The Complete Helen Forrester 4-Book Memoir: Twopence to Cross the Mersey, Liverpool Miss, By the Waters of Liverpool, Lime Street at Two. Helen Forrester
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СКАЧАТЬ and sit in the car for a few minutes,” he said. “I have to wait for a colleague who has business in this building here.”

      ‘I was thankful to get into the car and sit down. Almost immediately his colleague came and was surprised to find me in the car – I suppose he thought the man on the beat would normally deal with vagrants like me. However, my friend of the tie put the car into gear and said that we were going to go to the police canteen.

      ‘“Don’t get the wind up,” he said to me. “I think you can do with a meal.”

      ‘I felt too weak to care what happened to me, but a meal sounded a wonderful idea. So away we went to the police station and through to the canteen.’ He paused reminiscently, and then went on, ‘He stood me a full meal – stew and steamed pudding.’

      ‘Delicious,’ we murmured enviously.

      ‘And when I had finished, he gave me a cigarette, and he seemed such a decent sort that I told him about everything that happened to us.

      ‘He did not interrupt me once – and his friend sat and watched me. At the end they looked at each other – and mulled over what I had said.

      ‘He asked me quite a lot about our school, and then said he remembered me. He left All Saints the year after I was sent there, but he recollected that blow on the head I got from a cricket ball; it caused a good deal of consternation because I took a long time to come round and they were not able to get a doctor for some time.’

      ‘Childhood episodes do stick in one’s mind,’ said Mother.

      I looked at her in surprise. It had never occurred to me that she understood the world of children or that she had been a child herself. Nanny was the person who understood children.

      Father continued, ‘He said he thought he could get me a job with the City.’

      ‘Really?’ queried Mother, frank disbelief in her voice.

      ‘Yes. I told him that I had made every endeavour to obtain employment – but now I was so shabby it was impossible. I said frankly that the rags he saw me in were all I had, that I had not even soap to wash myself with.

      ‘And do you know what he said then? It was most unexpected.’

      ‘No?’ we breathed.

      ‘He said the school would undoubtedly outfit me from their benevolent fund – I used to subscribe to that, you know, but I never thought of it in connection with myself. He is going to write tonight to ask for immediate help. Meantime, he is going to talk to the City about me.’

      ‘How wonderful,’ Alan cried.

      ‘Yes, it is,’ said Mother.

      Fiona began to cry slowly; they were tears of relief. Her illness had left her with practically no stamina, but she rarely complained and, I believe, most of the family hardly realized she existed.

      She was a great contrast to her lively, noisy younger sister, who now said unsympathetically, ‘Oh, shut up, Fiona. You’re supposed to be glad, not sad!’ And cuddling up to Father, she inquired, ‘Shall we be able to have a roast joint?’

      We all laughed, and afterwards, we sat up late while we discussed every detail of this miraculous encounter. Even Mother was quite excited and animated about it.

      The days dragged by, however, and nothing happened. Father stood in his queues; Mother got two days’ work, looking after a special photography display in a store which found that cameras were a slow-moving item amid the general penury in the city. We ate fish and chips one night as a result of this windfall, and Mother was able to buy some stockings, makeup, etc., so that she could look more respectable and, therefore, more employable. We always despaired about our lack of simple articles, like scissors, combs, hair grips, things one takes for granted in a normal home.

      At last, when we had given up standing on the front steps waiting for the postman and the spring had again gone out of Father’s step, the plain-clothes man called in person. He was let in by Miss Sinford, who fortunately did not connect him with the police, and he clumped up to our evil-smelling den.

      Father was out

      Mother received him with her usual grace and sat down on one chair, while he, in response to her invitation, lowered himself cautiously on to the other. Most of the children were at school; Avril, Edward and I, however, stood in a group and stared goggle-eyed at our saviour.

      All Saints School, the visitor said with a friendly grin, had made a grant sufficient to outfit Father completely, provided he shopped carefully. He stopped, his beefy face showing some concern. ‘Er – the school has asked me to administer the grant – and – er – I hate to say tins – they want me to go with your husband to shop. Now, I don’t mind in the least – but I hope he won’t be offended.’

      ‘I am sure he won’t,’ said Mother with unusual briskness. ‘However, you will appreciate that he is in no state to go out with you – or enter a decent shop.’ Her voice broke, and she looked as if she was going to weep. She recovered herself, however, and said as she studied her chapped, unmanicured hands, ‘Do you think the grant committee would mind giving enough money first to buy some soap for a bath – and a haircut?’

      The plain-clothes man leaned forward and patted her hand.

      ‘I am sure that would be all right I do understand – you know, in my job I see a lot of things.’ He thought for a moment, and then added, “The public swimming-baths have also places where you can take a full bath – I think it costs sixpence – and they provide soap and towels, as well.’

      I marvelled that a man whose life had obviously been comfortable, should understand that it was likely we had no towels.

      ‘Oh, how lovely,’ I said impetuously, only to be silenced by an icy look from Mother.

      I could hear Father dragging himself slowly up our endless staircase, and, picking up Edward, I ran to meet him and whispered about the visitor.

      When Father entered, the man rose courteously and held out his hand. Father clasped it. I doubt if anyone had felt that his hand was worth shaking since our arrival in Liverpool.

      Father’s fatigue fell away from him. It was arranged that the policeman would buy some underwear and bring it to us. He also said gently that, if Father would accept them, he could bring a pair of flannels and an old tweed jacket from his own home, so that Father could go into a store without embarrassment to choose a suit and raincoat.

      It was obvious that Father felt his humiliation very deeply. His face was sadder than I had ever seen it He appreciated, however, the great kindness of this police officer on whom he had no other call than that they had attended the same public school, and he thanked him gratefully for his thoughtfulness.

      ‘I have tentatively arranged for you to see this man in the Municipal Buildings at ten o’clock next Friday morning,’ said our friend, standing up and handing Father a slip of paper.

      Father nodded, took the slip of paper and carefully laid it on the dusty mantelpiece.

      ‘I don’t know how I am going to repay you for all this,’ he said.

      ‘Don’t mention it,’ said the plain-clothes man cheerfully. ‘Very СКАЧАТЬ