Four Days in June. Iain Gale
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Название: Four Days in June

Автор: Iain Gale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007279470


СКАЧАТЬ Lancers. Quickly the little group dismounted and walked towards the front. Through the darkness, across the fields, Ney could see the fires of the enemy pickets. He counted them. Swore quietly. No. The Nassauers had not left. Were still here. Encamped in fact, it seemed, in some force. To his left Ney could see the bulk of a large wood and in the centre and on the right the dim shapes of three sizeable complexes of farm buildings. The crossroads itself lay straight ahead. It looked, as he had supposed it might, ominously like a highly defensible position. He began to run through the dispositions of his troops.

      ‘Rollin, where is Bachelu’s division?’

      ‘Two kilometres to the east, at Mellet, sir.’

      ‘And Prince Jerome?’

      ‘Ransart, sir.’

      ‘And Piré’s cavalry?’

      Another aide: ‘At Heppignies, sir.’

      ‘Count d’Erlon’s corps?’

      ‘His headquarters have been established at Jumet, sir.’ Rollin again. ‘But half of his divisions are strung out along the route, one at Marchienne, another at Thuin. Jacquinot’s cavalry we believe to be somewhere near Binche.’

      Ney sighed. ‘And Reille?’

      No one was entirely sure where the rest of Reille’s corps was. Ney swore again. Audibly now. He realized that he could not after all afford to rest. He would himself ride at once to Charleroi. Must attempt to glean more precise directions from the Emperor. Must be allowed to know more detail of his plans. His mind was addled, confused. The ride there and back would clear his head. Without a word, he walked back to his horse and remounted.

      ‘You have the time, Heymes?’

      ‘10.30, sir.’

      It would be close to midnight before he reached Charleroi. It was going to be a long night.


      Brussels, 1.30 a.m. De Lancey

      De Lancey sat at the unfamiliar bureau of his borrowed office in the house near the Parc and rubbed at his face and eyes. It had been a frantic evening. Unpleasantly warm for the time of year. At around nine o’clock a message had arrived from Blücher telling Wellington that he was now en route to Sombreffe and preparing to face Bonaparte there. Another came an hour later, from General Dörnberg, commander of the Hanoverian cavalry and senior intelligence officer at Mons. Still nothing though from Grant. Dörnberg reported that there were no enemy directly before him. In his opinion the entire French army was now focused on Charleroi. But surely, thought De Lancey, this was old news? The French might by now be long past Charleroi. In effect they were, all of them, chasing shadows.

      Wellington, however, had at last seemed sure that he knew what Napoleon intended. Shortly after ten he had sent for De Lancey and given his ‘after orders’ – a common practice. De Lancey had found the Peer in blue velvet carpet slippers, a silk dressing-gown over his shirt, preparing for the ball already in progress in the Rue de la Blanchisserie. The Richmonds had taken a house in the Rue des Cindres and in this small street to the rear the Duchess had found the perfect venue for their dance – the workshops of a coach-builder. That afternoon the old carriage works had been cleaned by a fatigue party of defaulters and decked out with all the frivolity of an English village fête. Reports of the spectacle had been coming to De Lancey for the past two hours as his officers, beginning to return from their various dispatch rides, had managed brief sorties to the gilded assembly. No sooner had they gone though than he had been compelled to summon them back to deliver these fresh orders personally.

      The ‘after orders’ were clear enough: The 3rd Division would continue from Braine-le-Comte to Nivelles. The 1st Division, the Guards, was to move at once from Enghien to Braine-le-Comte. The 2nd and 4th Divisions were to move to Enghien, as was the cavalry.

      De Lancey detected a general sense of urgency, but realized that the Peer remained convinced that the real French threat was to his right wing. He was pondering the probability of this when, quite unannounced, out of breath and without knocking, Will Cameron burst into the room.

      ‘What the deuce? Will?’

      ‘Sir. More intelligence. I come directly from the ball. From Lord Wellington himself. The French have taken Charleroi, sir. Even now are marching on Brussels. Their pickets have been at Quatre-Bras. The message was timed at 10.30, sir. It comes direct from General Rebecque. The Peer has left the dancing, sir. We are to order a general state of readiness.’

      ‘What news from Grant?’

      ‘None, sir. Only this from Rebecque. And direct from the front. The ball is finished, sir. Officers are to return to their units. We are to prepare to advance.’

      ‘Calm yourself, Will. If the Peer has not yet received news from Colonel Grant, he will not order a general advance.’

      ‘No, sir. Yes. I mean. Quite.’

      ‘We will merely proceed with the after orders that he has already issued – a concentration upon Nivelles. Unless he gave you to understand otherwise?’

      ‘No, sir. That is indeed his intention.’

      ‘Well then, I suggest that you find yourself somewhere to catch a few hours’ sleep. You will certainly be needing them in the coming days. Take one of our rooms. Goodnight, Will.’

      ‘Thank you, sir.’

      After Cameron had left, De Lancey looked again at the map – the old, inaccurate 1790s survey of the area by Ferraris and Capitaine – spread out on the table in the centre of the room. It was still just possible. A feint. He understood Wellington’s caution. What if he was right and Napoleon had called his bluff? Intended to divert the Anglo-Allied army to the east and then turn its flank? He walked towards the door, intending to find Magdalene and possibly a few hours’ rest. As he went to turn the handle, however, the door flew open and he came face to face with General Dö rnberg, behind him an aide. Both of them hatless, dripping in sweat, reeking of horses and brandy. The general was in a state of some distress.

      ‘My God, De Lancey. I have come from Mons. Oh God, De Lancey. What have I done? How could I have been so foolish? We must go at once to Wellington.’

      In the entrance hall of the house on Rue Royale most of the evening’s candles had already been extinguished. In the half-light they were greeted by Wellington’s secretary, Fitzroy Somerset, still fully dressed. De Lancey spoke quietly.

      ‘Somerset, we must see his Grace. Immediately. We have grave news.’

      Without a word, Somerset hurried them along the dark corridor and up a long flight of steps to the Duke’s bedroom. Entering before them, a few seconds later he showed them both in. Wellington was sitting straight up in bed. He fixed De Lancey with a hard stare.

      ‘Well then, gentlemen, what is it?’

      Dö rnberg spoke. ‘Your Grace, I am afraid that I have been terribly amiss. I am aware that throughout the day you have sent me constant reminders that, should I hear from Colonel Grant or his agents, I should waste no time in at once letting you know. I am afraid, sir, that I have not done so and have only now realized my grave error.’

      Wellington СКАЧАТЬ