The One: A moving and unforgettable love story - the most emotional read of 2018. Maria Realf
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СКАЧАТЬ It might have to be next week, though. Josh isn’t well today so I thought I’d go back and make him a decent dinner.’

      ‘Well, aren’t you a regular Nigella?’ teased Naomi. ‘I wish there was someone at home to cook for me. I’m sick to death of ready meals.’

      ‘So, how are things at home these days?’ Lizzie asked tactfully. She took a large swig of wine and immediately wished she hadn’t. It tasted like vinegar and needed another hour in the fridge.

      ‘Not great.’ Naomi ran a hand through her platinum blonde hair and shuffled uneasily on the rickety stool. ‘I think evil Mel might be seeing other people.’

      ‘What makes you say that?’

      ‘She keeps posting selfies with all these other girls.’

      ‘Maybe they’re friends?’ said Lizzie helpfully.

      ‘Yeah, right.’

      ‘Did it occur to you that maybe she’s posting them to make you jealous?’

      ‘No,’ she said glumly. ‘Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’m not sure I want to date someone who knows that many hot women. It’s not good for my ego.’

      ‘Now you’re being ridiculous. You hardly fell out of the ugly tree.’ It was the truth. Naomi looked like an urban rock chick, with her short, choppy bob and edgy dress sense. Even Megan thought that she had style, and she never said that about anybody.

      ‘Anyway, let’s not talk about that psycho,’ said Naomi. ‘How’s the wedding stuff coming along?’

      ‘Fine, I guess.’ She took a smaller mouthful of the warm wine and tried not to pull a face.

      ‘Well, don’t sound too enthusiastic …’

      Lizzie debated whether to tell her about the whole Alex saga, but decided against it. She didn’t really have time right now, plus she knew from experience that Naomi could be a bit indiscreet when she had a few drinks in her – and she didn’t want her getting smashed at the wedding and recounting the tale to other guests.

      ‘No, it’s all good. I’ve just had a lot on my plate this month.’

      Naomi nodded. ‘I noticed. What was all that about earlier?’ She leaned in curiously, and Lizzie wondered if this was the real reason she’d offered to take her out and buy the drinks. Either she’s feeling sorry for me or she’s fishing for gossip. She didn’t know which was worse.

      ‘It’s nothing. I’ve been juggling several projects and I forgot to submit something on time. Then Ella went a bit … you know. Like she does.’

      ‘Batshit?’ Naomi popped a handful of peanuts into her mouth and washed them down with wine.

      ‘More like … disappointed. But I get where she’s coming from. It was my fault.’

      ‘Oh, don’t do that,’ she groaned.

      ‘Do what?’

      ‘Act all reasonable about it. How many times have you handed in something late since you started here?’

      ‘Hardly ever. Why?’

      ‘Well, she needs to give you a break. Everyone knows you’ve got the wedding coming up. You’re bound to be a little preoccupied.’

      ‘It’s not just that,’ said Lizzie quietly. ‘I’m not really sure my heart’s in it any more.’

      ‘In what? The wedding?’ Naomi looked shocked.

      ‘No! I meant PR.’ She had never confessed that to anyone before, and if she’d thought it through properly, Naomi wouldn’t have been her first pick to keep a secret. But it felt good to finally admit it.

      ‘Oh, right.’ She leaned in closer, beckoning Lizzie to do the same. ‘If I tell you something, can you keep your mouth shut?’

      ‘Of course,’ she replied. Better than you, I’d imagine …

      ‘OK.’ She tapped her hands on top of the table to mimic a drum roll. ‘I’ve decided to quit!’


      ‘No! Don’t start that again. Work.’

      ‘What? Are you serious?’ Lizzie almost fell off her seat. ‘When?’

      ‘I’m going to wait three more months, just to make sure I’ve saved up enough. But if everything goes to plan, I’ll hand in my notice while you’re on your honeymoon. That’s assuming I don’t explode first. Everyone’s on my case this week.’

      ‘Then what?’

      ‘Then I’m going to set up my own web business. It’ll just be me to start with, but at least I’ll be the boss!’

      Lizzie toyed with the rim of her glass. ‘Won’t that be a big pay cut?’

      ‘Ha, now you sound like my mum. That’ll be the first thing she says.’ Naomi reached for another handful of peanuts. ‘I don’t think it’ll be so bad. I’ve been saving up for a while and my old roommate reckons she can put some work my way.’ She threw a nut in the air and caught it in her mouth. ‘Anyway, my mind’s made up.’

      ‘Whoa. This is huge.’ Lizzie was quiet for a second, allowing the news to sink in. She was going to miss Naomi horribly, but she admired her guts. Maybe it’s time I moved on, too. She’d only meant to take the job for a couple of years before writing a book of her own, but now her five-year work anniversary was creeping up fast, and she was becoming part of the office furniture. ‘Don’t get me wrong, though; I think it’s amazing. I’d love to do my own thing.’

      ‘Like what?’

      She hesitated. ‘Don’t laugh, but I’d really like to write a novel.’

      ‘Why would I laugh? You’d be a great writer!’


      ‘Definitely. You should totally do it.’ She grinned. ‘You only live once, right?’

      Lizzie was tempted. Naomi’s got a point. If I never give it a go, I’m always going to sit there wondering, aren’t I?

      ‘Let me think about it for a while. I need to talk it over with Josh.’

      ‘You should tell him tonight!’ Lizzie had never seen her friend so excited.

      ‘Maybe,’ she smiled. ‘Depends what kind of mood he’s in when I get back. He’s a terrible patient.’ Josh was normally so active that he couldn’t cope when he was laid low. ‘That reminds me, I should probably head off soon and pick up some stuff for dinner. It’ll take me a while to get home.’

      ‘Not so fast,’ said Naomi. ‘Let’s have a toast before we go.’

      ‘To what?’

      Naomi СКАЧАТЬ