Where Rainbows End. Cecelia Ahern
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Название: Where Rainbows End

Автор: Cecelia Ahern

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9780007279708


СКАЧАТЬ to leave my daughter out of her insecurities.

      Ruby: Katie will be fine; she’s a smart girl. Just like her mother.

      Dear Sally,

      Thank you for your letter. I’m glad you liked my dress, but if I were you I would have worn a pretty dress like my mum’s for my wedding day. Everyone said that it matched Alex’s tuxedo really well. They looked so nice together, don’t you think? I showed Mum and Toby (my best friend) the photograph of you and Alex on the beach and Toby says that he hopes that your sunburn doesn’t hurt too much. It looks really sore.

      That’s all for now. I have to go now because Mum’s new boyfriend is coming to the flat soon. Tell Alex that me, Mum and Toby said hi.

      Love from Katie xxx

       Chapter 11

      From Alex

      To Rosie

      Subject Secret boyfriend

      Back home from my honeymoon; you sly little lady, you never told me about this new boyfriend of yours! Sally couldn’t wait to tell me, which I thought was rather sweet. I didn’t realise Katie and Sally were writing to each other, did you?

      Anyway, why didn’t you say a word about this guy at the wedding? You usually tell me everything. So come on! What’s he like? What’s his name? Where did you meet him? What does he look like? What does he do for a living? I hope he earns loads of money and that he’s treating you well, or else I’m coming over to throttle him.

      I’ll have to get back to Dublin to meet this guy; make sure he gets the best friend approval. Anyway, let me no all the details (maybe not all of them).

      Hi Stephanie,

      Just writing to see how you are, love, and to share a bit of good news with you. I’m sure Rosie hasn’t told you this already because she’s keeping pretty quiet about it, but she’s met someone! We are all so delighted. She seems so happy, those big blue eyes don’t look so sad any more and there’s a spring in her step again. More like the Rosie we used to know.

      Anyway, she brought him over to the house yesterday for dinner and I have to say he really is a charming man. His name is Greg Collins and he’s a bank manager for AIB in Fairview.

      He’s a little taller than Rosie with a cute little face. He’s thirty-something, I would guess, and he is absolutely wonderful with Katie. They spent the day teasing each other, which was very funny. It’s been difficult, as you know, for Rosie to meet someone who she likes herself as well as taking into account that it has to be somebody that Katie feels comfortable with too. But there should be no compromises I keep telling her. Too often she ended up on dates with those other men just because Katie liked them. Anyway, as I said, Katie adores Greg. I’m so pleased Rosie seems to have found a nice fellow at last.

      Anyway, how’s work? Busy as always? Don’t work yourself too hard in that restaurant, love; you need to enjoy life too. Your dad and me were thinking of coming over to you for a little holiday soon – would that be OK? Let us know when you’re free and we’ll work around it. Say hello to Pierre for us. Looking forward to seeing you.



      From Rosie

      To Alex

      Subject Re: Secret boyfriend!

      Oops, my little secret is out now, thanks to Katie and her big mouth! Well, I didn’t say anything about Greg (that’s his name) at your wedding, because at that stage we hadn’t even gone out yet! We met in the Dancing Cow nightclub (it’s a very long story!) just before I went over to you in Boston, and he took my number and asked me out but I said no! So I must have gone all gushy after your wedding because when I came back I rang him up and asked him out!

      Oh, Alex, I’ve been wined and dined like never before! He’s taken me to restaurants I’ve only read about in magazines and he’s terribly romantic, but you said not to give you all the details so I won’t tell you about our weekend away down the country … OK, so you wanted to know all about him, here goes. He is thirty-six, works at the bank in Fairview. He’s not exactly tall (my height), which isn’t exactly small either, but … OK if he was to stand beside you, you would have a fantastic view of his scalp. But he has sandy-coloured hair and wonderful twinkling blue eyes.

      He is always bringing Katie little gifts when he comes, which I know he shouldn’t do, but I love seeing her being spoiled, especially as I haven’t exactly been able to do that myself over the years. I can’t believe I have finally met a man who doesn’t mind that I have a daughter; all the others looked at me like I was diseased when I told them, and would suddenly think of a great excuse to have to leave the dinner table. I also can’t believe that Katie and I have finally agreed on the same man. She seemed only to like the young, pretty ones that she fancied herself, probably. We need to be realistic here, though. I can hardly afford to be picky!! Her idea of a great partner for me was someone who would play games with her all the time, pull silly faces, put on unattractive voices and wear brightly coloured clothes that should only be worn on Saturday morning TV.

      Anyway, I seem to have found him. He is a very generous, caring and thoughtful man, and I think I am very lucky to have met him. It may not last for ever but I’m enjoying myself, Alex. I know I’ve been such a misery guts for the past, oh, I don’t know … ten years or so (!) but now I have realised that Katie and I are a team and if they can’t love us both then they can get lost.

      But I think I may have met a man who does. Fingers crossed.

      PS. I notice you have stopped referring to Ireland as home. Your heart must finally be in Boston now.

      From Alex

      To Rosie

      Subject Oooh Rosie’s in love!

      Oooooh! Rosie sounds like she’s in love!

      With a bank manager who goes clubbing in a place called the Dancing Cow? What kind of bank manager (or any man, for that matter) goes to the Dancing Cow? Fair enough, you and your friend Ruby seem to have gone off the rails altogether, so therefore I wouldn’t expect anything more from you. But I don’t no, I’m not yet convinced this man is the right one for you.

      And I have to say I was slightly insulted by your last letter. What do you mean by the statement, ‘I have finally met a man who doesn’t mind that I have a daughter’? I think that I have always been supportive of you and Katie – in fact I no I have. Whenever I can, I visit you and bring you out to all your favourite restaurants and bring my goddaughter presents.

      Anyway, I’d better go. Just worked a double shift at the hospital so I’m feeling really tired.

      From Rosie

      To Alex

      Subject Thanks, Mr. Supportive

      Well, thank you, Mr. Supportive, for being so happy for me. In case you haven’t noticed, you and I are not involved in a romantic relationship. Yes, you are a wonderful friend (supportive and generous), but you are not here every day with me. I’m sure СКАЧАТЬ