Your Tarot Predictions for 2015. Karmel Nair
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Название: Your Tarot Predictions for 2015

Автор: Karmel Nair

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9789351066781


СКАЧАТЬ Let’s now turn to the Emperor card and understand its implications on your personality and your life.

      If you look at the Emperor Card from the Rider Waite Tarot Deck, you will first see a King seated on a majestic throne wearing a red robe. The throne is the symbol of power and authority and his robe, red against the card’s orange background, stands for the elements fire and earth in amalgamation. Fire denotes aggression and fiery stubbornness while earth stands for stability, poise and calm temperament. The staff in his right hand symbolises authority and dominion and his crown experience and wisdom. The colour of his robe stands for courage, valour, and aggression to take on new challenges. The Ram’s head on the throne, also the sign of Aries, denotes enthusiasm and vigour. The card is numbered IV, as in the fourth month of the year, i.e., April, the month of Aries. Four is considered a masculine number, true to its association with the Emperor card in Tarot. It is a divine number, a number of the right balance between law and order and fairness.

      In my explanation here Emperor denotes both the Aries Man and Aries Woman. Emperor classically symbolises the head of the family, a dominating spouse, a temperamental and a fair boss, or an enthusiastic lover who is perceived as the more mature one in a relationship. As the head of the family, you are the provider who is also gentle and kind, a good mentor for your children and a rule setter for the family. This is your emotional and sensitive side at its best. You will see to it that the laws are obeyed and also question when they are not followed. You are a natural leader and therefore command the authority and power that the Emperor exhibits.

      The Emperor has his negative aspect too. Your demanding, aggressive and hot headed nature could cause issues in upbringing and exert the wrong kind of influence on family members. As a spouse, the Emperor is the dominant one in the relationship, constantly wanting to prove his point and therefore, most often, imposing it on the other. Your authority and enthusiasm make you very attractive to the opposite sex but at times you can be unnecessarily possessive and dominating, making the relationship lopsided.

      As a boss, the Emperor is the perfect leader; authority, stability, dependability, and equality are the ruling attributes of this card. These qualities make you a natural leader and a good one too. The Emperor is a perfect example of courage and valour and this is why you are often ready to plunge into challenges. You stand up for your own decisions, good or bad. However, as a difficult boss, you can be a tyrant, someone who is over-demanding and assertive, making life difficult for your followers. On the negative side you can be the don’t-mess-with-me kind. Spirituality doesn’t come naturally and easily to the Emperor. He is a master sign of Ego and Power, the two qualities that take him away from spirituality. In order to walk the path of spirituality, you will have to shed the Emperor’s skin, meaning you will have to forsake your power and ego, which, in all honesty, I see as a rare possibility. The Emperor’s only saviour here is his need to help his people; this alone can liberate him. Likewise, you may choose spirituality only if there ever arises a feeling to serve mankind with an urge to reach out to others and end the suffering. This could be the only reason why you would ever abandon your throne and kingship and choose to follow the path of spirituality. However, knowing the emperor’s strong will, he is quite capable of doing this and when he does so, we will have the next Gautama Buddha emerge from amongst us. You, as the Emperor, may just choose to be that one.

      I hope you have enjoyed knowing yourself through Tarot. As Aries, The Emperor, you have a lot waiting for you in 2015. It’s time you know your Destiny. Let’s now begin to unfold each day, week and month in the year to come.

      Before you proceed, I would like to inform you that this is a general prediction for you. A lot depends on how you take control of your life and use these readings to your advantage. This reading serves best as a guideline and shows you where you stand as of today. If you are unhappy and dissatisfied, you have the time to change the ultimate outcome on the basis of what has been predicted through my readings in this book.

      January – January brings a message. You have been waiting to start something or do something new for a long time but didn’t know what you could possibly attempt. January clears the confusion; you may start a new setup, new assignment or a new love affair. I see you trying too hard to make things work too fast. Relax. Take it easy. If needed, isolate and introspect as to how to put this idea to best use. It is a time of introspection. Ask yourself and you will know what needs to be done next. Seek, and you shall find. This month also brings in a situation where I see you balancing two opposite elements; for instance two difficult bosses or two opposite and difficult relationships like wife and mother-in-law. Beware! You can’t keep two swords in one sheath. You will have to make a choice here. Initially the choice seems impossible but you must initiate it and it will gradually fall in place. The earlier you choose one and let go of the other, the more peace and harmony you will find. The good news is I see you doing just that. In January your work seems to be doing well; a lot of appreciation and rewards coming your way.

      February – February is the month of multi tasking. Honestly speaking you shouldn’t be multi tasking at this time because I don’t see you striking success, especially with your finances. If you are juggling two jobs or job offers, two marriage proposals, two love relationships, two money related opportunities, then I would recommend you stop juggling and settle down. The good news is I see a new beginning, one with a deeper meaning. You may choose to do things like a new course in your chosen hobby, meditation, or simply start a new venture. This month is very exciting because this start-up will energise you completely and keep you in a positive frequency mode, meaning a month filled with happiness. However it’s also time to use your intuition in certain situations to come. Follow your heart. For once, make the decision emotionally and not professionally. If you are a male Arian, it’s likely for you to lose the woman you desire. But it’s all going to turn out good eventually. The good news here? February is the moolah month. The wheel of fortune is set in motion. You will be making extra money some way or the other. Make the most of it.

      March – March seems to be a difficult month, at least in the beginning. Don’t push yourself too much to do the right thing. Don’t let external factors influence you or your actions. If need be, take time off alone to introspect and return fresh, and I know you will since I see you involved in a small celebration or a reunion. Happy times are here again but a short one. Post this small celebration, I see you taking a break. ‘Break’ implies a small vacation or a time for recuperation. It could mean hospitalization, but not for serious ailments. It might just be a break to be with yourself. In either case, take this time off. It will charge you up for what’s coming next—news of wealth. You will soon hear news that will cheer you up. We all love wealth and this month is just the beginning of it.

      April – April is the continuation of wealth. What we saw happening last month end, continues in this month. You will embark on the journey to acquiring more wealth. This is a month of happiness and success. You can expect the best to happen initially but emotionally there could be a down time. Rejection, disappointment, deception or treachery is likely to happen but it is only a phase and will soon settle. Don’t get overwhelmed with this because this month is really as promising as it had begun, especially as I can see a positive change on your work front. Professionally things will be looking up very well. News comes in which only makes work better. The most important bit about April is completion. You will complete the cycle of good-bad-good again. Life picks up from here and there’s no looking back. Just go with the flow and enjoy all of it while it lasts.

      May – May is the time to put everything into execution mode. Everything that you have planned to do will now be implemented. The ultimate motive of all this is to gain wealth and become prosperous. This month you will spend a lot of your time, energy and money to make life more comfortable. If you are a male Arian, this could be the time you find an interesting companion, authoritative СКАЧАТЬ