Just for the Rush. Jane Lark
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Название: Just for the Rush

Автор: Jane Lark

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780008139872



      I shook my head as Mum hugged me.

      Then Dad hugged me. ‘Happy Birthday, darling.’

      ‘Hello, dear.’ Rick had even managed to get my frail Nan here. I hugged her too.

      ‘Ah! You look gorgeous!’ My best friend, Milly, squealed, before wrapping her arms around me. ‘I’ve been bursting to let this slip for weeks. Steve has been threatening to stitch my lips up.’

      The stream of my family and Rick’s family and our friends, who wanted to wish me well, kept coming and they all thought Rick was amazing for doing this for me. I hadn’t even taken my coat off yet.

      ‘Let me take your coat.’ Rick was still near me. I turned and then his hands were holding my coat on my shoulders so I could take my arms out. Soooo nice.

      ‘Good job, mate.’ Steve slapped Rick’s shoulder. Steve, Milly’s partner, was Rick’s best friend. It made for perfect couples’ nights out – or in, my inner voice snapped sarcastically. I was such a bitch in my head.

      ‘Come and dance.’ Milly grabbed my hand.

      ‘I’ll get you a drink! A G&T?’ Rick shouted after me.

      I nodded.

      I should be happy. I still felt sick and miserable. I was glad I could dance, though. Glad I was dancing and not sitting at a table facing Rick on my own, and I was going to get drunk.

      Maybe Rick was right. Maybe this would pass. Maybe if I hung on, tomorrow I’d wake up and be madly in love with him and happy again.

      But I couldn’t remember when I’d been truly happy. Had I ever been properly happy?

      Not for years.

      I danced a lot and Rick kept handing me glasses of gin and tonic.

      I drowned myself in the music and gin, to the point that I didn’t care that the hem of my dress had ridden up to the top of my thighs and was way too short and probably showing off the lacy tops of my holdup stockings.

      When the DJ started playing slow songs Rick came over. I’d kicked my heels off in the centre of the circle of friends I’d been dancing with. I put them back on as Rick held my arm, steadying me.

      ‘Are you having a good night?’ he whispered into my ear.

      ‘Yes, thank you.’

      ‘You’re welcome.’

      Suddenly the music stopped playing and the lights went on. I blinked.

      Rick descended on to one knee.

      No! No!

      ‘Ivy, you know how much I love you, and I have loved you for a long time.’

      Shit! Shit! Why was he doing this now? Why here, in front of everyone? Oh, my God. Rick!

      ‘So, I thought it was time…’ His hand went down and dug into the pocket of his black trousers. ‘…to…’ he glanced up and gave me a grin as he was still struggling with his pocket. But then his hand came up and between his finger and thumb a solitaire diamond caught the electric light and sparkled.

      Oh, my God.

      ‘… ask you to marry me. Will you marry me, Ivy?’

      My mouth opened, but I didn’t say a word. My throat was dry. Shit. Shit! Why had he done this? ‘I…’ I couldn’t say yes. I couldn’t. ‘I’m sorry.’ I swallowed, steeling myself to say the word. ‘No. I can’t.’ Oh, my God.

      I turned away from him, shaking all over. My mum and dad stared at me. His parents stared at me. Nan stared at me. Milly stared at me. Everyone was staring at me.


      I walked across the empty dance floor. The entire room was silent.

      He knew I didn’t want to commit yet. Why had he done it? What did he think, that because everyone was here I’d be forced to agree?

      Images of his slippers, pyjamas and cardigans spun around in my head.

      I wasn’t ready to settle down into a quiet domesticated life. I wasn’t a dog to be sat with and stroked on the sofa every night. I wanted to live life, to see and do things I hadn’t done yet; to be allowed to go crazy when I wanted to.

      I wanted to do lots of things. New things. Wild things.

      I didn’t want to be sitting at home forced to look after the kids he wanted me to breed.

      I hid in a cubicle in the toilet still trembling.

      The door into the toilets opened. ‘Ivy.’


      The door into the toilets slammed shut behind her. ‘Are you okay?’

      ‘No.’ I opened the cubicle door. ‘Will you get my coat for me? I need to get out of here. I can’t stay with Rick. I can’t go home with him.’ My eyes filled with tears that ran on to my cheeks, probably smearing the mascara I’d so carefully applied before I came out. I wiped the tears away.

      ‘It’s okay. Wait here?’

      Shit. Steve was his friend. If I went home with them, this was going to be so awkward. But I couldn’t go home with Rick.

       Chapter 1

      Today, December 24th

      The phone rang out its sixth ring. It was annoying me. Jack hadn’t come into work yet so the phone in his office wasn’t going to be answered. The answer machine would kick in on the next ring, like it had done four times in the last ten minutes. But whoever was calling hadn’t left a message and I was guessing it was the same person.

      Oh bugger. I snatched up my phone and keyed in the number to pick up the call. Jack didn’t like his calls answered unless he’d transferred the calls to someone. But whoever it was wasn’t going to stop ringing and I wasn’t in the mood to listen to it. ‘J’s Advertising.’ I glanced at the clock; it was after twelve. Jack was really late. ‘Good afternoon. This is Ivy. How may I help you?’

      ‘It’s Sharon. Where is he?’

      Shit. What did I say? I had no idea how my boss would like me to respond to the wife he was divorcing, and I had no idea where he was anyway. That was probably why he hadn’t transferred his phone to anyone. ‘Hello, Sharon. I’m sorry, he’s not in the office.’

      ‘Well, where is he, then? I want him to do something for me.’

      I opened up his e-calendar to take a peek, although I didn’t plan on telling her. It said ‘private appointment’. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m afraid he hasn’t let anyone know.’

      ‘Well, СКАЧАТЬ