For Better For Worse. Pam Weaver
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Название: For Better For Worse

Автор: Pam Weaver

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007480456


СКАЧАТЬ know. I can see that now, but I honestly didn’t notice at the time.’

      ‘Is your initial “K”?


      ‘Then you must have known the book didn’t belong to you.’

      ‘No … that is … Maybe I saw it but it didn’t really register. I was upset …’

      He banged the book onto the table, making her jump. ‘I think you knew very well what you were doing, young lady,’ he shouted. ‘You saw a bank book with £500 pounds in it and you thought, Ah, I’ll have some of that.’

      Annie was alarmed. ‘It wasn’t like that!’

      ‘So you passed yourself off as Mrs K Royale.’

      ‘No,’ Annie protested again. ‘I only wanted enough money to pay Mr West and to go and see my husband.’

      ‘But you haven’t got a husband, have you?’ he sneered. ‘I can see you are having a baby, but you’re not married. You’re living in sin.’

      ‘I am not!’ Annie cried indignantly. ‘How dare you say that! I am married and you’ve got my wedding certificate to prove it.’

      The two men looked at each other, then DS Hacker closed his folder and stood up. ‘All right, Mrs Royal,’ he said. ‘For the moment we’re giving you the benefit of the doubt. We’re keeping the bank book, and the jeweller concerned doesn’t want to press charges, but remember that impersonation is a very serious offence. You are free to go.’

      As they led her away from the poky little room and back to the entrance, Annie struggled not to give way to tears. She wasn’t going to give that horrible man the pleasure of seeing her break down, but when she reached the front desk all her plans went out of the window. A man and a woman stood up as she came through and the woman called her name. With a loud sob, Annie threw herself in her parents’ arms.


      When she told the police why she had come, Sarah was shown into a small room near the reception area. As he opened the door, the desk sergeant shouted over his shoulder, ‘Constable, get Bear and get this lady a cup of tea.’

      ‘He’s with the relatives of that woman found by the pier, Sarge,’ said the constable.

      ‘Tell him all the same,’ said the Sergeant, nodding kindly at Sarah. ‘I think he’ll want to see Mrs Royal.’

      The tea came first and Sarah struggled to control her hand. She was trembling. Perhaps she shouldn’t have started this. Maybe it would have been best to leave things as they were. Twenty minutes later, she had finished the tea and was just thinking about making her escape when the door opened and a huge man entered the room. He leaned over the table to shake her hand, ‘Detective Sergeant Truman,’ he smiled. ‘I am so sorry I kept you waiting. How can I be of help?’

      Sarah immediately understood why they called him Bear. He wasn’t fat and flabby, far from it. Broad-shouldered and powerfully built, he had a warm smile and kind eyes. He was surprisingly softly spoken and he listened attentively as she told him about Henry. He took everything down and when he’d finished, he said, ‘We would want you to say all this in court. You will come, won’t you?’ Sarah hesitated. ‘If it’s transport that’s the problem, I can arrange that for you,’ he said kindly. ‘And should you need to employ someone to care for your children, that can be arranged as well.’

      He saw Sarah to the door and they shook hands once again. Bear watched her as she hurried down the street towards the school.

      ‘Everything all right?’ the desk sergeant asked.

      Bear shook his head. ‘Things will never be the same for her, poor girl, and there’s something about that Henry Royale that sticks in my craw. Something’s not quite right.’

      ‘You can say that again,’ chuckled the desk sergeant. ‘Looks like he’s already married half the bloody county.’

      ‘It’s more than that,’ said Bear, turning to leave. There was a frown on his face. ‘But don’t you worry. I’ll find out what it is and then I’ll have him.’


      The rest of the mothers were already waiting and the teacher had sent the children to meet them as Sarah reached the school gates. Jenny came running towards her holding a piece of paper in the air and with her cardigan only on by one sleeve.

      ‘I drew you a picture, Mummy,’ she cried happily.

      Sarah smiled at the drawing as she put her daughter’s arm back into the sleeve and gave her a kiss. Her plaits were untidy and she was missing a ribbon. ‘It’s in my pocket,’ Jenny said as Sarah waved the bare plait in front of her nose.

      As she stood up, Sarah suddenly felt her elbow being held in a vice-like grip. ‘I need to talk to you,’ her sister Vera hissed in her ear.

      ‘I have to get back …’ Sarah began.

      ‘It won’t take a minute,’ Vera insisted. She pulled Lu-Lu’s pram into a corner of the playground and slapped a newspaper into Sarah’s hand. ‘What have you done?’

      Sarah didn’t need to look at the article to know what it was about. Worthing man on theft and bigamy charges.

      ‘What have I done?’ said Sarah, snatching her elbow away. ‘I did nothing except marry someone who apparently wasn’t free to marry.’

      ‘Bill isn’t happy about this being in the paper,’ Vera went on crossly. ‘You need to get it cleared up quickly.’

      ‘Vera … it’s not my fault.’

      ‘How could you?’ Vera spat. ‘Dragging the family name through the mud.’

      ‘You haven’t heard a word I’ve said,’ said Sarah. Jenny and Carole were playing tag and thankfully out of earshot. Lu-Lu sat bolt upright in her pram sucking her thumb and twiddling her hair, obviously concerned by the tone of their conversation. Sarah caressed her daughter’s cheek and smiled, while inwardly thanking God she didn’t understand what was being said. ‘This is none of my doing.’

      ‘You must have told the police about him. Why didn’t you tell Bill and let us deal with it in the family?’

      ‘Actually,’ Sarah said deliberately. ‘I wasn’t the one who reported him and I’ve only just been to the police station to tell them that I’m his wife as well.’

      ‘What do you mean as well? Are you saying there’s more than two of you?’

      ‘Apparently,’ said Sarah.

      Vera took in her breath. ‘Bloody hell, Sarah.’

      ‘I have to go to court,’ Sarah went on. ‘I may not have to testify but I have to be there.’
