Fifty Things You Need to Know About World History. Hugh Williams
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Название: Fifty Things You Need to Know About World History

Автор: Hugh Williams

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007411115


СКАЧАТЬ be divided up to give autonomy and self-determination to its different ethnic groups.

       The League of Nations

      The carnage of the First World War generated widespread international agreement ‘to develop cooperation among nations and to guarantee them peace and to avoid future bloodshed’. The League of Nations was established by the Treaty of Versailles to pursue this aim. It was the brainchild of the American President, Woodrow Wilson, who saw it as a mechanism for the promotion of diplomacy, the prevention of war through collective security, and a way of safeguarding human rights for minority groups. But he failed to persuade the American Senate of its value, and the United States never joined it. During its first ten years of operation, the League successfully resolved several disagreements and international diplomatic activity began to be conducted through it. It oversaw an international judiciary as well as a number of agencies dealing with pressing international issues such as refugees, health, disarmament, opium and slavery.

      Structurally, though, the League was flawed; it was bureaucratic and unwieldy, and lacked teeth. In 1931 it declared the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in northern China to be wrong but was unable to enforce a withdrawal when Japan withdrew its membership from the organisation. Nor did it halt Hitler’s militarism, which directly contravened its commitment to disarmament and failed to prevent the German invasion of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. The outbreak of the Second World War was final proof of the League’s ultimate powerlessness. It was eventually disbanded in 1946 following the foundation of the United Nations, which the Americans joined, and which inherited the League’s ideals as well as many of its agencies.

      Germany seethed with resentment. Stripped of much of its territory and saddled with the enormous cost of reparation it seemed to have been treated very harshly. In fact, however, its position was rather stronger than it first appeared, not least because the new countries that had been created were so weak. Furthermore it never repaid all the money that the Treaty of Versailles demanded. France and Britain put great pressure on Germany to pay its debts – they needed the money because they themselves owed $10 billion to the United States. When eventually Germany defaulted on the reparations, the country was leant $200 million in a loan floated on the American market by the banker, J. P. Morgan in 1924. It was quickly over-subscribed. The Great Depression of the 1930s brought further hardship to all the countries struggling with the aftermath of the war, and in 1932 the Allies agreed to cancel reparations altogether in return for one final payment. The German economy started to recover, the new, struggling countries surrounding it became victims of Hitler’s demands for national Lebensraum – living space – and Europe was once again in conflict.

      The destruction of empires, whether well-intentioned or not, is never easy. The Treaty of Versailles made two fundamental mistakes. First of all, it imposed economic terms on Germany that proved impossible to fulfil. Secondly, it created a patchwork of weak countries that ultimately fell prey to their aggressive neighbour, Germany. Czechoslovakia, Poland and Austria had all come under German control by the time the Second World War broke out in 1939. Implicit in both of these mistakes was a lack of economic common sense. In trying to repair a broken world, the Allies had thought hard about rewards and punishment, but had given little consideration to how any of it was to be paid for. They overlooked the fact that in the years leading up to the war, Germany, as the biggest industrial nation on the continent of Europe, was an important source of wealth for the countries that surrounded it. Their aims were almost entirely political – and in the case of Woodrow Wilson, almost religious. Of the Allies’ approach to the post-war reconstruction, Keynes wrote that ‘that the fundamental economic problems of a Europe starving and disintegrating before their eyes, was the one question in which it was impossible to arouse (their) interest’. The First World War destroyed the wealth of nineteenth-century imperial Europe. The Treaty of Versailles failed to provide a framework in which it could be replaced.

       CHAPTER 9

       The Model T Ford 1908

      The Model T Ford turned America into a nation of motorists and put luxury within the reach of many. The sophisticated pleasures of life were no longer just for the wealthy.

      An owner’s manual is not an obvious place in which to look for lofty observations on life, but the one that the Ford Motor Company published at the end of the First World war was not shy about attempting such things. ‘It is a significant fact,’ it warbled, ‘that nearly all Ford cars are driven by laymen – by owners, who in the great majority of cases have little or no practical experience with things mechanical.’ They were, however, not to feel threatened by such ignorance. They had ‘a singular freedom from mechanical annoyances’ owing to the superior craftsmanship of their vehicle, but were still urged to indulge in a little gentle study of its working parts because ‘it is a truism that the more one knows about a thing the more one enjoys it’. Homilies from a manufacturer to its customers reveal a lot. The Ford Motor Company seemed to know that it was in the process of changing the world.

       ‘I will build a car for the great multitude’ said Ford.

      Henry Ford was a visionary in two ways. Firstly, and most importantly, he realised that it was possible to provide ordinary people with what seemed at that time to be an unobtainable luxury – a motor car. ‘I will,’ he declared, ‘build a car for the great multitude.’ Secondly, his manufacturing methods transformed industry by introducing an assembly line capable of mass production. His sturdy little car was a significant invention in its own right. What made it revolutionary was that Ford built a factory capable of distributing it to millions of people. In 1908, the year the first Model T Ford rolled off the production lines, the car cost $825. By 1927, when the last one was built, seventeen million of them had been sold and its price was just $275. The factory at Highland Park in Detroit had reduced the time taken to build each car from around thirteen hours to just over an hour and a half, and was capable of producing one every minute. One of every two cars in the world was a Model T. These are astonishing statistics. In 1927 the population of the whole of the United States was a little over 119 million: by selling seventeen million cars, Henry Ford had unquestionably realised his ambition of bringing the power of motoring to the multitude. The writer E. B. White looked back with wistful humour at the age of the Model T in an article for New Yorker magazine in 1936:

       ‘Mechanically uncanny, it was like nothing that had ever come to the world before.’

      The car is fading from the American scene – which is an understatement because to a few million people who grew up with it, the old Ford practically was the American scene. It was the miracle God had wrought. And it was patently the sort of thing that could only happen once. Mechanically uncanny, it was like nothing that had ever come to the world before.

      For other writers the age of the Model T was not something to be celebrated, even teasingly. In Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World, published in 1932, the characters live in an era known as ‘AF’ – after Ford – inhabiting a uniform world of drug use and recreational sex where everything is reduced to relentless monotony like the work on an assembly line. For some, Henry Ford’s American dream was the beginning of a universal nightmare.

      Henry Ford’s own life provides a similar contrast between the bleak and the sunny. Born in Dearborn, Michigan, in 1863, he had little schooling and eventually set up a small business repairing farm machinery. He was a natural engineer and found a job with the Edison Illuminating Company where he was rapidly promoted. He and Thomas Edison became good friends, but Ford left to set up his own company building cars. To begin with his companies failed, even though he and a partner designed and built a racing car that set the world land speed record in 1902. A year later he was able to start СКАЧАТЬ