The Real Witches’ Handbook: The Definitive Handbook of Advanced Magical Techniques. Kate West
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Название: The Real Witches’ Handbook: The Definitive Handbook of Advanced Magical Techniques

Автор: Kate West

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007483389


СКАЧАТЬ Unlike the runes themselves, which are comprised of 20 or so pieces, the Witches’ runes have only eight pieces and the symbols on them are more pictorial. Their interpretation, whilst initially simpler, requires a greater study of the Craft.

      There are many other methods of divination in use today, from the interpretation of the residue in a beer glass to some very costly kits and card decks sold in stores around the world. In actual fact almost anything can be used for scrying. The secret is to find the method which suits you and your pocket. Not everyone finds every method easy to master and most people try several before deciding on the one they feel at home with. It is also important to remember that expensive is not necessarily better. You can spend a seriously large amount of money on a tarot deck, but it will not give you a better reading than a cheap one, and quite often the runes you make yourself will work better for you than the ones which came in a velvet pouch with a special reading board and cloth.


      Witches believe in reincarnation, that we return to this world many times over. We also believe that after death we move firstly to the Summerlands, a place where we may rest and become renewed. In the Summerlands we may be able to meet those we have loved who have gone before us and we can choose the lessons that we will learn in our next life.

      However, belief in reincarnation does not allow us to be complacent about the life we are currently living. You can neither blame your current problems on things that may or may not have happened in a previous existence, nor can you simply postpone dealing with current problems in the hope that next time around things will be better. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, one thing is certain: you will only get one chance at this life and it is up to you to make the best of it. This is something which needs to be borne in mind should you feel the temptation to explore your past lives, whether through meditation or any other technique. Whilst there are often many interesting or useful things that can be learned from past-life recall, a few people do find the subject so fascinating that they neglect to make the most of their current life. As with all things, balance should be sought.


      As addressed earlier, one of the misconceptions about the Craft is that Witches worship the Moon. This is not so, though the Moon is significant to Witches because the phases of the Moon represent the aspects of the Goddess and because her consort, the God, is always with her. Witches utilize those phases in their worship and their working by timing their rituals and Magic to coincide with the phases of the Moon to which they will be most attuned.

      The Moon orbits the Earth, taking just over 28 days to complete its circuit. Whilst this happens the Earth orbits the Sun, taking just over 365 days to complete its circuit, and the Earth rotates on its own axis once every 24 or so hours. Bear in mind that none of these figures is precise. Time is an invention of man, not a natural or scientific law, and was created out of the need to explain these natural phenomena. As a result of all these movements, the Moon we see from Earth rises and sets at different times and in different parts of the sky and because of the relative positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth, it appears to change its shape. It waxes from a thin crescent to full circle, then wanes to a thin crescent again and finally disappears from the sky altogether for a few days before repeating the cycle. As the apparent size of the Moon changes, so does its influence on the Earth, and this is most clearly seen in its effects upon the tides. This influence can also be seen to affect humans, not surprisingly as we are mostly made of water. For women this link is easy to see in their monthly cycle, but everyone, male or female, is subject to monthly fluctuations in energy, patience, the ability to concentrate, and so on. These are often referred to as biorhythms.

      Early peoples from every civilization and every part of the world have, or had, stories to explain these changes in the Moon. All of these have certain threads in common. The Moon grows, bringing promise and strength. It reaches fullness, representing fertility and fruitfulness. It declines and then enters a resting, or hidden, phase before starting again. In the Craft these stages in the Moon’s cycle are linked to the three aspects of the Goddess. In some other belief systems the Lunar cycle is linked to the stories of the God. However, legends of the Triple Goddess can be found from almost all civilizations and all parts of the globe. Although some mythologies will give different names to the different aspects of the Goddess, it is important to remember that they are all aspects or faces of the one Goddess. The Triple Goddess is Maiden, Mother and Crone (or Wise One), and we have to put aside some of our modern prejudices when we look at these terms, for Maiden need not mean young in years and Crone certainly does not mean past her useful life!

      The Maiden is youthful. She represents fresh starts and new beginnings, enthusiasm and energy. In times past she would be seen as any woman who had commenced puberty but who had not yet given birth to a child. The New Moon represents the Maiden and it is at this time of the month that we prefer to work Magic directed towards new growth or anything which is being started. It is the time to draw things towards us. So we would ask for help in starting a new project or job, or to acquire new skills. On a practical level it is a good time to sow seeds or start new plants.

      The Mother is more mature. She represents fertility and fruitfulness, nurturing and caring. Her image is maternal, someone who has had a child (or children) and is in the process of raising them. The Full Moon represents the Mother and this is the time of month when our Magic is directed towards healing, nurturing and protecting. At this time Magic is performed for the healing of physical, emotional and mental illness, both for ourselves and for others.

      The Crone is the Wise One. She represents knowledge and understanding. In times past this was the woman who had finished raising her family, whose experience of life and observation of the people around her had given her the knowledge and skill to know those things which were not obvious to others. The later stages of the Waning Moon represent the Crone and this is the time when Magic is worked towards knowledge and understanding, and when divination is most likely to be successful. This is also the time for the banishing of things such as bad habits, old guilt, poor self-image. The Crone is also the one who presides over death, the time of rest after labours, and, because the cycle of life, death and rebirth is never-ending, she also prepares the way for new birth and the Maiden. Death is something we are accustomed to turn away from, but in the context of the Craft, its place in the cycle is necessary to allow new things to start.

      The few days when there is no visible Moon every month are called the Dark of the Moon. It is often considered that these nights, when the Goddess is hiding her face, are a time when no Magic should be performed. This is not strictly true, but working at the Dark of the Moon is something which should really be kept for emergencies and for when you are fully in tune with the energies in the ebb and flow of the Moon, otherwise you may find yourself working many times harder than is actually necessary, and with uncertain results. If you practise the Craft regularly for long enough you will know when you are ready to work at the Dark of the Moon. You will also come to learn that there are very few Magics that cannot wait a day or so until the New Moon rises to lend her youthful energy to your purpose.

      So far I have referred to the cycle of the Moon only in terms of the Goddess, however we must remember that the God is of equal importance. He does not change in the same way with the phases of the Moon. His role is that of consort or partner and he remains constantly at the Goddess’s side, changing little throughout the course of the month, although in a year of Moons there are some that are directly linked to the God. For example the Hunter’s Moon, which is the one nearest to Samhain and the ‘largest’ Moon of the year, is related to СКАЧАТЬ