Little Drifters: Kathleen’s Story. Kathleen O’Shea
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Название: Little Drifters: Kathleen’s Story

Автор: Kathleen O’Shea

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9780007532292


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      But it was too late – Daddy’s head was oozing thick dark blood. He hadn’t even fallen off his stool – he just rocked back and forth slightly, not saying a word. Then he staggered to his feet as Liam stood back, breathing hard, a look of pure hate on his face.

      We could all see he was drawing his arm back to go at Daddy again.

      ‘Stop, Liam! Don’t!’ Mammy screeched, racing over to Liam and grabbing hold of his arm, pinning it back at his side. They struggled like that for a bit as Daddy swayed from side to side before stumbling out the front door.

      ‘Let me go, Mammy!’ Liam was shouting. ‘I’m gonna kill him!’

      Mammy ran to the door and shut it against my father, then leaned back on it to stop Liam from following Daddy outside.

      ‘Please, Liam, don’t do this!’ she was crying, pleading with him now. ‘Think of the little ones!’

      ‘I am!’ Liam roared. ‘I AM thinking of the little ones. He’s killing us all!’

      ‘No, no, no,’ Mammy sobbed. ‘You can’t do this. You can’t kill that man.’

      We were all too shocked to move or do anything for a while as the two of them stood there at the door, my Mammy distraught but determined not to let my brother out, Liam, shaking and hollering.

      Finally, Tara and me got up and went to stand with Mammy, by her side. We couldn’t let Liam kill our daddy. For all the wrong that he’d done, we all still loved him. Tears now were pouring down my cheeks as I shouted at my brother: ‘Leave him alone, Liam! You’ve can’t kill our daddy. You leave him be!’

      He looked down at us then and his eyes filled with tears. Just then all the fight seemed to go out of him, his body slumped forward, he dropped the ashtray and he turned and walked back to the fire. I buried my head in Mammy’s skirts then and she held onto the back of my head and we stood there like that, all crying and heaving with the terror of it all.

      Now it was Daddy we thought was dead. There was no doubt about it, Liam had given him a fearful crack on the skull. How could a man survive a thing like that? After a while, Mammy wiped her arm across her face and we all went back to the range. Once she was convinced Liam had finally calmed down she said to us: ‘Come on. Let’s see if we can find your father.’

      So we carefully opened up the front door, half expecting to see him laying down dead on the path. But there was nothing, just a few spots of blood on the path leading out the front gate to the lane.

      ‘Where is he, Mammy?’ Tara asked.

      ‘I don’t know, baby,’ she replied, herself looking confused and worried. We searched all over the place that night but there was no sign of Daddy at all. We crawled into bed later, the four of us, and Brian said he thought maybe Daddy had gone to the woods to die.

      Tara and I cried quietly into each other’s shoulders then, sorry for Liam killing our daddy.

      It was a pure miracle Daddy survived that night. A farmer found him unconscious on the road and picked him up and took him to the hospital. The next day, as we were having our breakfast, the Garda came knocking at the door. They told my mother Daddy was being looked after in the hospital and he should be back in a few days.

      We all held our breath, half expecting them to take Liam off to jail, but they didn’t say anything else. Mammy nodded and thanked them. They couldn’t have helped seeing her eyes, all still red and bloodshot from where Daddy nearly strangled her to death. A few days later Daddy was back and nobody said anything about what had happened. We thought it would all blow over, just like all them other fights they’d had before. But, though we didn’t know it then, Mammy had made a decision that night, a decision that would change all our lives for ever.



      It was a few weeks later that Bridget came back. We were so thrilled to see her, we jumped all over her, kissing her like mad and hanging round her neck.

      ‘We missed you!’ we told her over and over again. We thought she was coming back for good – we were so excited, we hardly even noticed the strange look that passed between her and my mother as she set her case down on the floor. We all went to sleep that night, happy that our older sister had returned.

      But the next morning she shook us awake and whispered: ‘Come on now, lads. Wake up and get ready. We’ve got to go.’

      We all pulled on our clothes, unquestioning, not having a clue what was going on. When we came into the parlour Mammy had the babies all dressed and Bridget was standing next to three cases. Aidan and Liam were there too, looking grim-faced. Next to them was a man we didn’t recognise.

      ‘This here is Fergal,’ said Bridget. ‘He’s my fella and he’s gonna be helping us.’

      Mammy was bustling about, getting all our sandals out and ordering us to put on our coats. She seemed tense, nervous.

      Once they’d ushered us all outside I asked: ‘Where are we going?’

      It was Bridget who replied: ‘We’re going to England.’

      England? I didn’t know where England was. I’d never heard of the place – but in that instant I knew one thing. We were all leaving without Daddy! I started to sob. My heart ached. We couldn’t leave Daddy. Despite everything, I worshipped my daddy and I knew he loved us all to death.

      ‘But Mammy,’ I tugged at her skirt. ‘We can’t leave Daddy behind. Why isn’t Daddy coming with us?’

      ‘Hush now,’ she said. ‘Stop your crying.’

      I didn’t really have to ask – I knew why we were leaving but I couldn’t bear the thought of Daddy coming home to find all of us gone. But there was nothing I could do. We set off then across the fields to get to the village, not daring to walk along the road. Fergal and Bridget took the cases while Mammy, Liam and Aidan carried the little ones. It was three miles to get to the village but for us this wasn’t a long walk. We tramped along in silence, and once we arrived we sat at the roadside until the bus came along to take us to the main town.

      I was too sad and preoccupied to talk. I didn’t know where England was but it sounded a long way away. How would Daddy feel finding an empty house? It was horrible to think how lonely he would be without us all. We all got on board the bus and Mammy ordered us to sit down and quieten while she settled the little ones. The bus started up but since we were going along small, winding country roads, it couldn’t go too fast. Just then, up ahead, I spotted Daddy, strolling down the road in his white shirt with his sleeves rolled up, his hands in his pockets, his lips pursed to whistle. He was on his way home and looked so happy, not a care in the world.

      My heart soared to see him and I called out: ‘Look! There’s Daddy!’ and started banging on the window.

      But Mammy must have caught sight of him at the very same moment because she screamed at us all: ‘Get down!’

      She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the floor of the bus. All the others hid down behind the seats as we passed by my father, clueless that we were all in the bus, escaping from him. Then the bus was past СКАЧАТЬ