Revenge In Regency Society: Brushed by Scandal / Courting Miss Vallois. Gail Whitiker
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СКАЧАТЬ people choose to make it so,’ Cambermere said fiercely.

      Barrington’s smile was tight. ‘People like to pass judgement on matters that do not concern them. Some do it with the best of intentions, others do it without any care for the consequences at all. But as we said, the matter is private and one that concerns you and your family alone.’

      Even has he said it, however, Barrington realised he had been given another glimpse into the complicated workings of Lord Cambermere’s family, and it was evident from the morning’s events that all was far from harmonious. There were simmering resentments, unsettled grievances, and barely restrained tempers. Instead of warming to the fact that his father had brought his godson to London, Hayle intended to do whatever he could to make Rand feel unwelcome—even to the point of humiliating him in front of his peers.

      That much had become patently clear. As Barrington left the club and climbed into his carriage for the drive home, he knew who had asked the Marquess of Yew to make an example of Peregrine Rand. And, sadly, he also knew the reason why.

      A full week passed during which Anna neither saw nor heard from Barrington. She told herself she didn’t care, but as she lay awake in the dark hours of the night, she knew she was lying to herself. She did care. And it troubled her deeply that they had parted on such bad terms.

      Try as she might, she couldn’t forget the feeling of Barrington’s arms closing warm and strong around her. She kept remembering the tenderness of his mouth as it moved with deliberate slowness over hers, sending shivers of delight up and down her spine.

      It still made her quiver when she thought about it.

      Still, longing for something you couldn’t have was a complete waste of one’s time, and there wasn’t a doubt in Anna’s mind that she would never have a life with Barrington. He’d made it perfectly clear that he had no intention of getting married, and it certainly wasn’t her place to get him to change his mind. She was the foolish one if she thought there was any merit in that.

      ‘Ah, Anna, there you are,’ her father said, walking into the drawing room. ‘Not going out this evening?’

      ‘I’m not, but it would seem you are,’ she said, rousing herself. ‘Is that a new coat?’

      To her amusement, her father’s cheeks took on a ruddy hue. ‘I decided it was time to spruce up my wardrobe. Doesn’t do for a gentleman to let himself go and I haven’t paid much attention to things like that since your mother died.’ His voice softened. ‘I had no reason to.’

      ‘And have you a reason now?’

      He glanced at her, suddenly looking boyish. ‘Would it disturb you if I said I had?’

      ‘Not at all. I like Julia very much.’ Anna hesitated. ‘I take it we are referring to Julia?’

      ‘Of course!’

      ‘Good. Then if she makes you happy, why should I object?’

      ‘Oh, I don’t know,’ the earl grumbled. ‘Some people say I’m past such things. That I’m too old for her. I am nearly twenty years her senior, after all.’

      ‘If the lady does not mind, why should you? You don’t look your age, and she is past thirty, Papa. Old enough to make her own decisions.’

      Her father glanced down at the floor. ‘Your brother is not pleased by the association.’

      Anna sighed. ‘My brother is not pleased with anything at the moment so I shouldn’t worry about it. Do what I do. Ignore him.’

      ‘Can you not try to get along, Anna? He is your brother, after all.’

      ‘Yes, he is, but I cannot bring myself to like the way he treats people; his attitude towards Peregrine is abysmal. He demonstrates a resentment that is neither warranted nor deserved. I’ve tried to tell him as much, but he refuses to listen.’

      Her father looked as though he wanted to say something, but then he sighed, and shook his head. ‘I blame myself for the distance between the two of you. Perhaps had I paid more attention to Edward when he was younger—’

      ‘The fault is not yours, Papa,’ Anna interrupted firmly. ‘Edward has been given every opportunity to show himself the better man. He has wealth and position—there is absolutely no reason for him to be so harsh and judgemental towards others.’

      ‘Perhaps he will change when he meets the right woman. It is my sincere wish that you both find suitable marriage partners and leave this house to start your own lives.’ Her father regarded her hopefully. ‘Is there no one for whom you feel even the slightest affection, my dear?’

      Sadly, there was. But while Anna would have liked to give her father the reassurance he so desperately craved, there was no point in raising his hopes. Or hers. ‘I fear not. But am I such a trouble to you that you would try to make me leave?’

      ‘Far from it. You’re a good girl, Anna. And though I don’t say it often, I am very proud of you. A week doesn’t go by that some grateful mother doesn’t tell me how helpful you’ve been in smoothing the troubled waters between her and her daughter. Most of them credit you with having saved their sanity!’

      Surprised by the admission, Anna said, ‘I can assure you they were exaggerating. None of the situations was that dire. It is simply easier for a stranger to see what needs to be done than someone who is intimately involved.’

      ‘Nevertheless, they all told me how helpful you were and that I should be very proud to have such an admirable young woman for a daughter. And I told them all they were right.’

      Her father was not normally an affectionate man, so when he suddenly bent down and pressed his lips to her forehead, Anna was deeply moved. ‘Oh, Papa.’ She got up and hugged him, aware that it had been a long time since she’d done so. If this was Julia’s doing, she could only hope that the romance continued.

      ‘Yes, well, I’d best be off,’ the earl said gruffly. He stepped back and smoothed his jacket. ‘Jul—that is, the baroness and I are having dinner together and then going on to the theatre.’

      ‘Sounds lovely. Have a good time.’

      ‘Yes, I expect we will.’

      Anna smiled as she watched him go. It was strange to suddenly find herself in the role of the parent. She was well aware that she was the one who should have been going out for the evening and her father the one wishing her well. But there was only one man with whom Anna wished to spend time and the chances of that happening were getting slimmer all the time.

      Troubled as he was by his feelings for Anna, Barrington knew he couldn’t afford to ignore his other commissions. In particular, the locating of Miss Elizabeth Paisley. His belief that he’d found her at Baroness von Brohm’s house had turned out to be false. He had gone back a few days later to question her, but the moment she’d walked into the drawing room, he’d known he was mistaken. The maid’s name was Justine Smith, and though she was the right age, the right height, and had the right colour hair, her eyes were all wrong. Hers had actually been a pale misty blue where the Colonel had specifically told him that Elizabeth Paisley’s were a deep, clear green. Barrington thought that in the candlelit room the night of the baroness’s dinner party, he must have been mistaken when he’d thought the maid’s eyes were green.