The Complete A–Z of Everything Carry On. Richard Webber
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Название: The Complete A–Z of Everything Carry On

Автор: Richard Webber

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кинематограф, театр


isbn: 9780008188962


СКАЧАТЬ The Sobbing Cavalier, The Case of the Screaming Winkles, The Case of the Coughing Parrot, Under the Round Table, Short Knight, Long Daze, And in My Lady’s Chamber and Lamp Posts of the Empire

      STAGE: London! and Laughing

      Peter Butterworth didn’t join the Carry On outfit until Peter Rogers and Co. headed west in Cowboy, the eleventh in the series, but quickly became one of the mainstays. His characterisations often possessed a diffidence and dithering nature, highlighted by his portrayal of Detective Constable Slobotham in Screaming! Far from assisting his superior, his incompetency simply compounds the lack of progress being made on the case of the missing Doris Mann.

      Born in Bramhall, Greater Manchester, in 1919, Butterworth was approaching thirty before he turned to acting professionally. It looked as if a military career beckoned and when war broke out, he joined the Fleet Air Arm, but his flying days were shortlived when his plane was shot down off the Dutch coast in 1941 and he was taken to a POW camp where he spent the remaining war years.

      Peter Butterworth appeared in 16 Carry On films

      While at the camp he met a fellow prisoner, none other than writer Talbot Rothwell, who would help change his life for ever. They struck up a friendship and Rothwell cajoled Butterworth into taking part in a camp concert, the primary objective being to prevent the German soldiers from hearing the noise of fellow prisoners desperately trying to escape.

      When the war ended, Butterworth returned to England and pursued an acting career. Before long he was appearing in summer shows, revues and repertory theatre, before branching out into television, initially in children’s programmes. As his career developed, he started being offered more than just comedy roles in shows such as Emergency – Ward 10, Public Eye and a 1964 episode of Danger Man.

      As well as small-screen success, he was kept busy on the stage and from the late 1940s onwards, in films too, including Murder at the Windmill, Night and the City, Blow Your Own Trumpet, Murder She Said, A Home of Your Own and The Day the Earth Caught Fire.

      Married to comedienne and impressionist Janet Brown, Butterworth died of a heart attack in 1979, shortly before he was due to appear in a matinee performance of Aladdin at the Coventry Theatre.


      ‘The thing about Peter is that he was one of the few people in this theatrical world who never talked about his work; he never spoke about himself outside to other actors. I never saw him studying scripts, including the Carry Ons, but I know he loved the camaraderie on the films.’

       JANET BROWN –

      Peter Butterworth’s widow


      Played by Margaret Nolan

      The buxom beauty is chased like an animal across the fields by Henry VIII and his men in Henry. When she hides in a barn, Henry follows and tries forcing himself on her until the girl’s father, who hates royalty, arrives on the scene.


      Role: Bridegroom in Cabby

      Born in London in 1928, Peter Byrne left school and worked in a theatrical agent’s office for several months while waiting for a place at the Italia Conti Stage School. He joined the drama school in 1944 but was soon working professionally, beginning with a propaganda documentary for Lewis Gilbert titled Sailors Do Care.

      In 1945 he joined the Will Hay act on radio and, later, performed in the Jack Hylton revue, Crying Out Loud, before, in 1946, being called up for National Service. After leaving the army two years later, Byrne worked in various repertory theatres, including Farnham, Margate and Worthing, where he appeared in the stage adaptation of The Blue Lamp. He remained with the show when it moved to Blackpool and the West End.

      Later, in 1955, he joined the cast of Dixon of Dock Green as Andy Crawford and stayed twenty years, by which time his character was a detective inspector. Other television credits include The Pattern of Marriage (his small-screen debut), The Jazz Age, Blake’s 7 and, lastly, Derek in the successful sitcom, Bread.

      In films he played small parts in first features as well as meatier roles in second features but bowed out of this side of the business to concentrate on television and theatre. He’s appeared in numerous West End roles in such shows as There’s A Girl In My Soup, September Tide and, most recently, The Mousetrap, which he now directs.


      ‘I did lots of bits and pieces for Peter Rogers and Gerald Thomas, including brief roles in Watch Your Stern, Raising the Wind and The Iron Maiden. I had a similar small part in Cabby, just a few lines, yet I receive fan mail – can you believe that?

      ‘I remember I was running from one set to another and got lost while driving over to the location near Pinewood. Eventually I turned up and we got on with the scene. I’d never met the girl [Marion Collins] who played my bride but we were introduced, went into the clinch, said “goodbye” and that was the last I saw of her – that’s showbusiness. It was very pleasant, though.

      ‘When I was in Raising the Wind, I was in a sequence involving the orchestra. Although it wasn’t a Carry On film there were a lot of the same faces, including Ken Williams and Leslie Phillips, and one of the press officers came in with a group of Japanese journalists. I couldn’t get over it because they treated Ken and Leslie as if they were Robert Redford and Cary Grant! They went absolutely barmy when they saw the pair of them. It was the first indication, in my view, how big they’d become worldwide.’



      Played by Hugh Futcher

      Pulls up in his taxi during Again Doctor. He drops Gladstone Screwer off at Dr Nookey’s posh clinic but doesn’t expect to be paid in cigarettes!


      Played by Norman Mitchell

      Seen in Screaming! driving Emily Bung and Mrs Parker around in his taxi when Emily, suspecting her husband of having an affair, wants to keep her beady eye on him.


       see feature box here.


      Stills Cameraman on Dick


      Played by Kenneth Williams

      In Cleo, the leader of the Roman Empire, or that’s what he likes to believe, is a weak-kneed individual СКАЧАТЬ