An Orphan’s Courage. Cathy Sharp
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Название: An Orphan’s Courage

Автор: Cathy Sharp

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780008211646


СКАЧАТЬ I’d like to play with him.’

      ‘In that case we’ll take you with us on Saturday,’ the master said, leading the way into the gym where piles of equipment were waiting to be sorted and packed into canvas bags to make it easier to carry and stow on the bus that was to take them to the fixture with a rival school that weekend.

      Keith grinned at him and gave him a little poke in the ribs as they followed Mr Barton’s instructions. They soon had all the sports gear stacked and ready to be loaded the next morning. Mr Barton was in good form, cracking jokes and getting stuck into the task himself, looking pleased when they had it done in double quick time.

      ‘Thanks, lads,’ he said. ‘I’m grateful for the help. I’ll run you both home now and don’t forget to be bright and early on Saturday morning.’

      They thanked him, following eagerly to the red Morgan that was parked at the rear of the school, scrambling into the passenger seat, squeezing up together. Their teacher gave them a nod of approval and shot off at speed, making them both crow with delight as the car gave a throaty roar and its wheels crunched on gravel.

      ‘Wow! I want a car like this when I’m old enough to drive,’ Keith cried excitedly.

      Andy didn’t say anything, but he felt as if he’d reached the gates of heaven and suddenly the world was a golden place. He’d been glad to stay behind because he hadn’t wanted his step-father to see him, but now he felt on fire with a new longing. He knew that it wasn’t likely a boy like him would ever own a car like this, but he wanted to drive it – and other cars like it. He decided that he would learn to drive as soon as he was old enough and he would find some kind of work that involved cars for a living.

      They stopped outside the home and Mr Barton turned to look at them as both boys thanked him for the ride. He grinned and nodded, lifting a hand as he drove away.

      ‘That was fantastic,’ Keith said. ‘I’ve always wanted a ride in his car.’

      ‘I hadn’t thought it about it much,’ Andy replied, ‘but it was great. I’d like to drive cars like that for a living …’

      ‘Who wouldn’t,’ Keith said and punched him lightly on the arm. ‘You’d need to be good to be a racing driver. Come on, I’ll beat you in to tea …’

      Jinny stood behind the counter as the children walked in for their meal. She saw the group of three, two of whom who had criticised the selection at supper on her first evening and waited for some comment as she saw their faces and the look of surprise. Nancy had spent two hours that afternoon showing Jinny how to make almond biscuits and a Victoria sponge cake. They’d also made gooseberry crumble with custard and there were some squeals of excitement as the kids grabbed for the fresh crispy biscuits and a crumble that looked and smelled gorgeous. Jinny was proud of what they’d managed to produce on Mrs Davies’ afternoon off, even though she’d only helped and Nancy was the one responsible for all the lovely food.

      ‘Cor, this is better,’ the lad Jinny knew was named Tom said and grinned at her. ‘This is Nancy’s cooking. She always makes lovely things …’

      Jinny smiled and agreed, forbearing to tell him that she’d suggested the biscuits and the crumble. It had been just a suggestion; Nancy was the one who had created the little miracle, but Jinny had made some rock cakes herself and she was gratified to see they didn’t last long as eager hands reached out for them. Tom ignored them in favour of the crumble and some biscuits as well as the tomato sandwiches Nancy had asked her to make.

      ‘We have to give them some fresh fruit and vegetables, and tomatoes are the one thing most of them like, as long as it’s in a sandwich with a little salt, pepper and vinegar. I slice them and season them on a plate first. Don’t make the mistake of sprinkling vinegar on the tomatoes once they’re on bread …’ Nancy warned.

      Tom took a bite of his sandwich as he moved away, stopped, turned back and took another quickly before they all went. ‘Not bad,’ he said. ‘Did you make them?’

      ‘Nancy showed me how.’

      ‘Thought so,’ he mumbled, his mouth full of sandwich. ‘You’re all right, new girl …’

      Jinny smiled, because Tom wasn’t easy to please. Nancy came up to her as the tables filled and children and staff took their places.

      ‘Doesn’t look as if we’ll have much waste tonight,’ she said, her glance passing along the table. ‘I’ll have the last of those sandwiches if no one else wants it – and one of those rock cakes. They look good … yes, lovely.’ She smiled as she bit into it. ‘Nan used to make these when I was about your age. She was the head carer here nine years ago and she helped me so much …’

      Jinny felt pleased because one or two children were coming back for seconds and there wasn’t much left. She was just about to take the last rock cake for herself when Tom came up and snatched it from under her nose.

      ‘Jax says these are great,’ he said. ‘Just like my mum used to make before she died …’

      ‘Oh, Tom, I’m so sorry,’ Jinny said, feeling a wave of sympathy for the lad she’d thought was always complaining. ‘I miss my dad too …’

      He glared at her and walked off, seeming angry that she’d dared to offer him sympathy. She bit her lip, because she’d wanted to please and believed she had – and now he’d gone cold on her.

      Jinny started collecting empty plates and taking them through to the kitchen. She was determined to wash everything before she left that evening, even though she wanted to pop over and see Nellie, who would want to know how she was getting on with her new job …

      ‘Do we ’ave ter do this tonight?’

      Elsa’s sulky tones broke into Jinny’s thoughts and she turned to look at the young woman who had spoken. Elsa was nineteen, older than Jinny, but sometimes she acted like a spoiled brat, making faces behind Mrs Davies’ back when she asked them to do something difficult or time-consuming. In fact, Jinny thought the other woman spent most of her time watching the clock until it was time to go home.

      ‘You know it can’t be left overnight. Besides, we can get this lot done easily if we put our minds to it,’ Jinny said. ‘I’ll wash and you can wipe. Put everything on the table and I’ll stack it later.’

      ‘They won’t appreciate yer any more if yer stay late every night,’ Elsa said but picked up a tea towel and began to wipe the dishes with obvious reluctance. ‘You’re just a skivvy to them upstairs and don’t yer forget it …’

      Jinny looked at her in amazement, because she’d met with nothing but kindness from everyone who had employed her. ‘I’m glad to have a job and somewhere to live,’ she said. ‘It isn’t too much to ask that I do my work properly, is it?’

      Elsa sniffed but said no more. Aware that sulking wasn’t going to do her any good, she started talking about her current boyfriend who was taking her to the dance at the social hall that weekend.

      ‘Why don’t yer come?’ she said suddenly. ‘It’s a bit of fun and we get little enough workin’ ’ere …’

      ‘I can’t dance,’ Jinny replied, but felt sad that she had no one to take her. ‘Besides, I don’t have a partner.’

      ‘Yer can soon pick up a chap,’ Elsa said. СКАЧАТЬ