Your Personal Horoscope 2016. Joseph Polansky
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Название: Your Personal Horoscope 2016

Автор: Joseph Polansky

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007594047



      Your career planet, Uranus, has been in your spiritual 12th house for many years now. A strictly worldly kind of career is not appealing these days. You need something that is meaningful, something that benefits all of humanity, something idealistic. This aspect is excellent for careers in the non-profit world, with organizations dedicated to causes or charities. It also shows that even if you are in a worldly kind of career, being involved with charities and causes would advance your status. Bosses and superiors would make note of this. Important connections can be made in these kinds of activities.

      With Uranus as the career planet, you need a career that offers much change and variety. It favours a freelance type of career. Also, your technological expertise is very important here. You need to stay up to date.

      Love and Social Life

      When Saturn left your 7th house late in 2014 a dark cloud lifted off you. The love life had not been happy. Marriages and serious relationships were tested, and many dissolved. The first half of 2014 was very serious in this regard.

      Jupiter’s move into Virgo last year was also a big help as he started making nice aspects to your love planet, Pluto. Right now – especially until September 9 – you are in a great love and social period. After a few years of stress and testing, you’re a better person and more able to handle relationships.

      The good thing about stress is that it reveals inherent flaws – both personal and in a relationship. Thus, it is easier to correct these flaws. Relationships that survived the past few years are good and will probably last for ever.

      Love is happening now, but there’s no need to rush into marriage. Take your time. Next year is much better for marriage than now.

      Your love planet, Pluto, rules sex, among other things. Thus the sexual magnetism is the primary turn-on in love. There’s nothing wrong with this, but sometimes people make too much of it. By itself, sex is not enough to hold a relationship together. (Many of you learned this over the past few years.)

      Pluto rules your love life from the sign of Capricorn. This shows a practical approach to love. You like the good provider, the person of status, the person who can help your career. Also it shows more caution in love. You are slower to fall in love now than before 2008, when Pluto was in Sagittarius. You’ve become more careful.

      Pluto will remain in your 9th house for many years to come. This is good. It shows that besides the sexual magnetism you like someone educated and refined. You like people you can learn from – mentor types. You like people who share your philosophical and religious beliefs. Philosophical differences will eventually sink even the best of sexual chemistries. Good sexual chemistry has a lifespan of about a year. But if there is also philosophical harmony, the relationship can last much longer – even for ever.

      Love opportunities happen in religious or educational-type settings these days, at religious or university functions and through the introduction of people you worship with or attend school with. Foreign countries can also be the venue for romance these days. Foreigners are alluring – and the more exotic the better.

      The love aspects are especially good for those working on the first or second marriage. For those working on the third marriage, this is a status quo kind of year. Next year will be a lot better.


      Your spiritual life has been important for some years now. Your career planet Uranus is in your spiritual 12th house and in many cases Taureans are opting for a spiritual-type career, working to balance that with the normal material concerns. In other cases, the spiritual life, the spiritual practice is the career. It is the most important thing these days, the mission in life.

      Uranus in the 12th house shows much change, fermentation and experimentation in the spiritual life. Many are running from one teaching to the next, from one teacher to the next, from one practice to the next in search of the path that works for them. The danger here is ‘faddishness’. It is great to be experimental and to try out different things, but more homework should be done. The fact that something is new and hot – popular – doesn’t necessarily mean that it is good. This kind of attitude can set back your spiritual progress for years. On the other hand, experimentation often leads to new knowledge and insight. It’s a mixed blessing.

      Uranus in your 12th house suggests that you benefit most from a scientific approach to the spiritual practice. There is a deep and beautiful science behind all these strange and mysterious practices and teachings. It is good to understand this as it will enhance both your faith and your practice. Faith is very important in spiritual practice, and when it is bolstered by scientific understanding the practice will go better. Taureans are down-to-earth, practical people. So, letting go of evidence-before-your-eyes-based thinking and ideas is quite a challenge. This is another reason why the scientific approach will help you.

      Uranus in the 12th house brings much ferment and change on its own. But this year, your spiritual planet, Mars, is more erratic in his motion than normal. He will be retrograde (which only happens once every two years) from April 17 to June 29. Then, for almost three months, from August 9 to October 30 he will be ‘out of bounds’. The retrograde period of Mars will be good for reviewing your spiritual life and seeing where improvements can be made. Intuitions and dreams need more time to be deciphered and digested. Intuition needs more verification during this period. When Mars is ‘out of bounds’ it shows that you’re going outside your normal sphere in search for spiritual truths. You’re moving outside your ‘box’.

      With all this upheaval going on it is good that Neptune is in your 11th house of friends. This shows that you’re attracting spiritual kinds of friends – and you need this now – to keep your practice stable.

      All this spiritual activity and growth is challenging your personal religion and philosophy of life. This whole area is getting reformed. It is dying and will be reborn in a new and better form. It is wonderful when old and false beliefs die. These have been the cause of many of your problems. But, good though it is, it’s not that pleasant while it’s happening.


      Best Days Overall: 9, 10, 17, 18, 26, 27

      Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 11, 12, 24, 25, 31

      Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 31

      Best Days for Money: 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27

      Best Days for Career: 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 24, 25

      You begin your year on a happy and successful note. Overall health looks excellent. The large number of Earth signs in your Horoscope sits well with you and plays into your comfort zone. It promotes prosperity too.

      The planetary power is 80 per cent (and sometimes 90 per cent) above the horizon. The power is in the upper half of your chart. On the 20th, as the Sun crosses the Mid-heaven and enters your 10th house, you enter a yearly career peak. The focus is on the career – your outer world objectives – as it should be. Family is important, but they are supporting the career too. Your family could be more ambitious for you than you are for yourself. Both you and the family as a whole are successful this month. Your overall status is elevated. Happy career opportunities come and it looks like they are through family or family connections.

      Finances are good, but they are more complicated this month than last. Your financial СКАЧАТЬ