’t met the right person,’ he clarified.

      Katie pressed her lips together as she studied her fingernails for a long moment. ‘Well, then. There’s no need to ask who the lucky woman is.’

      ‘Not yet.’

      ‘Going to run an ad in the personal column?’ she asked dryly. ‘That should bring every single woman in Mercer knocking on your door.’

      ‘Nope,’ he said, wrapping his hands around the bottle. ‘No personal ad. Like you said, since I’m such an eligible bachelor and a great catch, I’ll have females crawling out of the woodwork.’

      The smooth brown glass felt cool against his sweaty palms. Katie was vital to the success of his plan and if he couldn’t convince her he was doomed.

      ‘Then how are you going to search for Mrs Right?’

      He clutched the bottle tightly. ‘I’ll ask someone to help me.’



      She blinked owlishly, then leaned back in her chair as she narrowed her eyes to study him. ‘Me?’

      He drew a deep breath and forged ahead. ‘Yeah. I’d like you to help me find a wife.’


      THE silence between them lengthened. J.D. held his breath, waiting and watching for Katie’s response.

      She rose in disgust. ‘You’re drunk.’

      He was affronted. ‘Not a chance. I’m only on my second beer.’

      ‘Well, something has interfered with your thinking process,’ she snapped. ‘I’m going home.’

      He jumped up to grab her elbow. ‘You’re the logical choice. It makes perfect sense.’

      Her eyes shot sparks. ‘To you, maybe. To me? Not a chance. I’m not running a dating service and I don’t intend to start one either.’

      ‘Will you hear me out?’ He hesitated. ‘Please?’

      A mulish look appeared on her face, but she finally acquiesced. She sat, folding her arms across her chest.

      ‘I’ll listen to your nonsense for three minutes. Your hare-brained idea doesn’t deserve that long, mind you, so start talking.’

      J.D. pulled a chair away from the table, turned it around and sat down. He flashed her his most appealing smile, but her stiff countenance remained unchanged. This was going to be harder than he’d thought.

      ‘You helped me find Martha and Henrietta.’

      ‘Interviewing a housekeeper is different to scouting out prospective wives.’

      He ignored her sarcasm. ‘The point is, you know both Daniel’s and my tastes and our personalities. All I want is for you to recommend a few women and if necessary, make a few introductions. Consider yourself in an advisory capacity, screening the candidates, if you will.’

      ‘Screen them yourself,’ she said pertly. ‘Or ask one of your friends for advice, like Tristan. I’m sure you’d rather have a male perspective anyway.’

      He shook his head. ‘Tristan and Beth won’t be back for another month. Even if they hadn’t left on their extended but well-deserved vacation, I trust your opinion and your instincts.’

      ‘What’s wrong with your instincts?’