Courting Gossip. Kimberly Dean
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Название: Courting Gossip

Автор: Kimberly Dean

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780008181079


СКАЧАТЬ like it so much any more. The place needed more colour, more flair.

      ‘I stay there sometimes during the week. Trouble always seems to pop up during the overnight hours.’

      And she counted as trouble. Some of Genieve’s pleasure faded.

      ‘You sleep at your office?’

      ‘It has a sofa and a shower. That’s all I need.’ He put her suitcase on a chair on the far side of the room. ‘Will this do?’

      She’d woken him tonight from an uncomfortable sleep on an office sofa. For some reason, that didn’t sit well with her. ‘It’s fine. Thank you.’

      His hands settled on his hips. ‘The bathroom is across the hallway, and you saw the kitchen. Use whatever you need. We’ll figure out tomorrow what we’re going to do from here on in.’

      Tomorrow. She’d been trying not to think about that. ‘What if that tape got out, Brody?’

      She’d been locked in the bathroom; she didn’t know what had happened with those reporters and their damned camera. Could video be uploaded directly to the internet from those things?

      With only a bedlamp on, Brody’s cheekbones seemed to sharpen in the shadows. ‘I’ll be working that angle tonight. Hopefully, you and Samuel kept them busy enough that they didn’t have time to send it out.’

      He ran a hand through his hair. It was more rumpled than she’d ever seen it, but she liked it. She liked seeing the human cracks in his controlling façade. ‘Believe it or not, right now if we can’t get possession of that video card, it might actually be best for Morgan to have it.’

      Genieve pressed her lips together. She doubted Nina would agree with that, and she certainly didn’t. How many times would the police watch it, claiming they were analysing the evidence? Would it be just Morgan? Police techs? Would there be a viewing party with popcorn and dimmed lights?

      Brody stepped closer. Whatever was on her face, he read it this time. ‘I’m on it, Jenny.’

      ‘I know.’

      She was caught off guard when he cupped her cheek. The touch was fleeting – there and then gone – but the warmth spread into her chest and made her lungs squeeze.

      ‘Let me know if you need anything,’ he said as he moved to the door. ‘I’ll be up.’

      He left her alone, and she covered the spot where he’d touched her with her hand. She let out a shaky breath. Prickly and unsettled as their relationship was, she felt safe here. Protected. Yet she wasn’t fooling herself. The gossip was coming…the gossip about the senator and the redhead. She touched the tips of her hair.

      She needed a shower.

      She unzipped her bag, pulled out her toiletries and crossed the hallway. The bathroom was just as pristine as the rest of the place, with matching towels and tiny fish-shaped soaps in a bowl. She glowered at the fish. She was tempted to flush them down the toilet, but stopped when she realised that decorator girl hadn’t made the grade.

      What kind of a woman did he go for?

      Genieve sighed. She shouldn’t be looking to start any more rumours.

      With a twist of the controls she started the shower to let it warm, and began stripping off her clothes: the dress that had been on the floor, the bra that had made Metro PD gawk, and, finally, the panties Brody had stashed in his pocket.

      They suddenly felt intimate, moulding to her shape and clinging to her body. If she hadn’t asked for them back, what would he have done with them?

      With that thought pinging around her head, she stepped under the spray of warm water.

      ‘Mm,’ she sighed. The rush of water felt calming. Cleansing. It wet her hair and pelted against her skin.

      She reached for the soap and began sudsing up. She wasn’t a hypocrite. She liked sex, and Senator Gunderson tried to give her pleasure – but he paid to touch her. Somehow here, in Brody’s home, it felt disrespectful to have a client still on her skin.

      More important, she didn’t want him there.

      She lathered her body, banishing the night from her thoughts until only one memory remained. She’d been with Brody in her fantasy.

      She laid her hand over her cheek again, and her eyelids got heavy. She shouldn’t.

      Her soapy fingers moved down her neck to her collarbone. She really, really shouldn’t.

      But she’d been yanked away from an orgasm at the worst possible time. Her belly had been knotted with unmet gratification for hours, and fear, worry and desperation had only stretched her nerves thinner. Would it be so bad to relieve that tension?

      Would it help her stop looking at her unexpected housemate like a triple-layer chocolate cake?

      Mmm, cake. She wanted to have him and eat him up too.

      Her head fell back as she trailed her hand lower and cupped her breast. She took its weight and remembered in her fantasy how strong his mouth had been at her nipple. How hungry…

      She groaned when the tender nub stiffened against her palm.

      He’d been invading her thoughts more and more – during her dates and even in her off hours. He hovered there like a disapproving chaperone.

      Did he think she should be spanked?

      She moaned as she stroked her stomach and down to her abdomen. Her muscles squeezed as she remembered how their bellies had brushed and their legs had tangled. Gunderson had been gone for her at that point. She’d just felt Brody filling her, over and over again.

      With the water heating her skin, she pushed the hard bar of soap between her legs. It bumped against her clit on the back stroke, and her knees wobbled. She braced her free hand against the slick shower wall and insistently did it again.

      ‘Ohhh,’ she cried. ‘Brody.’

      She didn’t have to cut off his name any more. He was the one who made her hot and bothered. She was hiding in his house. He’d swooped in to carry her away when she’d been in danger.

      Because that was his job.

      She booted the trivial thought from her head and rubbed the bar of soap between her legs faster. It had been a long time since she’d had to bring herself to pleasure. She had the tricks of the trade to ensure she got what she needed on the clock.

      But she didn’t want somebody else touching her right now. She wanted the headstrong hottie who was somewhere in this house, at this very moment.

      The one who called her Jenny.

      The soap dropped to the shower floor with a clunk, and Genieve began using her fingers on herself. With her eyes squeezed tight, she fought for air as she stroked her tender, swollen folds. She rimmed her opening and pushed a finger in deep.

      ‘Ahh,’ she panted. But this was Brody. She came back with another finger, doubling the pressure and doubling her pleasure. She stroked СКАЧАТЬ