The Duke’s Seduction of Lady M. Raven McAllan
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Название: The Duke’s Seduction of Lady M

Автор: Raven McAllan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780008189297


СКАЧАТЬ once more. She gasped and repeated her step backward. He advanced, she retreated. At this rate they’d reach the castle gates without her realising it. Very tempting, but perhaps underhand. Underhand was something he’d save for when it was really necessary.

      ‘We can carry on like this all day,’ he remarked easily. ‘However, I for one am thirsty, hungry and hot. And, not to put too fine a point on it, and no doubt to be incredibly indelicate, sweaty, and probably smell.’ He watched her eyes widen as she stifled a grin and sniffed. So the lady did have a sense of humour. He laughed. ‘I see you agree. I need a wash, a drink and something to eat. To be even more indelicate, you look as if refreshment would be of use as well.’ He thought it best not to mention anything else they had in common, such as perspiration and the need to utilise the pump over their heads. ‘Now use my given name or I’ll put you over my knee.’ Lord what did he sound like? He opened his mouth to refute his statement, expecting the frigid stare she gave him – the one that shrivelled his staff – when unexpectedly, her expression changed and she giggled.

      ‘In one way I’d like to see you try. You attitude Your Grace is not befitting your status. How you sleep in your bed at night I have no concept.’

      ‘I don’t.’ To his annoyance his voice was bleak. He raised one eyebrow rakishly and grinned in his best devil-may-care manner. ‘So overrated, when there are so many other things one can do, don’t you think?’

      To his amusement, she yawned. Yawned. No one would do that to him. Except her, it seemed.

      ‘You know my dear, I’d be happy to show you what I assume you are missing,’ he drawled. ‘Just give me the word.’

      ‘Your assumption anyone would be pleased to receive such unwarranted attention astounds me,’ she snapped, her previous attitude gone in a flash. ‘Hor… how do you think you’d manage that? I’ve been taught how to protect myself.’ Mary tapped one boot-shod foot on the uneven earth. Brody rather thought she was well on the way to flattening a molehill and giving the poor, unsuspecting animal a headache.

      Plus, he was damned sure she changed her statement mid-sentence.

      Brody chose not to challenge it, not yet. This lady intrigued him with every look, every word spoken and definitely every heave of her bosom under the now grimy lace.

      ‘I’m very pleased to hear that you can defend yourself,’ he said equably. ‘Not all men who come across a lady in such circumstances would be as gentlemanly as I.’

      Mary spluttered. ‘Let me tell you, Your Grace, that your attitude is… is… argh.’ She flung her hands in the air. ‘You say threatening to thrash me is gentlemanly? Just listen to yourself.’ She scowled, tightened her lips and glared at him

      ‘It would be, the way I did it.’

      Her mouth dropped open and closed again without her saying a word.

      Brody chuckled. ‘You look like one of the carp in my fishpond, when they are about to catch flies. I suggest you don’t emulate them. Flies are a devil to swallow, and believe me are no compensation for one of my cook’s lardy cakes.’ Even if they are made by Lovey, and not Cook today. Without thinking he reached forward and stroked her cheek. She didn’t bat his hand away, merely stared at him. This close the silver flecks in her grey eyes flickered in the sunlight and teased him. He hoped he saw interest there, and not just deference to whom he was. Or indifference.

      ‘Shall you accompany me back to the castle, freshen up and have a snack?’ Please say yes. Brody had no idea why her affirmative was so important. It wasn’t as if their acquaintance could go farther than this distant exchange of words… or could it? ‘Then I’ll take you to wherever you want to go.’

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