The 21 Day Blast Plan: Lose weight, lose inches, gain strength and reboot your body. Annie Deadman
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Название: The 21 Day Blast Plan: Lose weight, lose inches, gain strength and reboot your body

Автор: Annie Deadman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780008259266


СКАЧАТЬ endless miles. I was so happy to find that out.

      This investment of effort also meant I started to be much more interested in eating good, nutritious meals. Less picking, more planning. Less beige, more green. Less emphasis on the pick-me-up chocolate and wine, more focus on cooking quick but healthy meals. I felt different, better.

      My interest in health and body nourishment gathered pace and I enrolled on a part-time nutrition course at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. I devoured books on gut health and weight loss and started to realise that this was more than just a mild interest: I wanted desperately to share it with others.

      A downsize house move meant I could swap to part-time work and so I started to study in my spare time to become a personal trainer. I turned the dilapidated old garage into a studio and bribed the children to help me deliver leaflets door to door. This heralded the start of Annie Deadman Training. I wanted to encourage and motivate. My passion to help others find their groove and my ‘tell it how it is’ approach meant that word got out and soon my days were filled with clients. I was helping men and women to feel better (inside and out), to get stronger and to embrace their lives with refreshed confidence. A steady expansion in the next few years meant I took on a small team of trainers and I was able to offer a whole range of group fitness-training sessions to the local community

      I learnt so much (and continue to) from all my clients about their day-to-day issues, their food intolerances, their lack of time. There was a pattern emerging: men and women struggling to keep in shape (as well as hold on to some modicum of self-esteem) while managing a family and work, dishing up healthy meals and trying occasionally to come up for air. Bad habits had become entrenched and they just couldn’t shake them off.

      Personal training is, in the grand scheme of things, expensive and I wanted to find a way of helping people get into shape without having to join a gym or feeling constrained financially. I wanted to give them access to something that could help them break habits but not the bank. A short-term plan for fat loss and fitness with long-term results that was sustainable alongside the responsibilities of work and family.

      I wanted to educate, motivate and entertain.

      So the 21 Day Blast was born, an online fat-loss plan available to everyone around the world, offering an eating plan, recipes and workouts. Very soon after, Blast received some fantastic coverage in the national press and – bang! – overnight a wonderful Blast community was created.

      Now I’m bringing the Blast plan to you within the covers of this book, so that you too can benefit from all that Blast offers, for 21 days and beyond. You’re in for such a fun time. Let’s get stuck in.

      The 21 Day Blast plan is a fat-loss and fitness plan. It’s a programme of short workouts, which can easily be squeezed into anyone’s week (at a time best for you), and a way of eating that means the body isn’t wasting its effort dealing with digestive problems or storing fat. It is going to use the fat as fuel! And you are going to get fitter and stronger in the process.

      ‘What? In 21 days? . . . Oh come on’

      Yes, not long, is it? But during that time you will experience a way of eating and a way of exercising that you can (and will want to) continue on your own. You will learn which systems in the body work with you and which work against you and just how brimming with energy you can be.

      In short, this is a self-help manual of empowerment, full of deadly serious facts with more than a sprinkling of humour.

      ‘I’ve only just about enough energy to sort my family out, let alone dabble with empowerment . . .’

      Hear me out.

      You might be coming towards the end of your thirties and are juggling work, commutes, sleepless children and parents’ evenings. You feel ongoing pressure to prepare nutritious, tasty home-cooked fodder (big on kale, low on pizza). You strive to be outstanding at work, the pinnacle of parenthood and manage a sparkling social life, despite a nagging desire to run amok with a bottle of Pinot Grigio and let it all descend into chaos.

      Or you’re trying desperately to withstand the test of time as your body heads for middle age or even the menopause, while being the best possible mother, friend, wife and lover, all with one eye on a waistline that has slid into your hips and another on the clock wondering if your teenage children are home yet.

      As our years advance (fingers in ears . . . la-la-la-la), we can tuck all kinds of experience (and back fat) under our arms. Marriage, children, divorce, debilitating illnesses, the loss of parents . . . stuff that life throws at us. Big stuff that we have to deal with and emerge from looking sensible and grown-up. Consequently our health and our own efforts at staying in shape fall to the bottom of the list.

      I’ve been through it all and more and I know the 21 Day Blast plan will help you get a tighter hold on everything.

      ‘Annie Deadman, I am so done with diets; nothing works’

      The 21 Day Blast plan is not a diet. It’s a programme of better eating and exercise, during which you will deal with sugar and carbohydrate cravings. You will be eating in a way that’s going to soothe your gut, boost your energy levels and subsequently your mood. You will be using food to help you burn fat and create a body that is harmonious, inside as well as out. Twenty-one days is enough time to break well-entrenched habits. We’re talking that wind-down wine at the end of every day and the TV chocolate.

      Yes, we all love those things. And no, it doesn’t mean you won’t ever have them again. It just means that over these 21 days you will find out what highs and lows certain foods bring to your mood, your sleep and most of all the bits on your body that are surplus to requirements.

      ‘So you’re going to help me take control? Lose fat and get into shape?’

      Dead right I am. And that’s just in 21 days.

      This book is a super-easy read. There are some food guidelines and principles to follow and some workouts to do during each of the three weeks. If you eat like this and do the workouts you will lose fat.

      ‘Tell me I don’t have to spend hours in the gym when I should be waving the homework stick and force-feeding my children broccoli’

      No, you don’t. The workouts are between twenty and thirty minutes long and you need no equipment. And as for the food, it’s all normal – it’s just a matter of swapping a few things around.

      This book is going to show you how to get serious with yourself and take charge. You’ll become slimmer and fitter. You’ll discover new routines and you’ll be motivated enough to sustain them. This is a bold statement, but I’d really like this to be the last book about losing fat that you ever, ever pick up.

      So, if you fancy a good shot at losing a few inches, taking control, kicking your sweet tooth into touch, feeling downright gorgeous and having a bit of a giggle along the way, then let’s get on with it.

      Remember one thing: I’m on your side.

      ‘Six months ago I was bursting out of my clothes and needed to buy a size 16. This was the turning point for me. I had never been “big” and here I was, СКАЧАТЬ