The Noble Assassin. Christie Dickason
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Название: The Noble Assassin

Автор: Christie Dickason

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007383818


СКАЧАТЬ rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_0e9842aa-a89c-5c34-95d6-fbc06fd48d03">Chapter 9

      Falling asleep that night, the heaviness of the orchard ambushes me again. To fight it, I repeat to myself all the reasons that life has changed and will continue to change.

      Elizabeth, in flight and without a home, needs me. The newly married princess, in love with her young husband, headed for his beloved Palatine, had not needed me. Then she had lost her one close English friend, Lady Anne Dudley Sutton, gone with her to Germany after her marriage. She will need to see a well-known face. She will need a trustworthy friend. She needs me now as much as her mother ever did.

      I turn over in my bed and yank at a wrinkle in the sheet that feels like a mountain ridge under my shoulder. I listen to Annie’s gentle snores from her pallet on the floor.

      If she is to come home, Elizabeth must believe that the English still love her. I must reassure her. And that I too still love her. That I will protect, inform and amuse her. Then, when she returns, she will make me her first lady of the bedchamber as her mother did. I will again be the older almost-sister, trusted once more with private access to both her person and her secret thoughts. I will be back where I belong and have purpose again.

      My restless foot meets the solid weight of one of my small hounds, which has managed to slip into my chamber and jump onto the bed. I feel the animal go very still, pretending to sleep, waiting for the command to get down. But I welcome the heavy warmth. After a moment, the dog sighs and softens in sleep.

      I cannot sleep. She might already be a captive. Or even dead, executed by the Hapsburgs, or from loss of blood in childbirth. Her confinement must be soon.

      I close my eyes and feel for her in the darkness of my bed. Surely, I would feel an emptiness if she had died?

      Elizabella, please write to tell me that you are well!

      I am still awake to hear the first birds warming up after the night.

      I do not tell my husband that I mean to defy him. I make an inventory of my remaining jewels not yet sold to try to pay our debts or to buy winter feed for the horses, or salt and sugar for our table. Or Edward’s claret. I rifle through my secret, shrinking store of plate, silver pomander cases, embroidered gloves, silver-gilt boxes and other baubles for the gifts and bribes needed to navigate Whitehall.

      At Whitehall, appearances matter. The surface is held to reveal the inner man. Or woman.

      And I am going back to Whitehall.

      With my lady Agnes Hooper and my maid Annie, I lay out my old court gowns, pairs of bodies, embroidered petticoats, cloaks, gloves, hats and shoes to choose what to take with me. I examine worn cuffs and finger torn lace ruffs. One pair of heeled shoes, in which I had once danced before the whole court, had been mended twice and the leather of the toes rubbed nearly through.

      I imagine the aghast astonishment of my former protégés, the poets, artists and musicians who had once received my generous patronage.

      Or worse: no longer being of use to them, I might have turned invisible.

      The thought of being pitied makes me hot. My skin burns as if I have a rising ague.

      ‘Poor thing!’ I could hear a woman whisper it, the Rutland girl, or one of the acid-tongued Howards. ‘She may have risen to become a countess, but look where it got her.’

      ‘An invalid husband, mended shoes . . .’ says another voice.

      And the constant search for someone to loan us more money.

      My skin has grown thinner, I think as I stitch a loose strip of gold sequins back onto the front panel of a petticoat.

      ‘If I brush this carefully, it will serve, don’t you think?’ says Agnes, holding up a hat of Muscovite beaver fur.

      I nod as I bite off the thread.

      Once, I would not have cared. But now, unprotected by the love of my queen or my poet, I feel an urgent need for at least one new gown to face both my enemies and my friends who remain at Whitehall.

      ‘You too must have a new gown,’ I tell Agnes. ‘Madam.’ She curtsies and tries not to look too pleased, but the severe planes of her face rearrange themselves into something like a smile. Though her husband had been a knight, his estate was sold to pay old debts and she now depends on me for survival.

      I glance at the patched soles of her shoes where she kneels by a chest. I need a pair of new shoes, I think. We both need new shoes.

      So much for my ‘learned and masculine soul’, once praised by Master Jonson. But, as I have said, we are impure creatures. Only saints and demons can be entirely consistent.

      Then Agnes shakes her head. She knows most of my secrets, good and bad. ‘Where will you find the money, madam?’

      ‘Watch me,’ I say.

      I fetch one of Edward’s old doublets that I had filched from his chambers. He has not worn it since his exile from court by the Old Queen for his entanglement in the Essex rebellion, seven years after our marriage – when he was old enough to know better. He would never miss it now.

      I pull my little knife from where it hangs on a ribbon under my skirt.

      I begin to cut off the jewelled buttons on the front of the doublet.

      At least, this is not your foolish head, I think as I slice off the first button with my knife. You had a lucky escape from the scaffold. Though the fine of five thousand pounds imposed by the Queen had begun our ruin. And his exile had made it impossible for him to acquire all the money he’d borrowed to pay back the fine.

      I give the button to Agnes, who sets it carefully on the table.

      I saved us once before . . . with my ride to Berwick . . . I slice off another button.

      I shall have to do it again . . .

      Another button off.

      Whether you want me to, or not.

      This one jumps from my fingers and rolls away under my bed. Without losing a fraction of her lean, straight-backed dignity, Agnes sinks to the floor in a pool of skirts, presses her head to the side of the bed and extends her arm into the dark space beneath.

      I cut off another button. ‘I have it!’ cries Agnes in triumph. She unfolds upwards, puts the escaped button beside the others on the table, shakes her skirts and begins to pick dust kittens from her sleeve.

      ‘Thirteen,’ I count. We look down at the glittering line of small golden baskets, woven from gold wire, each set with a diamond.

      ‘Lucky thirteen,’ she says. ‘If you believe such things.’

      One button buys me rich golden taffeta a little darker than my hair and the making of it into a court gown in the latest style, with a soft farthingale and embroidered sleeves. Two more buttons buy a gown for Agnes, and new saddlebags for me, along with a new side-saddle to replace the old one that is stained with sweat, patched, and has a girth as crumpled and limp as an old stocking. The other ten, I put into a purse against the expenses of London.

      Losing your position at court . СКАЧАТЬ