The Cotswolds Cookery Club: A Taste of Spain - Book 2. Alice Ross
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Trish couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun – especially when helping Melody make the pestinos. It had taken several hilarious attempts with the piping bag to produce the required shapes, but they’d eventually succeeded, more amusement ensuing when they’d dunked the tiny cooked pastries into the honey before serving. The end result had been delicious crunchy golden fritters flavoured with cinnamon and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

      ‘So, do you think you’ll come back?’ asked Kate, when every morsel of their efforts had been devoured.

      ‘Absolutely. If you’ll have me.’

      ‘Of course we will,’ said Connie. ‘Apart from on the telly, I’ve never seen anyone chop an onion so expertly.’

      ‘And without shedding a tear,’ piped up Melody. ‘I’m going to have to squeeze in some practice before this baby arrives.’

      ‘When’s it due?’

      ‘March. Part of me is so excited I think I might burst. And the other part thinks goodness, it’ll soon be here and I’m nowhere near prepared.’

      ‘The next few months will fly by,’ said Kate. ‘And then you’ll wonder what you did before. I have no idea how I filled my time before having my three. But that’s because I can’t remember anything that happened more than two hours ago.’

      Trish laughed. ‘I take my hat off to you having three. I can’t cope with one. Although, I have to say, up until her dad left last year, Amber was no trouble at all. Since then, she’s been like a bear with a sore everything.’

      ‘Ugh. Don’t tell me. I’m already dreading the teens and the twins are still at the terrible twos stage. It must be hard on your own, though.’

      Trish shrugged. She’d been enjoying herself so much she’d hardly given Ian a thought all evening. And she didn’t particularly want to now. ‘You just have to get on with it.’

      ‘Total respect,’ replied Kate. ‘And just so you know, I don’t cope at all. Thankfully, we have a very competent French au pair who helps me out.’

      About to tell Kate how lucky she was, Trish stopped. Had she imagined it, or had Connie and Melody exchanged A Look at that statement?

      ‘How much longer is Domenique with you?’ asked Connie, avoiding eye contact with the vet and beginning to clear the empty dishes.

      ‘Well, she originally signed up for a year, but as that’s nearly at an end, we’ve persuaded her to stay another six months. Which is fantastic news.’

      This time Trish was definitely not mistaken. The Look which passed between Connie and Melody at that remark left her in no doubt that they viewed this news as anything but fantastic.

      ‘You’re looking well,’ remarked Ian when he came to collect Amber on Saturday morning. ‘What’ve you been up to?’

      Trish blinked at him. Was that a compliment? Or an attempt to butter her up, hoping she’d give in and agree to tell Amber his news after all? Resisting the urge to say something along the lines of finding a toy-boy lover on the internet and abandoning all household duties in favour of rampant sex, she said, ‘I’ve joined a cookery club.’

      He arched an eyebrow. ‘Oh. Right. What’s one of those?’

      ‘Well, believe it or not, it’s a club where we cook,’ replied Trish, unable to keep the sarcasm from her tone.

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