Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies. David Hoffmann
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СКАЧАТЬ External Causes

       The Muscular & Skeletal System

       Herbs for the Muscular and Skeletal System

       Patterns of Muscular and Skeletal Disease

       The Glandular System

       Health and the Glands

       Herbs for the Glands

       Patterns of Disease in the Glandular System

       The Pancreas

       The Thyroid

       The Adrenal Glands

       The Reproductive System

       Herbs for the Female Reproductive System

       Patterns of Disease of the Female Reproductive System

       The Menstrual Cycle

       Pregnancy and Childbirth

       The Menopause


       Herbs and Sexuality

       The Urinary System

       Herbs for the Urinary System..

       Patterns of Disease of the Urinary System

       Infections & Infestations


       Herbs for Infections and Infestations

       Treating Infections

       Treating Infestations


       Herbs and Cancer

       Nutrition and Cancer

       Psychological Factors and Cancer

       Wholeness and Prevention

       The Chemistry of Herbs

       The Actions of Herbs

       The Preparation of Herbs

       Internal Remedies

       External Remedies

       Gathering Herbs


       The Herbal




       General Index

       Index of English Names

       Botanical Names


       About the Author


       About the Publisher


      This is a beautiful and fascinating book, an enthralling gateway into a wonderful field. The beginner can understand and the expert really use it. David is to be congratulated on his achievement.

      The Hermetic Wisdom laid down as first principle that the universe is Mind, an ocean of living Intelligence; and as second principle the Law of Correspondences—as above, so below; as in the greatest, so in the smallest; as in the macrocosm, so in the microcosm.

      Holistic healing reveals the great truth. Thus reflexology СКАЧАТЬ