The 21 Day Blast Plan: Lose weight, lose inches, gain strength and reboot your body. Annie Deadman
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Название: The 21 Day Blast Plan: Lose weight, lose inches, gain strength and reboot your body

Автор: Annie Deadman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780008259266


СКАЧАТЬ of us need a dose of this little hormone. It’s not only produced in the male testes but also in the adrenal glands and ovaries of the female. As we approach the menopause (up to as much as ten years before) it’s not only oestrogen levels that drop off but testosterone too.

      Testosterone helps keeps our muscles firm and taut. It also stimulates our urge for the occasional swing from the chandelier, should the fancy take us. So, come the menopause, we risk not only droopy muscles but a droopy libido.

      It’s not looking good.

      So how can we keep testosterone at an optimum level?

      Use those muscles! That means challenging them and taking them ever so slightly out of their comfort zone. Muscles mean strength. Toned muscles mean well-supported joints and a strong framework. Toned muscles require energy to keep them in that toned state, so we are burning fat even while we’re sitting still.

      So, using your muscles keeps testosterone levels up. That means your libido and energy levels are up too, but your fat levels are kept down. I’m making it sound very simple, aren’t I? Do some squats, eat some broccoli, bring on the Friday-night love-in.

      (I’m going to say something slightly toe-curling: testosterone is also responsible for the sensitivity of the nipples and clitoris. There. Finished.)

      So, the Blast plan will help us keep the levels of these three important hormones stable.

      Remember, too, that they work together, so if insulin, cortisol and testosterone are affected positively, then it’s very likely that they will have a knock-on effect in other areas.


      This double act is definitely worth a mention. They are the big players in terms of regulating appetite . . . which then has a knock-on effect on our body shape

      Ghrelin is a hormone produced mainly in the stomach. It’s known as the ‘hunger hormone’ because it stimulates appetite, increases food intake and promotes fat storage. It actually tells us to eat (as if we need telling). For successful fat loss we need ghrelin levels to be low so that we aren’t tempted by hunger pangs.

      On very low-calorie diets, ghrelin levels rise and stay raised. Once the diet is abandoned (as they usually are because you find yourself chewing the furniture), wham . . . ghrelin sets to work on your appetite, the pounds pile back on and you’re left with higher fat levels than you started with.

      Leptin does the opposite. Leptin is a hormone produced in the fat cells and it controls metabolism, hunger and energy expenditure. It tells us to stop eating. The larger you are (in terms of fat-ness) the more leptin you will produce.

      ‘Brilliant. I won’t be fat for long because I will soon magically stop eating because of all that leptin.’

      However, the danger comes when the brain eventually becomes numb to leptin’s messages. There is no longer anything to tell you to stop eating. This is called leptin resistance. There is no drop in appetite and no ‘I’m full’ signals, so you just keep eating.

      So how can we ensure leptin and ghrelin stay at an optimum level? For successful fat loss, we need leptin levels to be high and ghrelin levels to be low. Stay away from low-calorie diets because they are unsustainable. They make us miserable and put the body under stress (cue cortisol) and are a disaster both for health and fat loss. We must focus on eating foods our body was designed to use and not processed goods that have been altered chemically, which our bodies won’t recognise. These foods create a toxic environment in the blood, and, as our years advance, do their hardest to prevent us from living the life we want to lead.

      Get me, coming over all serious . . .

      We all have our own unique hormone profile but no single hormone can control our fat levels or our appetite. Fuelling your body with the Blast food guidelines will give you the chance to help those hormones work with you.

      Committing to a nutrient-rich and balanced diet of protein, fat and carbohydrate at the right time and avoiding those foods that risk causing a rumpus, a scuffle or a full-on brawl in your gut will keep everything swinging along nicely. Enough glucose is produced to feed the cells, the hormones are doing their hormone-thing calmly and no one is hungry.

      There. I’ve finished waving the hormone stick for the moment, but I’m sure it’ll make an appearance later on. Let’s crack on with the next chapter and find out exactly what those Blast guidelines are.




       (or ... what to eat and when)

      ‘Day 6: I’ve not had a single mid-afternoon slump since starting. Usually 3pm rolls around and I’m using cocktail sticks to keep my eyes open. I’ve been a bouncing ball of energy and it’s fantastic!’

      C.W., London

      Two words: nourish and flourish. This is the juicy bit, the bit where you learn the simple Blast eating guidelines and where you will be inspired by the gorgeous recipes and meal ideas, all perfectly suited to everyday family life.

      The results of eating the Blast way for 21 days will surprise you. Together with the effects from the workouts, you will soon start to feel different, energetic and, dare I say it, really quite wonderful.

      The Blast plan makes losing fat easier because the food you eat will encourage your body to use up its fat stores. Carbohydrate consumption is offset by four short workouts per week, which gives us minimum glucose, stable insulin levels plus a newfound fitness and rock-hard thighs.

      You’re going to take your body on a holiday, where it can relax and breathe, away from hassle and turmoil. You’re going to get control back.

      Let’s look at the instructions. They’re clear and straightforward. We haven’t got time for complicated.


      In Chapters 3 and 4 we learnt how some foods can aggravate the gut and risk causing hormonal upheaval. We’re going to take a rest from these. See Section A, overleaf.

      Sections B and C tell you about the foods that are permitted in the plan, together with the guidelines surrounding those foods. There are also sample meal day-planners.

      I’ve also included a summary (which is code for me making absolutely sure that YOU are absolutely sure).

      Section D gives guidance on portion size.

      Section E is devoted to fluids.

      See . . . no jokes. I’ve gone СКАЧАТЬ