Moscow USA. Gordon Stevens
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Название: Moscow USA

Автор: Gordon Stevens

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9780007484898


СКАЧАТЬ and Panelli, himself and O’Bramsky. Ed Miller there with them, even though he’d survived the night of the knives.

      Miller rose, pulled on his coat, and patted each of them on the shoulder. Sorry, the gesture said. Can’t find the words, but you know how I feel. He turned and left, Jameson and Panelli followed him into the snow ten minutes later.

      Kincaid called the waiter and asked for two more Black Labels. ‘Ironic, isn’t it?’

      ‘Why ironic?’

      ‘If Joshua had been aware of his death, then he would have thought he had failed. But he didn’t need to try anyway, because the putsch collapsed and the old days are over for ever.’

      That morning the Soviet Union had ceased to exist.

      O’Bramsky nodded. O’Bramsky hadn’t spoken much all evening.

      ‘So what did the enquiry report say, Bram? Because you’ve seen a draft and I haven’t.’

      ‘That Joshua was trying to make contact with us to prevent the Gorbachev putsch, and that his own people suspected what he was about to do, tailed him, and took him out.’

      ‘No other reason why he should contact us?’

      ‘Not according to the draft report.’

      ‘But we carry the blame.’

      O’Bramsky laughed.

      ‘What about Moscow, Idaho?’ Kincaid asked. ‘What about the fact that Joshua made the first call from there?’

      ‘The enquiry will decide that Moscow USA was irrelevant, that Joshua was covering his tracks and trying to confuse us.’

      Kincaid drained his glass. ‘So what you going to do now, Bram?’

      ‘What I should’ve done long time back; do up the house on the Chesapeake, paint the Hobie, and tell myself the last twenty-five years didn’t end like this.’

      And what about you, Jack? – it was in O’Bramsky’s stare. I know that there’s something on your mind, but I can’t tell what.

      ‘I had a dream last night, Bram. I dreamt I met up with the bastard who took out Joshua. Actually I’ve had the dream every night.’

      ‘Why?’ O’Bramsky asked.

      ‘Because I feel guilty about Joshua, I guess. Almost as if I’d betrayed him.’

      ‘And it’s eating you up?’

      ‘Yeah, Bram, it’s eating me up.’

      They stood to leave.

      ‘You got to shake it off, Jack.’ O’Bramsky pulled on his coat. ‘What happened was business, not personal. You can’t carry Joshua’s ghost with you for the rest of your life or it will devour you, every day you live and every second you breathe.’

      They stepped outside. The snow was falling thicker now; as they walked down the street it was a mantle on their shoulders.

      ‘I know, Bram. But I’d still like to get whoever pulled the trigger.’

      ‘Forget it, Jack.’

      ‘Because it was business not personal?’

      ‘No.’ O’Bramsky sunk his hands deeper into his coat.

      ‘So why?’

      The snow was falling even heavier; the sounds around them were muffled and the street lamps hung like halos in the white.

      ‘You know the game, Jack. You’re part of the Club. You know there’s no way the two of you will ever meet.’

Five Years Later … August 1996


      Kazakhstan that August morning was like Kazakhstan every August morning: hot, the land flat and featureless and stretching for ever, and the ground below it running with wealth. ConTex had signed up three years before, and now operated an oilfield on the north-east coast of the Caspian Sea. ConTex was also hustling contracts elsewhere, which was why its head office was in Moscow.

      Maddox rose at five.

      Arnold Maddox, Arnie to both friends and colleagues, had been with the Consolidated Oil Company of Texas six years and had switched from Angola to Moscow nine months earlier. Maddox was late thirties, tall and lean build, hailed from Austin, Texas, and had been in exploration and production since graduation. He was married with two teenage boys, though his wife and family never accompanied him on his overseas postings. In the political chaos of Angola he had brought order and efficiency; in the frontier atmosphere which was the new Russia he brought an instinct for the local way of doing things which singled him out from many of the foreign businessmen now streaming east. Thus the night before he had spent four hours over black bread, local black caviar and Absolut vodka with the general introduced to him as head of the republic’s KGB, even though the KGB had been renamed and reorganized after the dissolution of the Soviet Union five years ago.

      By seven he had tied up the remnants of paperwork left over from the previous day; at seven-fifteen, over breakfast of cheese, cold meats and black coffee, he held a final meeting with the local manager and security chief. By early afternoon he was back in Moscow.

      The suites which ConTex occupied were on the eighth floor of a modern block off Tverskaya. Red Square and the Kremlin were 200 metres away, on the other side of the inner ring road, and the red and yellow of McDonald’s occupied the ground floor.

      After Kazakhstan the office seemed the height of civilization: prints of ConTex’s various operations on the walls, cocktail cabinet, conference table at the end nearest the door, and Maddox’s mahogany desk in front of the window. PC to the right, a bank of telephone monitors, including a Stu-iii, to the left, mandatory family photograph in the middle and executive chair behind.

      He checked with his secretary, asked her to get him a coffee, and called Dwyer on an internal line. ‘I’m back. Do we need to talk?’

      Ten days earlier, and two months before they would even unofficially be known to exist, Maddox had acquired the preliminary details of a new exploration area, plus names and backgrounds of relevant officials and politicians, and ConTex had sent in Dwyer.

      Dwyer came through, sat down and shook his head when Maddox’s secretary offered him coffee. ‘Looks like we’ll get what we want.’ Dwyer was Vice President responsible for New Business Development and on the main board. I’ll need five million.’ At this moment in time, and at this stage of the process. Because five million dollars was small beer. When it got really heavy you could put a zero on the end of that, and ConTex wouldn’t think it was out of place.

      So five million, plus the one million Maddox needed for Kazakhstan to cover local wages, expenses and other payments. Delivery tomorrow and everything straightforward and routine. Three minutes later the request had been sent to Houston on the secure fax.

      When Maddox and Dwyer left the office the early evening was warm. Maddox’s driver dropped Dwyer at the СКАЧАТЬ