Carry You. Beth Thomas
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Название: Carry You

Автор: Beth Thomas

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9780007544820


СКАЧАТЬ alternating contact with the ground of the lowest appendages of my body for 30 sweeps of the long hand. It’s more difficult than it sounds, people.

      OK, that’s that done. Hey, no one ever said that what goes on to Facebook has to be truthful.

      I click on the message and find that it is from Abby and my body floods with relief. I’ve still got plenty of time to get sorted before she gets home. I relax down into the sofa again.

      Abby Marcus What you doing?

      Daisy Mack Hi Abs! Just got back from a walk. What are you doing?

      I’m pretty pleased with myself there. Straight away I’ve given her the impression that I’ve been out walking, no hesitation. Add that to my status when she reads it later and she’ll have to believe me. No, wait. Maybe I should have not answered her for ten minutes or so, then I could have said I’d just got back. Would have been much more believable. Never mind, never mind, it’s too late now. Anyway, I can save that one for tomorrow. Yes.

      Abby Marcus You’ve been online a long time. Are you sure you’ve been out??

      Shit shit shit. Of course. Facebook always tells you the other members known to you who are online at the same time as you, so you can instant message them if you want. Which is clearly what she’s just done. Why didn’t I realise that? I’ve been on here for hours.

      Daisy Mack Yes, definitely. Twenty-five minutes, to the park and back, just like you said. Must be some kind of error on your computer. Have you refreshed the page recently?

      Yeah, I know, pretty lame. But Abs is so trusting, bless her, she’s bound not to even question it. Or maybe she just assumes that no one would ever dare to do anything other than what she’s told them to do. That’s probably more likely.

      Abby Marcus How odd. I just assumed you’d left your computer logged on when you went out for your walk.

      Bugger it. Bugger bugger bugger. What the hell is the matter with me? God, if I’d thought it through properly and not panicked, I’d have realised that of course I would have left the laptop logged onto Facebook while I was out walking. Because I was only going to be out for twenty-five minutes max, so I could simply pick up where I left off when I got back.

      Abby Marcus You didn’t really go out, did you? Be honest, Daze.


      Daisy Mack Course I did, Abs. Do you really think I would be lying about it? What would be the point of that??

      Abby Marcus Yes I do. And the point would be to get me off your back.

      Daisy Mack

      Actually, I don’t really know what to say here. She’s completely and utterly, absolutely, one hundred percent right. And I am exactly the same amount in the wrong. She’s my best friend, she’s really been there for me since Mum died, kind and supportive, helping me out with all the hideous arrangements, checking up on me all the time; and now she’s taken me in and let me have her spare room while I pull myself together and sort myself out somewhere to live. And she’s only making me do this MoonWalk thing for my own good. Everything she’s doing right now is for my own good. I absolutely cannot lie to her any more.

      Daisy Mack Well actually, Abby, to be totally honest, I’m pretty upset that you’re even questioning me about it. Of course I have been out walking. I said I would, didn’t I? And I didn’t want to tell you that I’d left the laptop on while I was out because I was a bit ashamed that I was wasting your electricity. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re recompensed for that.

      Don’t look at me, OK? I’m only lying to her for her own good. I want to make her happy, that’s all.

      Abby Marcus *pokes out bottom lip* I’m so sorry Daze. I do believe you, of course I do. Well done for getting out there, I’m proud of you. Hey, shall we get a take-away and watch Notting Hill tonight? I haven’t seen that one for ages!

      Daisy Mack Brilliant idea. I love that film. What time are you getting home?

      Abby Marcus Finishing in about half an hour. Will get food on the way home. Fire up the DVD player!! Xx

      Daisy Mack I’m warming it up even as we speak!

      Don’t look at me, I said. I’ve been through a tough time. I need empathy and understanding.


       Daisy Mack

      is thinking that maybe the time has come to get her act into gear. Or at least, to have a browse through the gear and try and pick something her act might like.

      Suzanne Allen Dare I say that it’s about time?

      Daisy Mack Apparently you do.

      Georgia Ling Luv ya hunni <3 X o X <3

      Jenny Martin Your wierd.

      Is there anything more gorgeous than the park on a warm spring morning, with daffs and crocuses clustered in colourful clumps around every shrub and tree, sun filtering in golden patches through the thick greenery, a gentle breeze with a delicious sea tang whispering through the leaves, and all the kids at school? Well, yes, possibly a walk by the actual beach would be just as nice. The rush and pull of waves lapping, shouts of children, gulls calling and the air sharp with that strong sea smell. The south-east coast is only four miles away from here, but that means to walk beside the seaside would add eight miles onto my journey. I’m finding that a walk in the park is much more pleasant anyway.

      I’m taking a breather on the grass – don’t see why not, I’m in no rush – and the only other people here are dogwalkers (inevitably with their dogs, unfortunately), a few mums with toddlers on leads, and elderly couples sitting silently together on the benches. They’ve been married so long, they don’t even need to speak to each other any more. They’re just staring straight ahead, enjoying the tranquillity and comfortable companionship of their golden age. Either that or each is wondering how much it will cost to put a plaque on the bench when the other one dies.

      Ah but that doesn’t matter: it’s an idyllic scene. They could be plotting to kill each other with a faulty electrical connection for all I care. I stretch my legs out in front of me a bit more and tilt my face up to the sun, resting the weight of my body behind me on my hands. Abby said nothing about taking a breather when I got here, so this is definitely allowed. And this is all new for me; I need to be careful.

      Sitting here on the grass in the park, surrounded by daisies and dogs, I’m feeling pretty proud of myself. I have been propelled out of my bed, into my trainers and onto the road – pausing only long enough to put on the rest of my clothes – by my deep commitment to the challenge before me, and my passionate, altruistic desire to help anyone who might be suffering. Oh, plus Abby was on to me.

      I say she was on to me, which makes it sound like she’d caught me out being deceitful; but all I was doing was pretending to be out walking when I was actually reclining on the sofa. And believing I was out walking every day was making her happy, so I went to a lot of effort to keep the illusion up. Well, Abs is my best friend in the world – I’d do anything for her.

      ‘I’m СКАЧАТЬ