Your Personal Horoscope 2017. Joseph Polansky
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Название: Your Personal Horoscope 2017

Автор: Joseph Polansky

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780008144517



      Your career – your life work, your professional status and standing – is much more important than mere money this year. It will become even more important towards the end of the year and into 2018 and 2019. You’re in a preparatory stage this year. Towards the end of the year, as Saturn, your career planet, crosses your Mid-heaven and enters your 10th career house, you’re going to be asked to take on more responsibility. You need to be ready for this. So it won’t hurt to take on extra responsibility now – in preparation. Get used to it.

      Your career planet spends most of the year in Sagittarius, your 9th house. This shows career-related travel happening. Your willingness to travel will boost the career. It also indicates – and this will depend on your age and stage in life – a need to either mentor others or to educate yourself in areas that boost the career. By all means attend (or give) business-related seminars and lectures.

      Pluto, as we have mentioned, has been at the top of your chart for many years now. This gives him great prominence and power. Thus, bosses and authority figures are having (and have been having) surgery and near-death kinds of experiences. In some cases there has been actual, literal, death. Your company or industry has been having near-death kinds of experiences too. And, in many cases, your actual career has ‘died and been born again’ – resurrected. By the time Pluto is finished with you (you’ve got many more years to go) you will be fearless in career matters. You will also have your ‘dream’ career – your ideal.

      Love and Social Life

      As we have mentioned, this is the real headline of the year ahead. This is one of the best and happiest love and social life years you’ve had in a very long time – perhaps in the last 12 or so years.

      Benevolent Jupiter is established in your 7th house of love until October 10. Combine this with Venus’s three-month sojourn in your sign and you have a signature for romance, marriage or serious relationship. It all seems very happy.

      For many years now marriage – committed relationship – hasn’t been advisable. Uranus in your own sign was denying it. Your self will, your passion for personal freedom and independence – though good in itself – was not good for serious long-term relationships. But Uranus is almost finished with you. In a year or two he will be out of your sign. You’re ready for some stability in your life. For those of you born early in the sign of Aries (March 20 to April 5), Uranus is already finished with you. Marriage, or relationships that are ‘like’ marriage, are advisable. If you were born between April 6 and April 19, it still might be advisable to wait. Enjoy romance for what it is but there’s no need to rush into anything.

      Jupiter in your 7th house shows someone of good education and refinement coming into your life. Perhaps he or she is a foreigner. Perhaps you meet him or her in a foreign land. This is a person you can look up to and respect. Jupiter in your 7th house is an aspect for someone who falls in love with the minister or professor. There is an allure for ‘mentor’ type people.

      From February 3 to June 6 Venus, your love planet, will either be in, or hovering near, your sign. This shows that love pursues you. There’s nothing special that you need to do to find it – it will find you.

      Love and money go hand-in-hand in your chart: Venus is both your love and financial planet. So when one is going well so is the other. When love is happy, so are finances. When finances go well, so does love. Wealth in a partner is certainly an added allure, but refinement, education and philosophical compatibility are just as important – and perhaps even more so this year.

      As we have said, you don’t need to do much to find love this year. But educational and religious-type settings are good. People you worship with are playing cupid.

      Venus moves through your entire horoscope in a given year. So every month the love venues can change depending on where she is at any given time. These short-term trends are best discussed in the monthly reports.

      Those of you working towards a second marriage still need patience. Marriage is not advisable this year. Those working on the third marriage have a very nice opportunity. There is someone of high status interested in you.


      A planet at the top of the chart indicates much more than a person’s career. It shows that the affairs governed by the planet are of the highest priority; that you will be involved in these issues. So, Pluto’s position on your Mid-heaven for many years now shows that issues of death, surgery (a form of near-death experience), wills and estates and in some cases debt and taxes have been paramount in your life for many years. Dealing with these issues has been a high priority – and perhaps part of your current mission in life. This can sound scary, but this is not the cosmic agenda here. Through these experiences you’re confronting death and gaining a deeper understanding of it. This is happening both on the material and spiritual levels. Very few people understand the intricacies of wills or probate law until they have undergone the experience. So the purely material understanding is expanded. But spiritual understanding of this is also happening. You’re learning what physical death is all about – why it is not to be feared, but understood. When death is understood spiritually, we will live better and more effectively. Many of our cherished hopes and wishes are blocked because of the fear of death. Once you get through this, new vistas of life open up.

      Pluto in the 10th house also indicates success in projects involving personal transformation and reinvention. Spiritually speaking this is your real mission these days. You are being called to give birth to your own ideal of self.

      Spirituality has been important for some years now – ever since Neptune moved into Pisces in 2011. For the past two years – and for most of this year – Saturn has been testing your spirituality. In some cases, there was a conflict between the worldly career and your spiritual values – a classic conflict. In some cases, the forces of tradition (parents, elders or authority figures in your life) attacked your spirituality – your practice and ideals. You’re being forced to integrate the two urges: to have a viable spiritual life and a worldly career; to be practical in the world without losing your spiritual ideas. It’s not so easy to do. You still have this challenge this year, but it will soon be over. By December 21, as Saturn moves into Capricorn, this issue should be resolved. Perhaps it will help some of you to understand that spirituality is always eminently practical. It seems unworldly, but it has great worldly effects. Spirituality only shows a ‘different approach’ to practicality. A better approach. Your intuition has been tested these past few years – and this continues in the year ahead. This is ultimately good. No reliable tool gets forged without testing.

      Saturn’s move into your 10th house at the end of the year will bring strong career demands. You have to succeed by sheer merit, by being the best in what you do. Often this aspect brings a stern, demanding boss who overworks you and expects ‘the impossible’, who seems never satisfied, who is sparing in praise, but quick to criticize. This isn’t pleasant, but it will stretch you if you handle it properly. Don’t resist the demands. Do your utmost to fulfil them. You’ll be amazed as you start achieving things that you believed were impossible. These things are not really burdens but spiritual gifts – as you will see in hindsight.


      Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24

      Most Stressful Days Overall: 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26

      Best Days for Love: 2, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 31

      Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, СКАЧАТЬ