Vanishing Point. Danielle Ramsay
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Название: Vanishing Point

Автор: Danielle Ramsay

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780007478392


СКАЧАТЬ Brady asked.

      His boss’s attitude came as no surprise. He’d been expecting to get it in the neck.

      ‘Walking into that briefing when you did.’

      ‘I didn’t realise that it was off-bounds, sir.’

      ‘Christ, Jack, do I have to spell it out for you?’

      Brady didn’t answer.

      ‘Don’t mess with me,’ warned Gates.

      He sighed heavily as he deliberated what to say next. Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his desk and clasped his hands together as he looked Brady in the eye.

      ‘Look, I understand this must be difficult for you,’ Gates said, choosing his words carefully. ‘It’s hard enough for the rest of us.’

      Brady didn’t reply.

      ‘But I want to make myself perfectly clear. You are to go nowhere near this investigation. Understand?’

      ‘Yes, sir,’ replied Brady coolly.

      ‘DI Adamson is in charge of the Henderson investigation. You have your own investigation to deal with and I can’t have you compromising that because you’re not giving it your undivided attention.’

      Brady watched as the DCI sat back in his chair. He looked agitated and Brady knew the reason why. Gates didn’t trust him not to get involved.

      ‘You’ve got your usual team; I wish I could give you more but unfortunately that’s all I can offer you under the circumstances.’

      Brady nodded. He expected as much. But he was relieved that at least he had his old team. They were good, but whether they could pull off this investigation with such limited resources was highly questionable.

      ‘And you can have Room 201 on the second floor as an Incident Room. It’s one of the largest on that floor.’

      Brady made the mistake of slightly reacting to the demotion. Ordinarily a murder investigation such as this one would have been given priority and the large room on the first floor would have been used. But that had been assigned to Adamson. And under the circumstances, Brady couldn’t object. He of all people wanted Simone’s attackers found and if that meant Adamson being assigned the best room and resources available so be it.

      ‘If I had my way I would have offloaded this murder investigation onto another area command. We’re already stretched as it is with Henderson’s attack. But no one wants to touch it. And I can’t say I blame them considering how little we have to go on. Who wants to have an unsolved murder case on their books affecting their damned targets?’

      Gates was making it perfectly clear that he expected Brady to deliver on the case. Brady refrained from stating the obvious – that his boss was asking the impossible.

      ‘So far we have the best target record this year. Don’t blow it!’

      ‘Yes, sir,’ replied Brady dutifully, not feeling that optimistic.

      Gates looked at Brady expectantly. ‘Well, Detective Inspector? What are you waiting for? From where I’m sitting you’ve got a lot of work cut out for you.’

      Brady stood up.

      ‘And just to be totally clear, Adamson’s investigation is off limits,’ the DCI repeated.

      ‘Yes, sir,’ replied Brady before heading for the door.

      ‘And, Jack?’

      Brady turned back to face him.

      ‘Do you know what Simone Henderson was doing in Madley’s nightclub last night? Let alone back in the North East?’

      ‘No, but I wish I did, sir,’ replied Brady.

      Gates deliberated for a moment and then nodded.

      He watched Brady as he walked out of his office, hoping that he did as he was instructed and left the Henderson investigation alone. His personal relationship with Simone Henderson made him a liability and Gates wasn’t prepared to have him screw up under his watch.

       Chapter Nine

      Brady walked out of Gates’ office and straight into Amelia Jenkins.

      ‘Sorry, I didn’t see you there,’ he apologised.

      ‘We need to talk,’ suggested Amelia.

      ‘Look, I wish I could but I’m really busy,’ replied Brady.

      He couldn’t believe his luck. It couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

      He could see from her expression that Amelia wasn’t buying it. He dropped his gaze, finding himself staring uncomfortably at the ground.

      Dr Amelia Jenkins had a way of getting to him. She had a knack of looking too deeply into his eyes and searching for the truth. That was partly why he had never looked directly at her when they had had their shrink sessions a year ago. And at this precise moment the last person he wanted knowing that he was vulnerable – dangerously so – was Amelia. He had too much to lose. The last thing he wanted was to unravel in front of her; he needed to keep his wits about him. Especially after the emergency call he had heard. He was certain he recognised the voice. That alone was enough to send him over the edge.

      ‘I understand that. But given the circumstances, I thought you might want to off-load?’ Amelia ventured gently.

      It had been six months since he had last talked to her. Then she had been assigned by DCI Gates to work with him on the murder investigation of a local fifteen-year-old girl.

      Brady didn’t respond.

      ‘Jack? Listen, I know what happened between you and DC Henderson. Remember the counselling sessions we had after you had been shot?’

      Brady slowly raised his head and looked at her. Of course he remembered the sessions. That was the very reason he didn’t want to talk to her now.

      Before he knew it he was looking into her almond-shaped dark brown eyes. They were filled with genuine concern.

      Brady’s problem was he didn’t like to talk. Especially about personal matters. Whatever he was feeling about the fact his ex-colleague was lying mutilated in Rake Lane Hospital was personal. Which meant it was off-limits. Way off-limits. He had his own way of dealing with his feelings.

      His reply was straight to the point.

      ‘Amelia, I’m sorry. I just can’t …’ he muttered.

      He turned and started to walk down the corridor.

      ‘Jack? Please?’ she called out, regardless of the two officers walking down the corridor towards her. He gave no sign he had even heard her. Amelia sighed heavily and quickly walked after him, her heels clicking irritably against the wooden floor.

      ‘Jack?’ СКАЧАТЬ