The Ballad of Trenchmouth Taggart. Glenn Taylor
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Название: The Ballad of Trenchmouth Taggart

Автор: Glenn Taylor

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007357994


СКАЧАТЬ fashion you a brush outta twig and pine needle. You ever hear of a brush? Oh,’ he’d say, squinting close at the closed mouth, ‘I reckon you haven’t.’

      Trenchmouth owned a toothbrush. He pulled it back and forth when he could stand to, but the ache it induced, along with the bleeding, would make anyone wonder at the worth of such a practice. He’d long ago tried and discounted a homeopathic mouth rinse from the Sears Roebuck, and now he used a concoction the Widow had stirred up for him, a bitter, stinging rinse for the mouth whose makeup she would not reveal.

      It was a summertime Sunday, just after the Methodist Man had finished giving communion, when Trenchmouth, by this point a forced duty acolyte of sorts, was helping Tibbs in the choir room. They poured the unused grape juice back in the jug. The boy spilled it on the bitter man’s shirt front.

      ‘You little rotten shit,’ Tibbs said, teeth grit hard. He grabbed Trenchmouth by the collar. ‘You got no sense in that head, just like you got no teeth. You can’t do a simple Lord’s chore without foulin it all up.’ He was letting loose whatever it was that ate at him without rest. ‘Got no mama to speak of except the one in the bughouse, and even that Widow can see you got the devil in you. He’s leakin out through your gums, ain’t he boy?’ A boil rose inside Trenchmouth then, one that had started at Frank Dallara’s funeral, his first encounter with Tibbs. It was about to bust and run over. The man kept up, ‘And if you think Frank Dallara was any kind of daddy to you, think on it some more. That there was pity, son. No more, no less. Pity for a cripple whose real daddy was no better’n a nigger.’ The word was ugly, even in those times. ‘Some say he was half-a-one anyhow, mixed blood.’ Tibbs let a smile inch onto his face.

      Trenchmouth, without much thought, bent at the knee and hinged back his hip. He took a full-leg backswing and let fly, trailing a black-booted shoe. This was inertia. He kicked Hob Tibbs in the stones with the force of a mule, like old Beechnut when he’d not eaten. Tibbs sucked in air with great volume. He bent double. On the dark wooden floor slats of the church’s choir room, he curled into a baby’s pose and whimpered like one for lack of speech at such pain.

      The boy bent over him. ‘If anybody’s kin to hell, it’s you, cocksucker.’ He’d heard a drunk man say the word to another during a fight outside the pool hall and had been waiting to use it ever since. ‘And you won’t see me in this here church again, ever. And you won’t come calling either. Cause if you do, I’ll be up in a tree behind a barrel.’ The words were such that a boy shouldn’t possess to speak, but he did, and he wasn’t finished. He leaned over Tibbs’ head and spoke. ‘You’ll fall hard as Goliath, cocksucker.’

      Tibbs just whimpered and knotted up tighter. Trenchmouth let his saliva carry and gather in his lips, just ahead of the ravaged gums. When he’d pooled enough, he opened up in a grin not unlike the one Tibbs had given him that morning. The spit, rusty and thick, hung for a tick or two until its own weight broke and it smacked heavy into the left eye of Hob Tibbs.

      Trenchmouth tore off his church-donated tie and walked out the heavy doors. He was through. For the rest of his life, he’d use the word ‘sir’ to address any man his senior, with the exception of Hob Tibbs. He’d taken a place in the boy’s brain and heart reserved only for a few. A few who’d spend their days and nights back-looking over shoulders and sniffing the air like dogs.

      It was the same at the schoolhouse. Under a ceiling so low a miner would crouch instinctual, sat all ages, all grade levels, together. The teacher, Ms Varney, switched legbacks for crimes ranging from sass talk to bad posture. She wrote on the new blackboard formulas for understanding reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, and history. But her two favorite subjects were hygiene and singing. Once, after Doc Taylor visited on head lice, Ms Varney said this to the class: ‘If you care for yourself so little as to let bedbugs infest your scalp, well then you’re nearly as bad as a tramp with trench-mouth in my book.’ Clarissa had put her head down.

      When the students got to singing in unison at the end of every day, songs like ‘In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree,’ Ms Varney inevitably told Trenchmouth, ‘Remember to keep yours sealed shut, young man. Humming is all this little room can stand from a stink box such as yours.’

      If Ms Varney left the room, Mose Crews inevitably scampered to the blackboard to draw up little diagrams of fly infestations and cow flop inside the opened orifice of young Trenchmouth. He had favorite, scribbled phrases like T.T. = Doo Doo and T.T. Stinky don’t talk, he breaks wind.

      Trenchmouth never put his head down. He stared straight ahead at something no one else could see.

      It was fall 1913 that a new girl came to sit beside Trenchmouth in that schoolroom, and she alone had the energy to break his stare. She even had the energy to take his thoughts off Clarissa, who’d been ignoring him since the kiss on the train.

      Ewart Smith was her name. She came from Tennessee with her daddy, who was taking work in the mines. Ewart was tan. More tan than Trenchmouth even, who, after a summer of bareback climbing and digging outdarked all the kids in the segregated schoolhouse. But Ewart had yellow hair and green eyes, and her teeth were as white as Ms Varney’s chalk. The day she came in, she was introduced to the sound of laughter and confusion at such a given name. She responded by crossing her feet and bowing, one hand across her hips, the other extended to her side. Though there were a few empty seats, she picked the one next to Trenchmouth Taggart, T.T. Stinky.

      By winter break, she held his hand after school, and he nearly parted his lips when he smiled at her.

       EIGHT Who Among Us Has Read The Signs

      It was a simple idea really. Steel not wood. If folks would just realize that timber construction was a thing of the past, steel the future, maybe whole towns wouldn’t burn. Maybe good men wouldn’t die. And maybe, if the self-made railroad men laying track like match-sticks across the hill terrain of southern West Virginia, if they’d just realize that coal tipples could be fashioned heartier from the very product being mined in these hills, namely the bituminous coke, maybe the wealth would spread to the little folks. This is how Trenchmouth’s brain worked. The boy climbed Sulfur Creek Mountain daily to his secret spot, a dug out, one room, underground bunker complete with homemade drawing table, ruler, drafter’s compass, and school-stolen pencils. There he drew up plans. Inventions really. There he devised an outline for steel cities and suspension bridges and coal tipples. He’d never let anyone in until Ewart Smith came along. Only she knew the hideout’s location, and she’d been sworn to secrecy.

      Things were thawing on a particular March afternoon when Ewart knocked on the bunker’s hatch door. He let her in. The hatch was on a fishing line pulley, so that when you re-closed it, a scoop net tossed ground cover across its surface.

      Inside, he was trying not to stare at the harmonica he’d laid on the drawing table, the harmonica of his dead daddy. He still hadn’t put it to his lips, for fear that since that particular part of him was so susceptible to disease, he might well be infected with whatever drove his father down the road to hell. He got back to business: fashioning a miniature coal tipple and a crane from scrap metal he’d collected at the mine dumps. Structure-smart, he’d used a hammer and a punch to knock out holes in the skinny tin. Slots for connecting and building upwards. Ewart stared at what would surely become a tiny city there on the table.

      ‘Your momma’s going to come after you for spending all your time away,’ she said.

      ‘She ain’t home.’ Trenchmouth didn’t say where the Widow was, but ever since the Huntington woman had gone down on moonshine charges, his mother had been hard at work moving product here to СКАЧАТЬ