The Warrior. Dinah McCall
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Название: The Warrior

Автор: Dinah McCall

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги о войне


isbn: 9781472046185


СКАЧАТЬ when I figure out who in Washington, D.C., I can trust, I’m going to turn him in.”

      John couldn’t believe it. The Old Ones must be cackling among themselves over the twist they’d just delivered. If Richard Ponte was indeed the man he sought, he was going to have to stand in line to get to him.

      “What lengths do you think he’ll go to, to stop you?”

      Bile rose in the back of Alicia’s throat. This was the question that had been hanging at the back of her mind ever since she’d left Miami. Saying aloud what she feared was only going to give life and power to the fear, but she had no choice. By going with John Nightwalker, she’d put him in the same tenuous position in which she’d put herself.

      “Whatever it takes to silence me.”

      Even as John asked, he couldn’t wrap his mind around what kind of man could commit such a heinous act. “You think your own father would have you killed?”

      “In a heartbeat.”

      There was a long, uncomfortable silence, which Alicia finally broke.

      “So…about now I’m guessing you wish you’d left me standing back at Marv’s Gas and Guzzle.”

      She didn’t know there were tears on her face, but John saw them. Damn it…he didn’t want to feel sorry for her. Then she took a deep breath that sounded suspiciously like a sob.

      “Well, hell,” he muttered.

      Alicia saw a tiny flicker of moonlight catch on the tiny silver feather hanging from his ear as he moved toward her. Before she knew it, she was in his arms, with her nose pressed against his chest.

      “What I wish is that you didn’t think your father is capable of killing you. That’s too much for anyone to bear,” he said quietly.

      The rumble of his voice lulled her into a false sense of security. He was big and strong, and he’d come to her rescue. Lord knew she needed help. But she couldn’t continue this way without pointing out the obvious. She lingered one last moment longer, then stepped back.

      “John…you have to know that by helping me, you’re putting yourself in danger.”

      “You don’t need to worry about me.”


      John shook his head. He’d made his decision. He would help her get her story to the appropriate people first, then go after his own revenge. It was the right thing to do. The only thing.

      “Seriously, I can take care of myself—and you—if you’ll let me.”

      “I’ve already involved you too far.”

      “Then the discussion is over,” John said. “I’m in. So how are you going to handle this?”

      Alicia shrugged. “Carefully, that’s for sure. My father has friends in high places. I’ve got to make sure that I tell someone who won’t give me up to Dad.”

      John stuffed his hands in his pockets and turned around, gazing back out across the water. As he wrestled with his conscience, he could hear the waves hitting the rocks that jutted out from the beach into the black, bottomless depths. Decency was winning out over revenge, and it wasn’t making him happy.

      “I might know someone,” he finally said.

      “In D.C.?” Alicia asked.

      He nodded.

      “And you trust him?”

      John turned. “As much as I trust anyone.”

      Alicia frowned. There was a tone in John’s voice that she didn’t recognize. It felt like sarcasm, but that didn’t make sense. Still, she wasn’t in any position to be picky.

      “Then I thank you,” she said. “But it needs to be soon. If Dad believes I’ll give him up, he’ll run. He has the whole world in which to hide, and if he does, you know what that makes me? A sitting duck, that’s what.”

      “I’ll make some calls tomorrow. But for now, you need to get some sleep.”

      Alicia nodded, then lifted her chin. With a quiet grace, she took off the sweater he’d put around her shoulders, handed it to him with a slight nod, then turned around and walked back through his bedroom, then across the hall to her own.

      John’s fingers curled into a fist as he clutched the sweater. It was still warm from her body. Muttering a soft, unintelligible curse, he followed her inside, locking the doors behind him. By the time he’d set the security alarms, the light was out in her room. He paused in the hallway by her door, then turned and entered his own suite.

      It was time to rest, and to hope that tonight would be a night without dreams. But after the excitement of the day and the fresh hope that his quest would soon be over, it was too much to ask.

      She looked up from the cooking fire, smiling at his approach. Her smile widened when she saw the haunch of deer meat he carried on his shoulder.

      “I have made your favorite,” White Fawn said.

      Night Walker inhaled appreciatively as he laid the deer haunch aside and squatted down beside his woman to peer into the cooking pot. The ground maize had been cooked to a thick porridge consistency, and flavored with strips of pemmican and fresh berries.

      Night Walker dipped the stirring stick into the pot, then tasted it.

      “More berries,” he said.

      White Fawn laughed out loud. “You always say that,” she said as she thrust her hand into a basket beside the fire and scattered another handful of small black berries into the pot.

      When Night Walker cupped the back of her head, she leaned into his touch.

      “I would lie with you,” he said softly.

      An ache spread through White Fawn’s belly as she saw the look in Night Walker’s eyes.

      “And I with you,” she answered.

      Night Walker set the pot beside the fire and threw a blanket over the meat to keep off the flies, then followed his woman into their hut. He pulled the flap over the doorway, shutting them in and the rest of the village out.

      With one pull, the skins he wore tied around his waist fell at his feet.

      White Fawn was already naked. Without taking her eyes from his face, she lay down on the furs that were their bed and waited for him to join her.

      When he did, he made no pretense as to his intentions.

      He lay beside her, then rose up on one elbow and slid his hand between her thighs, gently nudging her legs apart.

      White Fawn’s heart was already beating fast, anticipating the pleasure that was to come.

      In one swoop, he was inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him down, burying him deep. When he began to move, she met СКАЧАТЬ