Your Personal Horoscope 2014: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign. Joseph Polansky
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Название: Your Personal Horoscope 2014: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign

Автор: Joseph Polansky

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007479566



      Life has been exciting – to say the least – since 2011 when Uranus entered your sign. Never a dull moment. It’s been all about change, change, change and then more change after that. Life seemed hectic and frenetic. The unexpected always happened. On the surface this seemed like a ‘craziness’, but underneath there was a deep spiritual agenda happening. You were (and are) being liberated, released from all kinds of attachments and bondages. You wake up one morning and discover that there are no longer any obstructions to following the path of your dreams. These obstructions have been blasted away – sometimes in dramatic fashion – and the path is clear. These trends are continuing in 2014. In previous years it was the ‘early’ Aries, those born early on in the sign, who felt this the most, but now even those of you born later in the sign will feel it. This is a time to embrace change, to make it your friend, to be calm in the midst of it. Beyond the drama there is an open road to your dreams. You are in a cycle where it is important to express your personal freedom.

      Neptune, the most spiritual of all the planets, moved into Pisces, your 12th house of spirituality, in February 2012. This initiated a great and powerful spiritual influence generally, but especially upon you, Aries. You are becoming more spiritual. Your spiritual understanding is increasing by leaps and bounds. And much of the change going on in your life has to do with the spiritual changes happening deep within you – unseen and unnoticed by the world. This transit will be in effect for another 12 or so years. There’s more on this later.

      Pluto has been in Capricorn, your 10th house of career, for many years now and will be there for many more years. A cosmic detox is going on in your career – both in your actual career and in your attitudes towards it. Many of you are rethinking your career path and perhaps even changing it. Even if you do stick with the present career, it will be with a whole new attitude. Again, there’s more on this later.

      The year ahead looks prosperous and basically happy – the latter part of the year, from July 16 onwards, more than the early part of the year. Benevolent Jupiter will move into Leo on July 16th and start making fabulous aspects to your Sun. This brings prosperity, good fortune in speculations, enhanced creativity and just more ‘joy of life’. Aries of childbearing age were more fertile last year and the trend continues in 2014.

      Your most important areas of interest this year will be the body, the image and personal pleasure; home and family (until July 16); fun, children and creativity (from July 16 onwards); love, romance and social activities (until July 26); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult studies, reincarnation and life after death (until December 24); career; and spirituality.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment in the year ahead will be home and family (until July 16); children, fun and creativity (from July 16 onwards); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult studies, reincarnation and life after death (until February 19); and love, romance and social activities (from February 19 onwards).


       (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical. But in these times there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      The years 2011 and 2012 were very challenging healthwise. If you got through those years, you’ll get through the year ahead with flying colours. Since 2011 we note a steady, gradual improvement in health and energy. Though challenging, 2012 was better than 2011; 2013 was better than 2012; and 2014 will be better than 2013.

      Though health is improving it still needs watching for the first half of the year, until July 16. Three long-term planets will be in stressful aspect with you. On July 16 Jupiter will move from a stressful aspect to a harmonious one, and on July 26 Mars will move out of his stressful aspect. You should feel a big positive difference in your overall vitality from July 16 onwards.

      With your 6th house of health basically empty for most of the year (only the short-term planets will move through there) the danger is that you won’t pay enough attention here. And you should. You will have to force yourself to pay attention to your health – to follow good health regimes – even though you don’t feel like it.

      Uranus has been in your sign since 2011. This often indicates experimentation with the physical body – a tendency to test its limits. Basically this is a good urge. Our bodies are capable of much more than we think and we only learn about this through testing it. But these experiments should be done in mindful and conscious ways, otherwise there could be a tendency to indulge in daredevil kinds of stunts and this can lead to injury. Testing is best done through regimes such as yoga or martial arts, which are basically disciplined and safe ways.

      The most important thing for the first half of the year is to maintain high energy levels. When energy is high – when the auric field is strong – the body resists disease. It is basically immune to microbes and destructive kinds of bacteria. But let the auric field weaken for whatever reason and the body becomes more vulnerable to these sorts of things. The auric field is the spiritual equivalent of the physical immune system. Weakness in the auric field, in overall energy, has other consequences too. The vision, the hearing, the reflexes become a tad slower than normal. They are not up to standard and this can lead to accidents. So, rest when tired. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Work rhythmically and alternate activities. Wear the colours, gems and aromas of your sign (see the Personality Profile at the beginning of this sign). Have regular massages or reflexology treatments. This will enhance your energy in subtle ways. It might also be advisable to take weekends (or longer holidays) at a health spa – depending on your finances.

      Health can also be enhanced through regular scalp and facial massage. The head and face is one of your vulnerable areas. When you massage the head and face you not only strengthen those areas but the whole body as well. There are reflexes there that go to the whole body. Also enhance the health by paying more attention to the lungs, arms, shoulders and small intestine. Arms and shoulders should be regularly massaged. Tension tends to collect in the shoulders and needs to be released. The heart is also more vulnerable this year. The reflexes to the heart are shown in the chart. Avoid worry and anxiety – the main spiritual root causes of heart problems.

      Mercury, your health planet, is fast moving. During the course of the year he will move through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope, as our regular readers know. Thus there are many short-term trends in health that are best dealt with later in the monthly reports.

      Mercury goes retrograde three times this year – from February 6 to February 28; June 7 to July 2; and from October 4 to October 25. These are not times to make drastic changes to your health regime or to make important health decisions. These are times for study and review.

      Favourable numbers for health and healing are 1, 3, 6, 8 and 9. If you are exercising or making affirmations do them in sets of 1, 3, 6, 8 and 9 – you will get more out of your exercises.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th house of home and family is a house of power this year, so there is a great focus here now. With Jupiter in your 4th house since June 26 2013 it is a happy area of life.

      Many of you moved in the past year. If you didn’t then, it can still happen this year. As our regular readers know, Jupiter moving through the 4th house does not always indicate a ‘literal’ move but an ‘as if’ move. Sometimes people buy additional homes or properties. Sometimes they buy expensive items for the home, or renovate or enlarge the existing home. СКАЧАТЬ