All Fall Down. Mark Edwards
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Название: All Fall Down

Автор: Mark Edwards

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007460731


СКАЧАТЬ – not only today but in the future. She would love to witness the panic, the horror. Because, more than anyone else, the people in that room would understand the threat faced by the world.

      And they wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it.

      But she couldn’t draw attention to herself, couldn’t risk leaving any witnesses who had seen her. She needed to be patient. She took a seat in the lobby, in the shadows near the elevators, and waited.

      She only had to wait ten minutes before he appeared: Dr Isaac Larter. He was tall and gangly, balding, the remains of his hair sticking up at crazy angles, with large expressive hands and a grin on his face. He was talking to another man, Japanese perhaps, and they were both laughing as they exited the ballroom. No sign of Dr Maddox. She must be inside. The woman would love to lay eyes on her, see her in the flesh while her flesh was still intact. But she was pleased Larter had come out. It suited her plan perfectly.

      For a moment she thought the two men might be heading out together, which would have made things tiresomely complicated, but then Dr Larter lifted a palm to say farewell to the Asian man.

      Angelica rose from her seat and followed him towards the elevators, padding silently across the lobby. The elevator doors pinged open as she got there and she stepped in after him. It was just the two of them. More good luck. Not that she believed in luck – everything was going exactly as it was destined.

      Larter pulled a BlackBerry from the pocket of his linen jacket and started tapping away on it with his thumb, smiling to himself. Now was the moment for her to step out of her self-imposed shadow and flick the switch that would illuminate this small space. She widened her eyes, licked her lips and pushed out her chest.

      ‘Dr Larter? It is Dr Larter, isn’t it?’

      He looked up from his phone, curious. He swayed a little – he had clearly had a few glasses of something, which was more good news for her. ‘Yes … that’s me. I don’t believe …?’

      She stuck out her hand, ensuring she made eye contact as he took her hand in his and shook it. She let the handshake linger for a moment longer than was natural.

      ‘Sonia Tyler,’ she lied. ‘I’m a huge fan … I mean admirer of your work.’

      ‘Really?’ Her words had the desired effect. Surprised, but flattered. And she was pleased to see him quickly look her up and down, taking in her beauty. He might be happily married, the thought of an affair or even a dalliance while away from his wife far from his mind, but he was not immune to her charms.

      ‘Yes. I’m sorry, I hope I’m not embarrassing you.’

      He smiled, showing her a mouthful of crooked teeth. Disgusting. ‘Not at all.’

      She smiled back, coyly. ‘I’m studying immunology at the University of California and writing my thesis on the attempt to find a vaccine for the Watoto virus. Your work is so important and groundbreaking. Your new research paper has really inspired me. I was very excited when I saw your name on the delegate list, but I had no idea I would actually get to speak with you.’

      ‘Well …’

      She could see how happy the attention and praise made him, but he was lost for words. ‘That’s marvellous.’ He eyed her backpack, no doubt thinking it was full of textbooks. If only he knew the truth.

      ‘I’m so happy that you came all the way to America for this conference.’ She meant it. This was destiny in action again.

      The elevator glided to a halt and the doors opened. ‘Er … this is my floor,’ he said, clearly disappointed that the conversation was about to end.

      ‘Mine too!’ she exclaimed as if this was the most exciting coincidence of her life.

      They walked down the corridor together, Dr Larter awkward, her gushing about how she had been reading about a breakthrough in the UK, where they had discovered that antibodies could pass into cells and fight viruses from within. ‘It’s so exciting. To think we might only be a few years away from cracking the code of how to defeat viruses.’

      ‘Yes,’ he agreed. ‘It might take years of further research but …’

      She flung herself forward, as if she had tripped over her own feet, making it look like she had gone down hard on her wrists. Letting out a girlish shriek, she sat up and clutched her left wrist, tears filling her eyes.

      He crouched beside her. ‘My goodness. Are you all right?’

      She blinked up at him. ‘My wrist … it really hurts. I think I might have broken it.’

      ‘I’m sure …’

      She interrupted him with a cry. ‘Oh, Dr Larter, it really hurts. I need to put some ice on it immediately. I guess if I …’ she moaned ‘… go downstairs they might be able to help me.’

      Men were so predictable. The damsel in distress, the beautiful woman in need of help – especially one who had pumped up his ego with praise – there was no way he would leave her to fend for herself.

      ‘Let me call down for you, get someone to bring up some ice,’ he said.

      She nodded pathetically. ‘That would be … so kind. I’ll go into my room and wait.’

      ‘No, no, come into my room. I’ll call them from there and tell them how urgent it is. Look, here we are.’

      He put his arm round her and helped her up, and she made sure to lean into him, to press her warm body against his, so he would feel the swell of her breasts. He produced his keycard and a moment later they were inside. He hurried over to the phone and she reached behind her and locked the door while he wasn’t looking. Then pulled a small pistol from her boot.

      As he picked up the phone to call the hotel desk, she said in an urgent tone, ‘Dr Larter.’

      He turned and his mouth fell open. She enjoyed seeing the expression on his face: the shock and confusion.

      ‘Put down the phone,’ she commanded, aiming the gun at his forehead.

      ‘What are you doing?’

      She stepped towards him. ‘Get on the bed,’ she said.

      He froze. ‘Miss Tyler,’ he said with a shaking voice. ‘I’m only a scientist … I don’t have any money …’

      ‘I said, get on the bed. I have no interest in your fucking money.’

      He let out a weird noise, like a squeak, and half-turned. She moved quickly, aiming a kick at his back, sending him crashing into the bedside table, the phone and lamp tumbling to the floor. She grabbed him by his jacket and pushed him on to the bed, straddling him and holding the gun to his temple.

      ‘What do you want?’ he asked, trying to stay calm. But his terror and shock were making him shake.

      ‘Take off your jacket and shirt,’ she commanded.


      Confusion flitted across his face, but he obeyed, pulling off his jacket, then unbuttoning his shirt. It was almost funny. Did he think she wanted his body? He had СКАЧАТЬ