Step by Step Tarot. Terry Donaldson
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Название: Step by Step Tarot

Автор: Terry Donaldson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007498260


СКАЧАТЬ a very real sense you will not be able to see in anyone’s cards what you yourself have not already been through. You will not see heartbreak if you have never experienced it.

      Keep all your Worksheets in a special folder after you have done them and keep them in order, so that you can refer back to them and add extra pages on each card, thus building up the compendium of associated experience for each one.

      It is very important that you thoroughly personalize each individual Worksheet for each individual card. We must get all the details of the specific experience or memory associated with each card, locating it all in time and space, with where, when and with whom. It is not enough that you just write down the ‘meaning’ or any other superficial attribution for each card. What we want is Who, Where, When, How, Why and What in connection with your most personal (and painful) memories for each card. You may well go through bouts of crying, anger, happiness, etc. But write down the details of each of these memories. To work with the Tarot in this way is soul-cleansing and therapeutic. Also, you will access a different realm of insight into what the cards are hinting at in each of your Querent’s spreads when you have tapped into the true emotional, gritty meaning of each card and how it is linked with your own emotional past.

      Also make a point of writing down any cognitions, thoughts, realizations, hopes, fears, prayers for absent friends, etc. which emerge from these exercises. Again, don’t make a big deal out of these exercises. Get through them so that you can go beyond them. You can always come back to them and redo them. If you find yourself spending more than 10 minutes on any card, go on to the next one. Keep all your notes intact and in order. Write at the top of each Worksheet the name of the card you were looking at when you did the write-up, so that you don’t get them mixed up.

      You share karma with the person in front of you. Therefore, by tapping into your own emotional reservoir of experience, you will be able to ‘see’ 1,000 times more things going on in your Querent’s cards than you would have otherwise. This is a powerful technique, but to get the benefit of it you have to go deeply into yourself and the experiences in life which you have felt. It takes guts. But you will end up a far more effective reader if you do it than if you don’t.



      Here I am going to fill you in on some of the meanings of the cards. They are all oriented towards relating the meanings of each card to practical aspects of life and try to move beyond the simplistic meanings which you will find in the little booklets accompanying each deck. By the same token, they also try to get you thinking about the issues which are raised and to enable the Querent to become a little more determined by the end of the reading.

      These meanings are more empowering than some of the esoteric waffle found in certain sources.

      The Heightened Meanings have been written not with a view to making any definitive statement on the meanings of each card, but rather to get you as a trainee thinking along new lines. So some of the meanings you will agree with more than others. But I don’t want you to get stuck at agreement or disagreement. I want you to continue to develop your own associations, using the Heightened Meanings as a guide for your own continued work.

      As you go through this chapter, why not keep a notebook beside you, so that you can write up your own Heightened Meanings, card by card.

      You will notice that I have only given you these meanings after you have gone through the Worksheets and other exercises. The meanings you have derived for yourself do not have to match up exactly with the Heightened Meanings. To some extent there should be a basic consensus, because the Tarot is based around a pattern, but within that very wide pattern is the potential for an infinite number of personalizations.

      So there is no sense of ‘getting it wrong’, really; only of weaving the symbolism which the Tarot has to offer into the context of your own life.


      0 THE FOOL

      Encounters with other people will become very lively indeed! The kind of people you are meeting are outside the realm of what has gone on before. You will be experiencing them as interesting, exciting, enlivening! You will be having the same effect on them, by the way, just in case you thought it was a one-way street!

      New relationships may take place which will be totally different from anything you have experienced before! Don’t go into this new world with all your old knowledge – leave your shoes and your mind by the door! It is only by removing the barrier of existing knowledge that you will be able to receive fresh inflows of teaching, which will pave the way for you to go on to the next level of spiritual development.

      It may well be that under this influence you are attracting people who are very different from your normal circle of friends and associates. These new associations may tend to have an unusual quality which makes your existing friends wonder about the direction in life which you are taking. Let them sit and wonder – maybe one day they may even find out!

      The whole emphasis is upon freedom, spontaneity, the unusual and that which has the capacity to interest.

      If it is essential for you to make any important decisions, especially those which might require long-term commitments, then this isn’t the best set of influences. It is far better to postpone these decisions until a time in the future when the correct balance – or at the very least a new balance of the mind’s faculties – can be achieved. In particular, steer clear of business decisions, matters involving finances, property, the drawing up of leases or any legal agreements which would be binding or have long-term effects.

      This card would certainly point the way towards the development of new skills, new techniques, new abilities. The only problem here is that under this card’s influence, it might be difficult to focus the mind or to concentrate on one thing at a time sufficiently to achieve anything concrete. But this would probably be the crux of the whole matter.

      It symbolizes a brilliant time for pushing ahead with new plans and projects, although there is in this card a far greater degree of the element of ‘experiment’ than is to be found anywhere else. Let’s not get too disillusioned or upset if some of these experiments don’t necessarily work out or at least yield the kind of tangible results which we had originally anticipated!

      The Fool is all about the experimental, the original, the eccentric, the different. He is all about not following any pattern at all, just doing his own thing! He is no respecter of outward appearances, but is able to see right to the heart of the other person – or situation – and judge truly. He is a great idealist and by his refusal to compromise himself with the material world he inhabits a rather different dimension. Time, place: neither of these have much effect on him; he is only just in his own body. If he went any higher, he’d slip out of his physical form and go back to the realm of pure spirit. He is a great teacher, but wouldn’t want you around for too long, hanging on his every word. He’s not here to let you slip out of your self-imposed responsibilities and start projecting onto him. He’s not a guru, just his own true self. In the past, he was associated with the element Air, as that was the lightest of all the elements, like the wind, blowing wherever it wanted to blow. More recently, he has been seen in the company of the planet Uranus, which alone out of all the planets in the Solar System rotates horizontally on its axis, going around the Zodiac. So, he is equally eccentric, rotating around the СКАЧАТЬ