Striker. Michelle Betham
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Название: Striker

Автор: Michelle Betham

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780007562138


СКАЧАТЬ the fact you’re a pain in the arse who refuses to give footballers a chance. And I can’t lie – the sex was amazing. Jesus, sweetheart, you have one killer body.’

      Amber felt herself blush. What was she? Sixteen?

      ‘Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want to see me again. Come on. Look me in the eye and tell me that was it, and if you can do that, well…’ He shrugged, ‘… end of story.’

      She looked him right in the eye, but she couldn’t say it, could she? Because she wouldn’t mean it. ‘Okay,’ she sighed, rolling her eyes as though accepting a dinner date with Ryan Fisher was the world’s biggest chore, when really she felt elated that he’d told her all those things. Maybe he did deserve that chance she’d denied him on Thursday. ‘Dinner it is. Where?’

      ‘Franco’s. Do you know it? It’s in town…’

      ‘Yeah, I know it,’ Amber said, trying not to let the smile she was dying to let loose escape onto her face just yet. She didn’t want him to know she was actually looking forward to seeing him later. ‘I’ll meet you there. Eight-thirty?’

      Ryan wasn’t used to women making the decisions quite as forcefully as she did, but on her it was a turn-on. He couldn’t help wondering if she brought that dominating streak into the bedroom, but maybe if he played his cards right tonight he’d find out.

      ‘Eight-thirty it is,’ he grinned, sticking his hands in his pockets. ‘Looking forward to it.’

      Amber just gave him a small smile back then turned and walked away. Ryan had absolutely no idea why this woman had got to him, but she had. Maybe it was because she was just so different to all the other girls he was used to. Maybe it was because she didn’t fall at his feet with the click of a finger. He didn’t know, but whatever it was he wanted to find out more.

      ‘Great match, lad. You did me proud out there.’

      Ryan swung round at the sound of the strong Geordie accent behind him, leaning back against the wall, sighing heavily. ‘Dad.’

      ‘I thought you would’ve been to see us, Ryan. Your mam’s been looking forward to having her boy back home after all these years.’

      ‘I’ve been busy.’

      ‘Too busy to spare a few minutes to come and see your mam and dad?’

      Ryan looked at his father. ‘I don’t need the nagging, Dad. Mam treats me like I’m still a kid sometimes.’

      ‘With good reason, son. Because sometimes you act like it.’

      Ryan continued to stare at his dad. ‘Those days are over now. Okay?’

      ‘I hope you’re right, Ryan. Still, at least you’re back home now. Back where you belong.’

      Ryan looked at his dad through slightly narrowed eyes, but said nothing.

      ‘Your mam’s worried sick about you, lad.’

      Ryan threw his head back and sighed again. ‘Jesus…’ He looked straight at his father, running a hand through his dark hair. ‘I’m fine, alright? Everything is just fine.’

      ‘Is it? After everything…’

      ‘It’s fine, Dad.’ Ryan’s voice left his father in no doubt that his son didn’t want to take this conversation any further. But that was easier said than done.

      ‘Your mam always told me that letting you settle in London was a bad idea. She blames me for everything…’

      ‘Christ, Dad, come on. None of it was your fault. It was nobody’s fault but mine. I got myself into all that shit.’

      ‘And I hope you’re well out of it now, son. It’s good that you’ve come back home.’

      ‘Where you can keep an eye on me? Is that it?’

      ‘If that’s what it takes, Ryan. Yes. I hear you’ve just bought a brand new flat down on the Quayside.’

      Ryan looked at his dad, his hands jammed firmly in his pockets, not enjoying this unwelcome interrogation. ‘I need somewhere to live.’

      ‘The club had given you a perfectly good house to stay in. For as long as you needed it.’

      ‘I want my own place, okay?’

      ‘Is the city centre the most sensible choice of location, son? It’s a bit close to…’

      ‘That house, it wasn’t me,’ Ryan interrupted. ‘I wasn’t comfortable there.’

      His father fixed him with a stare that demanded the truth. ‘Are you…?’

      ‘Am I, what?’ Ryan asked, his stare just as determined.

      ‘You know what I’m asking, Ryan.’

      ‘I’m getting there, Dad. That’s all you need to know.’

      ‘Aye, well, as long as you are, lad. As long as you are.’

      ‘Do I look alright?’ Amber asked Ronnie as he pulled up at the corner of the street where Franco’s restaurant was situated.

      ‘You look fine,’ Ronnie replied as he fiddled with his in-car MP3 player.

      Amber looked at him. ‘Fine. I look fine?’

      Ronnie stared at her. ‘Yeah. You look fine.’

      Amber said nothing, just raised her eyebrows and gave him a wide-eyed look. Ronnie shrugged, genuinely confused. ‘What? What do you want me to say? Who the hell am I? Gok frigging Wan? You look great, okay? Is that better?’

      Amber still said nothing, just pulled down the visor and checked her face in the small, side-lit mirror, running her tongue over her teeth just in case any pale pink lip gloss had found its way on there.

      ‘Do you know what you’re doing?’ Ronnie asked, finally finding a playlist he was happy with.

      Amber looked at him. ‘Of course I know what I’m doing. I’m having dinner with Ryan Fisher.’

      ‘You know what I mean. I want to make sure you know just what it is you might be getting into. Although, if you want my opinion…’

      ‘Which I don’t.’

      Ronnie ignored her. ‘If you want my opinion, I don’t think you should be getting into it at all.’

      ‘I’m not getting “into” anything, Ronnie.’

      ‘Well, with the greatest of respect, Amber, you already are into something when you sleep with somebody.’

      ‘So, what does that make our relationship then? Huh? Do you want to explain that one?’

      Ronnie looked out of the window for a second. She kind of had him there.

      ‘No, СКАЧАТЬ