Your Personal Horoscope 2017. Joseph Polansky
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Название: Your Personal Horoscope 2017

Автор: Joseph Polansky

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780008144517


СКАЧАТЬ places and people in any given month. These short-term trends are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      In general, the New and Full Moons tend to be financially strong days. Moreover, your earning power is stronger when the Moon is waxing or growing larger rather than when it is getting smaller or waning. When the Moon is waxing it is good to make investments where you want ‘growth’ to happen. When the Moon is waning it is good to use any spare cash to pay off debts or other obligations. These are things that you want to reduce and you get cosmic help here.

      Your prosperity should be stronger later in the year, from October 11 onwards. There are lucrative job opportunities coming and they will probably pay well.

      Two Lunar Eclipses this year – one on February 11 and the other on August 7 – will shake up the financial life. This happens every year, so it is nothing to fear. You’ve gone through this many times. The eclipses force financial ‘course corrections’. Twice a year – every year – you get a chance to make any necessary changes to the financial life.

      Career is good this year, but will also get a lot better from October 11 onwards. On that date, Jupiter will start to make beautiful aspects to your career planet, Neptune. On December 21, Saturn will move away from his stressful aspect to Neptune and this will further improve things. In the meantime you just have to work a little harder.

      A Solar Eclipse on February 26 will directly hit your career planet, and it occurs in your 10th house of career. So this will bring shake-ups in your company or industry. Course corrections will be needed in your career. And you will make them.

      As we mentioned, you need an idealistic, meaningful career. Just being ‘worldly successful’ is not enough. Many of you will gravitate to non-profit organizations or charitable or spiritual-type organizations. The fine arts will also appeal to many of you. You don’t need to be an actual artist or performer, but can be involved in the business, administrative side of things.

      Love and Social Life

      Saturn, as we have mentioned, has been in your 7th house of love for two years now, and he will remain there for almost the whole year ahead. Existing relationships are getting severely tested. There has been many a divorce or break up these past two years and even now, flawed relationships are in danger. None of this should be considered punishment (though it can be stressful and feel like punishment). The cosmos wants the best for you, and if a current relationship doesn’t meet the standard, it will go.

      For singles the past two years have been a bit different. The social life – dating and parties – has contracted. You haven’t been going out as much as usual. This too is not punishment. The cosmos wants you to focus more on quality rather than quantity. Quality dates, quality relationships, quality gatherings – though fewer – are preferable to hosts of mediocre things.

      The love life started to change last year, in September, as Jupiter, your love planet, moved into your 5th house. You got into a more romantic mood. You increased the dating and party going, but you most likely didn’t marry. This is the case for the year ahead too. You’ll indulge in fun relationships, but marriage doesn’t seem on the cards. Marriage prospects will improve in 2018 and 2019 though – you’re just getting prepared for it now.

      In love you seem of two minds. One part is very sober, serious and traditional. You want stability and security, and favour older, more settled types of people. This is shown by Saturn in your 7th house. The other part of you just wants fun – pleasure. This part is not at all concerned with stability or security, just enjoyment. The feeling of love (even if it’s illusionary) is preferable to dull, steady routine. This part is spontaneous and will fall in love quickly. The other part, the conservative part, will take its time to see whether it’s ‘safe’ to fall in love. It is difficult to satisfy both parts of your nature – they often argue. A person that satisfies one part might be abhorrent to the other, and vice versa. The best relationship will be with someone who satisfies both parts of your nature – but these people are hard to find. Be patient.

      On October 11, as your love planet moves into your 6th house, your love attitudes and needs also shift. Fun becomes less important and you are attracted to the person who serves your practical interests. This is how you feel loved and this is how you show it.

      The workplace becomes a venue for romance. Job opportunities are coming, as we mentioned, but it is the social atmosphere and social opportunity that will determine which job you take. There can be office romances with co-workers. You’re also attracted to health professionals or people involved in your health. A routine doctor’s visit can wind up being much more than that.

      Saturn in your 7th house shows someone older in your life. Not an old person, but someone older and more settled than you. There seems to be a good sexual magnetism, but he or she also appears overly controlling.


      Your 12th house of spirituality hasn’t been strong for many years, yet, because Neptune is the highest planet in your chart (and has been since 2012), spirituality is prominent. In general you gravitate to the path of love and devotion. Love, love, love and everything will work out. And Neptune on the Mid-heaven reinforces this. You’re someone who, if anything, has an excess of logic and rationality. So there is a need to develop the love and devotional side – the irrational or arational side. Mantra chanting, singing and drumming ceremonies are all excellent for you. Too much rationality can produce tendencies to depression. There are so many things in life that can’t be ‘reasoned’ away. We must rise above thought and this path will do the trick. If you feel depressed, half an hour of mantra chanting will take you right out of it. In fact, it will make you feel ‘high’ without having taken a drink or drug. One feels a sense of euphoria. And in this state, the Higher Energies can come through.

      In a year or two Uranus will move into your 12th house and stay there for many years; spirituality will become even more prominent than it is now. This move will inject more science and rationality into the spiritual life. You will start to understand the science behind all this apparent ‘voodoo’. Right now it doesn’t seem to matter much, but when you understand the rationality behind the mystical practices, you’ll be able to write and teach about it.

      Since Uranus is your planet of religion and philosophy, there will be revelation about the mundane and mystical practices of your own native religion.

      The Mid-heaven and 10th house show more than just a person’s career. This is just the worldly reading of it. On a deeper level it shows a person’s mission in life – the spiritual purpose for the incarnation. You were sent down to do something special, something no one else can do. You took vows on inner levels to achieve this. Since 2012 it has been time for you to learn what this is and to start doing it. Until you do there will be this subtle sense of dissatisfaction, regardless of how successful you are. It won’t go away until you start to do your real mission. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up your worldly career. Definitely not – not right away. But gradually you start to give more attention to your mission, and the worldly career gets put into its proper perspective.

      How do I find out what I’m supposed to do? This is the question we always hear – it’s a good question. Prayer is a good beginning. Ask the Divine to show you what it is. Gurus, ministers, spiritual channels, psychics and astrologers have information on this subject, and it might be advisable to consult them. Also, pay attention to your dreams. They are revelatory these days and there will be many dreams that lead you to your mission, once you penetrate ‘dream language’. Write your dreams down.

      Usually a person is called to do great and mighty things. Much more than they believe is possible for them. Things that seem beyond СКАЧАТЬ