This Is The Way. Gavin Corbett
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Название: This Is The Way

Автор: Gavin Corbett

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007476671


СКАЧАТЬ at the window, one arm on a crutch the other on a bin. The head was over one side and his legs were spread out and he had the same brown face I remembered, the same thick hair, the same fat lips made you think he was whistling. He was holding a bottle of Club one hand and he been sick but not much. The sick was on his front and on the ground. He was moaning like the sun had got to him, he was moaning like he been boxed. The minute I seen him I says Arthur I says.

      He says Christ Anthony.

      I says Arthur Jaysus. It’s good to see you I says.

      Anthony I thought the kids were going to have a go he says.

      I says who touched you.

      No one Anthony it’s me foot he says.

      What’s wrong with it I says.

      Me foot and me head he says.

      There was another crutch on the ground. The side of his feet was a dirty white sack said Mater Misericordiae on it.

      He says Anthony can we go to your place.

      Sure we shouldn’t be getting you to the hospital I says.

      No I just been at the hospital, they’re useless he says.

      They not the best people for this thing I says.

      Aaah he says. Aaah. Anthony no. To your place Anthony he says and he threw the bottle at me.

      Easy easy I says.

      He could not hold the crutch on his left because his hand that side was in a cloth. He could not put any weight on his foot that side so I had to carry his other crutch and his sack and hold him up as we moved. Took us twenty minutes or more. I had to look at the ground the whole distance. His arm was thick and tense, it was a pain to lift my head. His hand in the cloth was up my face and it smelt and in my right ear was the sound of his hissing. I do not know how we got back to the house and up the stair. Inch by inch was the way. Counting brown metal covers in the ground, getting smaller and smoother and cracked the nearer the house, this was the way.

      I got him on my bed. He let his crutch clatter to the floor. I let him lie, I threw his other crutch down, I says fucking hoor.

      Where’s me drink he says.

      I put it in the bin after you threw it at me I says.

      I got him water from the tap. Here sit up now I says. He was stroking his head like he was protecting his eyes. I put my coat under him.

      Help me take me shoes off he says.

      The left shoe was a struggle to get loose and I had to twist it. He pressed into his eyes the more I twisted it, I says you all right to him. Then it slipped off. The foot was bandaged thick except for the top where the toes were sticking out. Or they should have been sticking out anyhows only where you be looking for the big toe there was a mess. It was a state. There was no toe and there was blood, black hard scab and bright red blood. It was going bad I seen because there was green too.

      What happened you I says.

      I got in an accident he says.

      You surely did I says. How long you been in the hospital I says but he didn’t answer. I says how long you been in the hospital.

      Shut up he says.

      Don’t be telling me shut up I says.

      Shut up he says.

      Don’t be telling me shut up I’m only asking questions trying to help I says.

      Shut up let me rest he says.

      Shut up yourself I says. I says why didn’t you ring me sooner I would have come. To visit you in the hospital I says.

      Arthur I says.

      Arthur I says and I smacked the bed.

      Shut up he says.

      I didn’t say nothing, then okay I says.

      I stepped back, I left him to it, I lifted my hands I says okay. And he was gone, spent.

      It was funny, to go that quick. The things he been through I didn’t even know. The hand stayed over the eyes but the elbow went slowly then the hand slid down and he was asleep his fingers spread over his face.

      And there we were.

      I tried to think of the last time I seen him and it was three year before, there about. It was in Melvin. Melvin, the Sonaghans, the Gillaroos, an old story. The colour to those days was black. That is what I was thinking. Everyone was depressed. And it was green and it was white because there were people after bringing flowers. Bright yellow too with the bibs on the guards.

      And in came Arthur. He appeared, came out of nowhere. We all thought he was gone for good to France and England. But he came back these few days, his nephew being buried, my brother Aaron, why wouldn’t he. The evening of the funeral mass we walked the fields around Melvin. I didn’t think anything about them, they didn’t mean nothing to me. These were the fields the Sonaghans and Gillaroos came from said Arthur, they didn’t mean nothing to him neither. There wasn’t too much praying done that night, only cursing. We cursed the Gillaroo boys that sent Aaron the threats on the DVDs. We cursed that Aaron had risen to it too. Arthur asked me where them DVDs were now, I said they were thrown in the attic. Arthur said they were evidence, I said they were not evidence sure hadn’t Aaron killed himself. Evidence for what I said. We knew that the next day would be difficult. It was difficult. A very reasonable man said we had to stay behind a half hour in the graveyard and that made it more difficult. Arthur said to me were my mother and father all right with one another these days. I said they were grand. He said he was only asking because he seen them separated by the graveside.

      He says how many of those people with your mother do you know.

      I don’t know too many of them I says.

      He said to me he didn’t neither. He said you wouldn’t have known what was confiscated on the way in.

      He tried to get talking to a guard but the guard would not say much. He asked the guard was everything okay and the guard said everything was good. The guard would not relax then because Arthur was looking about him. I was not sure if Arthur was messing or if he was agitated. He said the Gillaroos were fuckers and he kept saying it. He was jittering about, he was stupid, first time in my life I thought that. I thought Arthur you look stupid you are stupid. He was wearing a hat. I could not say if I liked it. He said it was made of felt and he got it in France. There used to be a feather in it he said. He took it down off his head and he showed me the inside.

      What does that writing say he says.

      He showed me his watch. There was mercury in it he said. He got it in Holyhead. He got his coat in England, his shirt in England, his shoes in England.

      Where did you get your trousers I says.

      England he says.

      The priest said he wanted to speak again while we were waiting. He had trouble being heard over the helicopter but he got it out anyhows.

      He says remember СКАЧАТЬ