Found: One Secret Baby. Nancy Holland
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Название: Found: One Secret Baby

Автор: Nancy Holland

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780008127381


СКАЧАТЬ it upon yourself to intervene.”

      “She begged me to help her.”

      The woman paused, but her face yielded no clue to what might be going on inside her head. She’d be murder to face in a courtroom, a talent clearly wasted in this one-step-up-from-a-storefront family law practice.

      “And she was pregnant.”

      He allowed himself a thin smile. “So the investigator was right. There is a child.”

      Ms. Walker lowered her eyes to the desk and shook her head. “She was three months’ pregnant and bleeding heavily.”

      Damn. How could he tell Lillian that Charlie had managed to kill his own kid?

      Morgan took out his smartphone and opened a file. “What hospital did you take her to?”

      Ms. Walker was still staring at the desk. “Merced County General.” She spoke slowly, as if she needed to make an effort to remember, but that was ridiculous. All this had happened less than two years ago. Had her encounter with Charlie’s lady friend really been that traumatic?

      “Why there?”

      Laser-green eyes snapped back to his, brown specks turned to gold. “I found Márya hiding in a campground at Yosemite, which is in Merced County. Since your brother forced her to quit school and her job when he invaded her life, she didn’t have medical insurance.”

      “But she filed for the order of protection in Los Angeles County.”

      The tiniest shift in the woman’s ramrod posture. What didn’t she want him to know?

      “It’s easier to hide in L.A.,” she said.

      Rosalie hated to be reminded of those last months of Márya’s life. Her friend had lived in constant fear that Charlie would find her. She’d moved every week from one homeless shelter to another. If only she’d accepted Rosalie’s offer of a place to live until they got Márya’s visa straightened out so she could get a job.

      If only … The words echoed through the silence left behind by her friend’s death.

      Rosalie shook the memories off and refocused on the man who sat across from her.

      How could Charlie Thompson have a brother who oozed wealth and power the way Morgan Danby did? Mr. Danby must have been four or five years younger than Charlie, and he didn’t look at all like the stocky, red-haired murderer.

      But her visitor had said something about a trust fund. And someone had had enough money to hire the best criminal defense lawyer in L.A. to represent Charlie. The investment had paid off. They’d plea-bargained down to life with the possibility of parole. The idea that Charlie would ever walk free again tightened Rosalie’s stomach one more notch.

      Another if only—if only she could have claimed attorney/client privilege and refused to answer Mr. Danby’s questions. But she’d known from the start she couldn’t be Márya’s friend and her lawyer at the same time. And given her situation now, she didn’t dare openly obstruct the efforts of Charlie’s family to find out whether he had a child.

      “Ms. Mendelev had no permanent address in Los Angeles,” Mr. Danby said. “So apparently you weren’t a good enough friend to give her a place to hide, as you put it, after she ended her relationship with my brother.”

      “Relationship?” Rosalie’s temper finally snapped. “Like the one between a boxer and his punching bag?”

      The corners of his mouth twitched. No doubt he was pleased he’d broken through her self-control. She softened her face to assume a professionally neutral expression again.

      “I offered to let Márya live with me, but she was a proud woman. And once she had the protection order, she thought she’d be safe. Her attorney, the staff at the shelters where she lived, and I all tried to tell her otherwise, but in her home country defying a court order was something done only by the very brave or the very stupid.” She paused. “Given how viciously he murdered a defenseless woman, I’d guess bravery isn’t your brother’s problem.”

      Mr. Danby had the decency to flinch. “I’ve read the police report on the incident.”

      She swallowed another jolt of anger. A woman’s death was much more than an “incident.” At least, it was in Rosalie’s world. She wasn’t so sure about Morgan Danby’s.

      “Where did you get your information?” she asked him.

      “A private investigator.”

      Maybe she could use that somehow. “A private investigator who worked for you?”

      He glanced away. “For my stepmother Lillian, Charlie’s mother.”

      So this man didn’t share a gene pool with Charlie Thompson. A tightness in her chest she’d scarcely been aware of loosened and she could breathe freely again.

      “You must know it’s not necessarily in the P.I.’s best interest to tell his client everything he knows.” She let that sink in. “But it is in his interest to find leads he could be paid to follow.”

      She might have struck a nerve. After all, Mr. Danby was here himself, which meant someone had had enough sense to fire the P.I. She’d bet it had been Danby.

      “Why should I doubt the investigator’s integrity?” he asked her in a slightly bored tone.

      “Did he provide your stepmother with a copy of the coroner’s report on Ms. Mendelev?”

      Morgan Danby flinched again. “I assume the investigator didn’t think that was something she needed to see.”

      “A smart move on his part. But you see my point.”

      “You’re suggesting the P.I’s claim that a child had survived was a ruse to squeeze more money out of Charlie’s mother.”

      “Did he find any documentary evidence Ms. Mendelev had given birth?”

      She held her breath, outwardly calm, inwardly hollow with fear.

      Danby shook his head.

      “The P.I. found a few people who thought she’d been pregnant when she’d arrived at the homeless shelter in Fresno, and one woman at an L.A. shelter who said she’d seen Ms. Mendelev with a baby shortly before Charlie … before she died.”

      “Staff members at the shelters or residents?”

      “Residents. Staff members always claimed confidentiality when the P.I. talked to them.”

      “As they should, of course. They need to protect their clients from unwanted intrusions into their private lives.” She gave him a pointed look, but he shook it off.

      “Were Ms. Mendelev alive, I would have complete respect for her privacy.”

      Which probably meant he’d have refused to give Márya a dime of Charlie’s money.

      “But if she left a child behind,” Danby continued, “well, of course, that child’s grandmother СКАЧАТЬ