Jimmy Coates: Killer. Joe Craig
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Название: Jimmy Coates: Killer

Автор: Joe Craig

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9780007374939


СКАЧАТЬ through the gate and into the street. He squinted at the car. He could see something reflected in its wing mirror: the faint orange dot of the end of a cigarette, muted by its own smoke. In the dark it shone out like a torch. It doesn’t mean anything, Jimmy thought. It’s just someone sitting in their car, smoking–I’m safe. But then the click of a car door opening jammed through his body. He froze. The cigarette light danced around rapidly. A man pulled himself up out of the car, and suddenly the silence splintered into a patter of noise: the car door slamming shut, the other door opening, the crackle of a walkie-talkie, two men walking towards Jimmy.

      The driver flicked his cigarette into the gutter and picked up his pace. He was running straight at Jimmy, but Jimmy wasn’t scared any more. All the fear and tiredness drained out of his body, pushed away by that bundle of strength that grew from behind his stomach. It swept through his body and shot up his neck. Jimmy still didn’t have any idea what was happening to him, but he recognised the feeling and knew this time that it was going to protect him. His feet leapt off the pavement and he broke into a sprint.

      Jimmy’s legs were possessed, carrying him and his bag as if they were no weight at all. His whole body was contorted into a running machine–arms pumping hard, head leaning intently forward. He had never moved so fast. He dashed up the street for a few metres before darting into a side alley between the houses.


      For half an hour Mitchell had followed Jimmy, completely unnoticed. When Jimmy stopped, Mitchell stopped. As Jimmy stood in front of that house, wondering whether to knock on the door, Mitchell crouched in the shadows watching, wondering whether this was the moment to strike. Just as he decided to go for it, he saw two big men running at Jimmy from the other direction. Mitchell abruptly stood upright, shocked–his one chance to salvage the week was being ruined because two other guys had decided to mug the same person. He watched, bemused.

      But then he saw that these two men were wearing suits and carrying walkie-talkies. Not even gangs dressed like that, or had such fancy equipment. The thought crossed Mitchell’s mind that maybe this boy was in danger. Then Mitchell saw Jimmy explode into a run. Wow! he thought. That boy is quick.

      The men seemed startled when Jimmy took off so smartly, and were slower to get going, but Mitchell could tell they were used to running. He waited until both men had made it to the top of the alley, then followed as fast as he could. If the men didn’t catch this boy, then maybe he would.


      Jimmy couldn’t believe how fast he was running. His breathing was hard, but regular. Even with the bag over his shoulder he could feel his muscles moving together, blood surging through them. Something in his head was telling him where to run, too. It kept him darting in and out of back streets, knocking over dustbins, leaping in and out of front gardens. A few moments ago he had been lost, exhausted and ready to give up, but now he was exhilarated. His feet tapped lightly on the paving stones, never stopping. Behind him there was the noise of heavier feet. Jimmy didn’t look back. Still not out of breath, he began to enjoy the thrill of running, even though he felt like he wasn’t in control.

      The two men were slowing down now. Jimmy could hear them dropping back. He smiled and the wind cut into his teeth. At the next corner he found himself on a main road, and then he realised why the men had stopped running so hard. Two black cars zoomed towards him, headlights blasting him in the face. He hesitated for an instant, then ran again.

      In a few seconds the cars were level with him. Jimmy ducked into a side street. The cars turned with him. He longed for his legs to do something more for him. Then they did–but it wasn’t the extra burst of speed that Jimmy was hoping for. Instead, he hurdled over a front gate and down the side of a house. In two leaps he was up on to the wall and over the gate into someone’s back garden. He took a hefty kick at the football lying on the lawn and saw that the back of the garden was surrounded by a high fence. It must have been twice as tall as he was. Behind him the garden gate was rattling.

      Jimmy didn’t stop. He couldn’t. He sprinted forward and with three huge steps he left the ground. He reached up for the top of the fence and grabbed it with both hands. Then before he could process what was happening, he had pulled himself over. His knees buckled as he landed. He staggered for a couple of metres before regaining his balance, then looked around, wiping the sweat from his face with his sleeve. In front of him lay the dark oasis of the park.


      Mitchell was still running. He saw the two men give up the chase and thought all the complications were over. Now he could catch the boy himself and take his bag. No problem. He zipped past the two men. They were bent double and completely out of breath. He hit the main road. It was only then that he realised how long he had been running, and how far.

      He saw the two cars steaming after Jimmy. This boy doesn’t have a chance now, Mitchell thought. He stood still for a second and watched Jimmy running away from the cars, amazed and a little impressed too. As soon as Jimmy turned, Mitchell started running again. The desire to steal Jimmy’s bag was matched now by curiosity. He didn’t feel tired and was hardly short of breath, but he stopped at the top of the road that Jimmy had turned down, astounded at what he saw.

      The cars screeched up to the kerb and four men jumped silently out of each. All eight were in dark suits. Mitchell watched them burst through into the back garden, then return moments later. They didn’t have the boy. One of the men started babbling into a walkie-talkie, his face red from running in the cold.

      Mitchell was confused. How could they not have caught him? He hung back, so as not to be seen. Then Mitchell realised how the boy had managed to escape–the park was behind that row of houses. Once you were in the park at night, there were no lights. That’s why it was one of Mitchell’s favourite places to snatch bags.

      He jogged back round the corner and headed for the entrance to the park. If he was quick enough, he might catch up with the boy as he ran out. It looked like the others had had the same idea, because they had climbed back into their cars and were heading that way themselves. They were driving slowly, though, as if they weren’t sure where they were going, or even as if they wanted to give the boy a chance to get away.

      Mitchell hunched his shoulders as they drove past, half from the cold and half out of an instinct not to be noticed. Then he realised they were looking at him. A torch shone right into his eyes. He flinched and put his hand up to block the beam. It lingered for a moment, then the cars moved stealthily on like a funeral procession. A streetlight caught a small green stripe at the back of each as it drove away.

      Mitchell turned the corner and checked that the cars had gone. He was about to give up and go home, but he couldn’t get the boy out of his head. There must be something in the bag really worth having.

      The park gate was locked, of course, so he shinned up the side and swung his body over. He had caught his jeans on the spikes at the top so many times now that it didn’t bother him. On the other side he let himself drop into the dust, and brushed a twig from his hair. It needed the clippers again. Now his blood was pumping again, warming him up. He searched the park, picturing the riches he refused to miss out on.


      Jimmy sprinted on for a minute, then slumped to the ground and held his breath. He listened, to find out whether the men had followed him over the fence, but they hadn’t. Then all his tiredness hit him again. The ground was cold and wet so he put his bag underneath him.

      He knew the park, and while it was a relief to find a familiar place, it looked very different at night. He was afraid. It wasn’t just two men who were after him. There were loads of them. In his memory, the sound of the group chasing him was magnified into a whole army. How could he possibly escape? In fact, how had СКАЧАТЬ