Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies. David Hoffmann
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СКАЧАТЬ there is a loss of appetite in the recovery phase of an illness such as influenza, digestive stimulants like Gentian or Wormwood should be used to restore healthy function.

       Anorexia nervosa

      Anorexia nervosa is characterised by an extreme loss of appetite, practically an aversion to food, and often the inability to eat anything, which consequently leads to a drastic loss of weight. Anorexia nervosa is caused by psychological problems and has thus to be approached psychotherapeutically. Herbally, the process can be aided with the use of digestives and nervines, for instance with a tea of equal parts of





      which should be drunk three times daily.


      As the beginning of the digestive system, the health of the mouth will affect the whole of the system. If there is a chronic tooth problem that makes proper chewing painful, or if there is an infection like an abscess, the system downstream will be affected and polluted. Similarly, if there is not enough saliva or if the composition of saliva is not adequate, the digestive process will be slowed down. Oral hygiene therefore cannot be stressed too much. Problems in the gut can also give mouth problems such as bad breath or recurrent mouth ulcers.


      When problems arise, teeth must be treated by a dentist, but herbs can be helpful to prevent tooth decay.

      Long before toothbrushes made of bristle or plastic were developed, roots like Marshmallow, Liquorice, Alfalfa or Horseradish were used to clean teeth. Liquorice Root for instance can be prepared very easily, simply by peeling the bark off one end and flaying the fibres. Marshmallow Root needs somewhat more preparation: choose a straight root and cut it into 5 inch pieces. Peel the ends and boil in water, together with Cinnamon Sticks and Cloves until the sticks are tender. Put them carefully—as they break easily—into brandy and let them soak for a day. Take them out and let them dry. Before you use them, soak the end for a short time in hot water. You will not even need to use toothpaste, since all the necessary ingredients are in the root. It has a nice taste too.

      If you want to use toothpaste, many herbal ones are now available, the best being those that contain the anti-microbial herbs Myrrh and Echinacea.

      For a first aid treatment of toothache, chew some Cloves, as they are rich in the analgesic oil eugenol. Alternatively, you can soak a pad of cotton wool in Clove oil and place it by the tooth. Peppermint oil also acts as an analgesic, but it is not as effective.


      Gingivitis is a common infection of the surface tissue of the gums, caused by a lack of oral hygiene and by an inappropriate diet. Particularly sugar and refined, processed foods have to be avoided. The herbal anti-microbials like Echinacea, Eucalyptus and Myrrh can be used very effectively in the form of tinctures. Depending on the severity of the infection, you can either wash the gums daily with a tincture of Myrrh or if a stronger remedy is needed, you can use a mixture of equal parts of tincture of Myrrh and tincture of Echinacea. Whilst not being very pleasant to taste, it will be very effective. Alternatively, massage the gums before going to bed with oil of Eucalyptus and wash out the mouth in the morning with distilled Witch Hazel.


      This chronic degenerative disease of the gums must be treated systemically with the use of alteratives that are anti-microbials and lymphatic cleansers as well. For a treatment use the approach described under gingivitis to treat the gums themselves, and combine this with taking a high dosage of vitamin C. Most important is the use of a mixture of

Echinacea 2 parts
Blue Flag 1 part
Cleavers 1 part
Poke Root 1 part

      This tea should be drunk three times daily for a number of weeks until the condition clears.


      This very painful condition can best be helped by the use of the tea described under pyorrhoea. This treatment will also protect the whole system from a spreading of the infection which could occur, as the existence of the abscess indicates that the defence capacity of the body is reduced. Any treatment that aims at encouraging the body to absorb the abscess should be avoided.

       Mouth ulcers

      Mouth ulcers are usually indicators of a run down general condition and are best treated by increasing general health. They commonly occur after the use of antibiotics, or during recovery from influenza. In both cases the body has been exposed to considerable physiological stress, resulting in a general weakening. This in turn affects the normal ecology of the mouth and of other areas and, as one symptom, the ulcer appears. They can also arise during a period of psychological stress. Whether the cause is physical or psychological, it obviously has to be treated by increasing general health.

      To treat the ulcer, Red Sage (in the form of a mouth wash, made preferably from the infusion of fresh leaves) is very simple and effective. The fresh leaves can also be chewed. Alternatively, a mouth wash of tincture of Myrrh in an equal amount of water will be effective.

      At the same time, vitamin B-complex and vitamin C should be taken to help deal with the stress involved, whatever the cause is.


      The stomach is the organ that takes the brunt of the liberties we sometimes take with the food and drink we consume. Too much alcohol, too much refined food, too many cigarettes, too many aspirins, all will affect the stomach.

      The main task of the stomach is to prepare the food for further processing in the small intestine, which it accomplishes by mixing it with hydrochloric acid and powerful enzymes.

      Before we look at the stomach, two problems with the oesophagus (the tube down which swallowed food travels) will be examined. If there is a burning sensation in the oesophagus or acid rising СКАЧАТЬ